Chapter 19 - Back to England

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I woke up upside down and confused, I groaned slightly before lifting my heavy head to see I was upside down on the couch, I slowly moved my body sideways so I was laying in the couch properly, I slowly sat up and seen the bodies of everyone just laying around the sitting room and down towards the rooms

I got to my feet and stretched before walked around the bodies before grabbing a bottle of water and drinking it "ah" I sighed before feeling arms wrap around me, I turned around and seen Shannon "morning" she smiled "morning" she slowly released me before smiling "is that offer still on the table?" She asked, I stared at her in confusion before realising what she was getting at, when I offered her to move to England with me, "yeah" I nodded taking another sip of the water before offering her some "goof because I'm going with you" she smiled, my mouth dropped opened before a smile spread across my face, I hugged her tightly and jumped Up and down "you, you'll love it" she slowly nodded before walking away "I'm gonna have to tell joey" she said with a slight frown, I could only nod because I didn't know how he'd react

I put my water down before walking around the sleeping bodies again before my legs where hugged, I heard a chuckled and when I looked down I seen Sid hugging my legs, I slowly kneeled down in front of him and stroked his head before leaning down and kissing him "I'm not letting you go without feeling our skin connecting" he said in husky voice, I smiled before lacing my fingers in his, he groaned before laughing as he lifted his head "I meant like this" he smiled before grabbing me and placing his face in my breasts, I giggled and acted dumb "oh well you didn't specify what type of skin to skin contact" I giggled before walking off the bus "catch me kitten" I whispered before watching him slowly get up and once he was in the clear he ran after me, we ran for a good ten minutes before he caught me "what's my reward?" He asked stroking my fingers, I slowly slipped his finger in my mouth and sucked it "whatever you want" I smiled "you right now" he growled in my ear seductively before nibbling on my earlobe, oh he knew how to turn me on so well

"Okay this is my treat for you, I'm going all out for this" I said in a serious tone before smiling when he smiled, he carried me into the house and pressed me against the wall before his lips found mine, I bit his lip and pulled it lightly, he moved his lips down to my neck and nibbled and sucked my hot skin, "take this off" I moaned pulling at his t-shirt, he obeyed me and pulled his top off before taking mine off, and unclipped my bra, I threw it across the room before he set me on my feet, I popped the button on his jeans and pulled them and his boxers down, I grabbed him and kissed him intensely before pushing him down on the bed, he looked at me and I could see how dark his eyes where with desire, he sat up and grabbed me by my waist and kissed my stomach swirling his tongue around my skin sending chills down my spine

He grabbed my shorts and unbuttoned them before pulling them down to fall at my feet, I moaned when he gently hooked his fingers in my panties, then he pulled them down and suddenly was licking me out, I moaned as my legs trembled threatening to collapse under me, Sid's hands found mine and our fingers intertwined together, my grip tightened on his hands and before my legs could buckle he stopped and pushed me down on the bed before continuing what he started, with my legs on his shoulders, I grabbed his head showing him I liked what he was doing there, I moaned loudly before my moans because a repeat of "yes and "Sid" which I Knew he liked then I had a intense orgasm, my body trembled and jerked as I was overcoming that mind blowing orgasm,

Sid slowly kissed his way up my body before finding my lips, his tongue licked my lower lip begging for entrance, I, of course, allowed it and our tongues began to massage together, I wrapped my legs around his waist and felt his member poking at my entrance, I wanted him now, "I want you inside me now" I demanded, he chuckled before looking at me "demanding girl aren't you?" He chuckled before he slowly kissed my breasts, starting with the right one then the left, I slammed my hands on the bed and sat up, getting to fave level with him then I smashed my lips to his before flipping us over so I was on top "oh now you're taking control" he teased,

I smirked at him before leaning down and kissing his neck because I knew he secretly liked it before I moved over to his ear and began whispering while stroking around his body "two people can play the teasing game" he moaned and I laughed softly, I pressed my lips to his and nibbled on his bottom lip as his hands slowly stroked up from my butt to my breasts, our tongues began to massage together and I decided I wasn't going to tease him like he teased me I was going to let him do what he wants, he slowly sat up and stroked my hair as our kiss became quite passionate, I gently cupped his face before sliding my hand around the back of his head holding his lips to mine, he lifted me up slightly before he entered me, we moaned at the same time against each others lips, I slowly began to move, his hands lightly stroked his hands down my back and held me close to his body "I love you" he moaned in a whisper, I opened my mouth to speak but instead of words I moaned "I love ... you too" I finally managed,

we smiled at each other before he began kissing my neck, I grabbed the back of his neck before he grabbed my leg and held my body to his so he could turn us around so he was in top, our sweaty bodies sticking together as he moved, I moaned against his parted lips and he smiled "Lilly" he moaned in a raspy whisper as I tightened my legs around his waist "oh my ... Sid, oh god" I moaned as he picked up his pace, then I felt it, the orgasm it was there right there, then it erupted inside me, tingling every ounce of my body like I just got electrocuted, with a pleasure filled squeal I jerked uncontrollably then he finished soon after me, he collapsed on top of me, our breathing heavy and fast, he slowly lifted his head and pressed his lips to mine in a quick kiss before rolling off me "damn" he said breathlessly.

We arrived at the airport and all began to walk into the airport, the goodbyes where rushed as I wasted most my time in bed with Sid, I was going to miss them all so much, but a say without Sid will be torture I know it because I've done this before, my family where excited whereas I was slightly depressed because I was going to miss them, I'm not going to wake up to Sid beside me and the guys being crazy like always,

I was going to wake up everyday wondering if my mum was going to die that day, I slugged behind my family and then I seem my other family standing waiting for me, a smile spread across my face and I ran towards them all "what are you guys doing here?" I asked when we where in a group hug "well we bought Shannon down" Craig said seriously before smiling "and we wanted to say a proper goodbye" he added before hugging me, Shannon rushed over to me and hugged me "goodbye Lilly and Shannon we will miss you!" They all cheered, then Sid walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me and I inhaled deeply wanting to savour his scent

"I love you" we said at the same time before laughing, he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine, I sighed in happiness and all to quickly he pulled away but continued embracing me,like he was going to say I'm not going home and he's kidnapping me, but he soon released me and stood in front of me like we only just met each other "I love you guys" I said as I began to cry again, we all huddled together and had our heads pressed together "I'm sorry to break this up but we have to go" dad said holding my weak mother's arm in support, I pulled away and frowned before smiling "I'll see you again, I know it" they all nodded and then cheered "we'll make sure of it and we'll keep in touch always even get that fucking video chat thing....Skype that the name" Corey said making me laugh "of course" I smiled before frowning again "bye bye" I whispered wagging my hand like a child "we love you Lilly, we love you Shannon, until we meet again stay safe" they all said/sang

Shannon hooked her arm in mine and we slowly walked after my family taking one last glance at the guys before they disappeared out of sight.

Now back to England!! Yay *note sarcasm*

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