Chapter 8 - Sid's babysitter

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Sid's feet where put into black supports and he was told to rest for awhile, which meant he was going home for awhile "the fans are going to be gutted man" sid groaned covering his face as he sat on the wheelchair

i rubbed his back and looked around "i cant believe you broke your fucking feet sid" corey groaned covering his face, i knelt beside him and looked at him before leaving the room for a smoke "he jumped from the 12 foot high stage behind joey and waddled over to me, i honestly didnt know what the fuck happened to him, he was complaining about pain but i didnt know it was this bad" chris said suddenly appearing

"i dont like to see him hurt" i said, he looked at me for a moment then rubbed his lip "i dont want you to get hurt" he said, i smiled at him and took another drag before passing it to him "i'm a big girl, i think i can fend for myself" i said, we were speaking with quite like voices, there was no need to be loud or shout while we outside in the warm quite night

he chuckled to himself and pinched his top lip before his face became very serious "if i told you something that....that wa the god honest truth, would you think of me as a bad person?" chris asked, i thought about that for a moment before looking at him "i wouldnt want to know" i said, he shifted onto his other foot then leaned against the bus

"why?" he asked completely intrested in what i had to say "because i'm scared of the truth, im scared of getting hurt scared of losing my dream" i said, i stared into his eyes before clearing my throat "thats very reasonable" he said handing me my joint back, i smiled at him before he smiled "wheeewww its getting chilly" he smiled "na this is nothing compared to the UK" i chuckled smoking more before putting it out, i continued thinking about what chris said, why did he bring up secrets, i was finished my smoke so we both went in and found them all singing again

i sat beside sid but suddenly he pulled me onto his lap and held me tight, i lay my head on his shoulder and we watched as the boys all sang, sid and i joining in at times "and people always asked me why you rock" i smiled "this just proves it" i giggled, corey laughed and the others then joined in, i smiled and rested my head against sids chest again

he slowly leaned down and i met his lips half way and we began kissing "get a room"corey shouted throwing beer on us "corey!" i groaned standing up, i grabbed the bottle and began shaking it all over him, joey fell to the floor laughing and paul and craig attempted to hold their laughs in

i kissed corey's nose then went back to sid, i sat on his lap again and he began wheeling off "i'm so badass" he laughed before wheeling us off to his room, he slid into bed and i lay beside him, he smiled and wrapped his arms around me "i hope these dont annoy you" he whispered stroking my hair "nope" i smiled wrapping my leg around his

"im glad" he smiled, i kissed his nose then his lips and slowly closed my eyes.

3 days later

"i need to get back on the stage" sid said as he messed with his DJ decks, he turned it on and let it begin to play, he did a couple scratches and noises then looked at me, "baby please let me go on stage" he said pouting his lip, i smirked at him and shook my head "baby you meant to be on rest" i mocked, he made a crying noise and wheeled over to me suddenly his dog jumping on him

i stroked its ears then walked away "maryjane is missing you already!" he called as he wheeled through the house, i walked over and picked her up "fine i'll stay with her" i smiled before skipping off

"you fucking bitch, you stole my dog" he shouted, before wheeling into the next room at super speed, i squealed as his chair skidded and crashed into the dinning table knocking him and if to the floor, "hahaha that was awesome, lets do it again" he laughed, i pulled him onto his chair then crossed my arms

"sid-" i began but the front door opened and the boys walked in "Sid we fucking need you man, its so werid you not being there" jim said moving his hair "yeah i know man, i miss it but miss babysitter here wont let me go" sid complained, "go suck camel dick sid" i flipped him off, clown walked in laughing and hugged me "you make me proud" he laughed before flipping sid off again, sid leaned back and covered his face

"what the fuck happened to the table" joey asked lifting it up straight "well Lilly stole my dog-" Sid began but everyone groaned "the dog again Sid" Paul laughed "yeah that's my baby" he said, he looked at them annoyed and as chris and Craig made cute faces, Sid slowly smiled not able to stop himself "fuck you guys" he chuckled

"I'm coming back you guys" he said, they all smiled and nodded "yes you have to Sid, the live shows are different the atmosphere is different when you're not there" Shawn said smacking the back of Sid head, I chuckled to myself and smiled at Shawn "awww you really do love him" I smiled tapping Shawn's back

He pushed me and tutted "no my dear, he is a brother to me but I will knock him on his ass if he's out of place" Shawn said, I gulped and swerved away from him and went to be near Mick for protection.

I slowly kissed Sid as the others got ready "Sid hurry the fuck up!" Corey shouted as he finished off fixing his top, I laughed at Sid as he flipped him off "I seen that you wee fucker" Corey said throwing a paint brush at his head

Sid moved just in time and the brush smacked loudly into the wall "fuck!" I said in shock from the noise "fuck you" Sid said lifting his mask, I kissed him again and stroked his face "I'll see you after" he smiled, I kissed his mask and he moved his masks eyebrows making me chuckled "be careful" I said, he nodded and moved the eyebrows again then moved his mouth

"I'm done" he said, the band members cheered and laughed "finally! now lets do this shit!" Corey roared, Sid out me on his knee and the security pushed his chair so he didn't have to, they all huddled up as usual an began saying words of encouragement "lets do this and rock the maggots world!" Corey roared, "on three say Sid fucking feet" Corey said "one two three" "Sid's fucking feet!" they all roared then they all began roaring to release the nerves and get prepared for the show

"Let's do this!" they all shouted before walking to the stage "go sid!" I shouted as he wheeled himself into position, the show was great then when the music stopped Corey went over to Sid "everyone say hi Sid" Corey laughed the audiences repeated "say you broke your fucking feet Sid!" Corey shouted again the audience repeated

"Come on show them...come on mother fucker show them... get those fucking things in the air motherfucker!" Corey shouted, Sid spun around and lifted his legs then Corey went on to tell the audience that Sid said to him he didn't care about himself because he was worried more about the maggots and didn't give a shit about himself

I cheered and smiled while clapping ........... Oh my god did I actually love Sid! like I mean actual love! or is this false love like what I had with Tom......

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