chapter 28

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(Sarah's POV)

I sat on a chair and scrolled through Twitter while Tyler did my hair. "Danielle just ran a Twitter poll to see who is gonna be prom queen." I said. "Really? Who won?" He asked. "It says that she won by a big amount." I said, discouraged. "Aye, don't worry you can't know by a Twitter poll. Not everybody follows Danielle on Twitter." I nodded my head in agreement "Yeah, you're right." I said, feeling better now. "On the bright side, your hair is done and it looks gorgeous!" I smiled and grabbed the hand mirror off the table. "Wow! It looks amazing! Thanks Tyler." I exclaimed, looking at the beautiful curls flowing around my shoulders.

"Okay, now I just need help getting my dress on before Jenna finishes helping Breezy." Tyler picked my dress off his bed. I untied my robe and slid myself into the long and silky white dress. I admired myself in the mirror until I heard a sweet and familiar voice from behind me. "Wow Sar Bear, you look beyond perfect." I turned around to see Breezy in a long dark blue dress. "Baby doll, you look fantastic. I'm so happy I can call you mine." I said, pulling her into a kiss. Then Tay and Jenna walked into the room and screamed "Ew!" and "No PDA!"

I continued to kiss Breezy's lips while flipping Jenna and Tay off. "Hey, no profanity in my room! I'm a child of GOD!" Tyler exclaimed. I pulled out of the long over due kiss and rolled my eyes at Tyler "Tyler, the day you become a 'child of god' is the day that i'm not gay as fuck." Tyler laughed "Well, I guess I'll never be a child of god cause you're the gayest in this room." Tay flipped her hair and said "Bitch please. I'm the gayest!" Then Jenna crossed her arms "I'm the gayest gay in this room!" Tay then put her hands on Jenna's side and tickled her ferociously. "Tay! Fucking stop!" Jenna yelled. "Not until you say i'm the gayest!" Jenna finally held up her arms and said "I surrender! You're the gayest!" Tay stopped and kissed Jenna's cheek "And don't you forget it."

Then Ashley and Phil walked into the room in their dresses. "Drum roll please!" Ash said "Now introducing, the beautiful Hoodie!" We all clapped and oohed at Hoodie in her luscious blue ball gown with her hair pinned back in bobby clips and her sparkly eye shadow. "Wow, Max is gonna shit himself when he sees you, Stel!" I said. "I fucking hope not!" Hoodie yelled, laughing. "Guys, your dates are here!" Tyler called. We all grinned and rushed downstairs, trying not to trip in our heels, to see the guys in their tuxes.

We all got to the stairs and walked down like models and making it look like that scene in a movie where the guy waits downstairs and the his date walks down with music playing in slow mo. The guys whistled at us and clapped. Josh threw money at Tyler. Tyler blew him a kiss and when he finally reached him he hugged him so tight I wanted to cry because it was so cute. Ashley didn't have a date so, she was going in a group with Breezy and me.

Max started crying a little when he finally held Stella in his arms. Dan grabbed Phil and started heavily making out with him. Then Tay and Jenna started tickling each other again. Them after everyone had settled down we headed out to the cars to meet the others at Red Lobster before Prom.

I sat in the passenger seat next to Breezy and Halsey sat in the back. "Turn on some music!" Ash complained. "Fine!" I replied, plugging my phone into the car. "Here's a throwback." I said. Breezy turned the volume all the way up and we rolled the windows down. "I hopped off the plane at LAX with a dream in my cardigan! Welcome to the land of fame, excess! Woah! Am I gonna fit in?" We all yelled "Jumped in the cab here I am for the first time! Look to my right and I see the Hollywood sign! This is all so crazy, everybody seems so famous!" Ashley stood up and put her head out the car roof window and screamed the lyrics. The others all sang along and at this point we drove off still hearing the others getting in their cars and singing Miley Cyrus.

When we got to Red Lobster we all walked in and sat at out reserved table and waited for everybody else.  "Tonight is gonna be fucking sick as frick!" Ashely said. "True story!" Breezy replied. We all looked at the menu and then we heard a bunch of gays walking towards us. "No i'm sitting next to my home girl Sarah!" Brendon said. "Fine, you turd sack." Brendon smiled at Ryan and flipped him off. "Oh sweaty, I guess you don't wanna get laid by daddy tonight then?" Brendon said, smiling innocently. "No, Bden please!" Brendon grinned "Fine, only cause I really love you." Ryan smirked at him "I love you too." Then Dan clapped and wiped a fake tear "How touching, now when is the waiter gonna get his ass over here and get my fucking order?" Phil grabbed Dan's hand "Calm down Babe. He'll be with us soon!"

Eventually the waiter did get our orders and soon enough everyone was chowing down on various seafoods. Once we all finished we rushed back to our cars so we could get to prom before all the festivities started.

Breezy, Halsey, and I drove up to the building prom was being held at. When we got there the first thing we did was get our picture taken together. Then we ran into the room. Music blared loudly and teenagers sang along and danced. "Let's get this fucking party started!" I yelled. We all started dancing around to some Selena Gomez song. Soon more of our gay ass friends showed up and there was so many of us in one area we basically made a pit. Then it was time for Pierce The Veil to take the stage.

"Hey everybody, I'm Vic, that's Jaime, that's Tony, and back there is Mike and we're Pierce The Veil!" Kellin started yelling and screaming for them, a tear rolling down his cheek. Tony started ripping at his guitar and Jaime started headbanging. Mike banged the drums so hard I thought they might break. Then Vic started singing. Using that beautiful voice of his. Everybody jumped around dancing as the band played. Brendon started dry humping Ryan and Josh had his tongue so deep in Tyler I thought he would choke.

Then Vic tapped the mike and said "Everybody grab a partner and hold them so tight and never let go of them. This song is called The Balcony Scene." I grabbed a hold of Breezy's waist and we danced together, her head resting on my shoulder. Kellin stood by the side of the stage and just looked up at Vic with pride and love. I looked over at Ryan who was currently getting a hickey on his neck from Brendon. When the beautiful song ended Breezy lifted up their head and kissed me softly on the lips.

Then our principal Mr.Hoppus stood on the stage. "Alright everyone you voted online for the Prom King and Queen and now your votes are in. This year's South Eastern High Prom King is.... Troye Sivan!" Troye jumped up and down excitedly and ran up on the stage. "Thank you guys so much! I appreciate all if you so much for respecting me as a male and voting me for Prom King. I will never forget this night." Then Mr.Hoppus placed a golden crown on his head. Troye started crying and waving as he stood on the other side of the stage. "Alright everybody! The winner for the part of Prom Queen is... Patty Stump!" Patty started bouncing up and down and pulled Pete into a big hug. She ran onto the stage and shook Mr.Hoppus' hand. "Thank you guys so much! Troye really said alot  of what i'm thinking right now. I'm just so happy people respect me. Thank you guys!" Then Patty stood on the stage next to Troye. "Alright I have a third crown up here because, i'm starting a new tradition. This year's first Gender Neutral Royalty of Prom is... Breezy Douglas!" Breezy's eyes popped open and they grabbed a hold of me and we jumped up and down together, squealing with glee. Breezy walked up onto the stage "Thank you Mr.Hoppus for making this a thing. I know the future students who are gender neutral will love this as much as I do. Thank you loves!"

Breezy walked back over to me and we walked into the spotlight along with Troye and Connor and Patty and Pete. They played a slow song and we all waltzed to it. It was the most romantic night of my life.

Afterwards some of us stayed at eachothers houses. Brendon and Ryan were nowhere to be seen after Pierce The Veil played. And Breezy and I fell asleep on Ashley's couch together. Ot was a night i'll never forget.

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