Chapter 21 - Reunion

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Corey and Clown seemed to be the only one talking right now, Shannon and I just shared glances from time to time, could this walk be any longer, I slowed down when I seen Marilyn Manson walking into a trailer "Shannon that was Marilyn fucking Manson" I squealed before clapping "babble babble bitch bitch rebel rebel party party sex sex sex and don't forget the violence" we chanted together before laughing "oh Marilyn wherefore art thou Marilyn" Shannon yelled making me burst out laughing "hey Marilyn we came to see a mobscene" I joined in making us laugh like big kids

"Fuck sake you guys haven't changed" Corey laughed tapping our shoulders before we finally stopped "this is where we are staying" Corey smiled, holding his arms out "so you're staying in a tour bus like your old tour bus" I smiled "yeah only this one is way better" Craig finally spoke "well let's see then" Shannon smiled biting her tongue lightly "go on in" Clown smiled, we quickly went inside and smiled "now this is more like home" we laughed before looking towards the guys "you coming in or are you going to stay out there and give us tour bus all for ourselves" they all entered the bus and sat down as we stood looking at them, taking in the situation we where in

"You wanna sit down or anything?" Jim asked gesturing towards the sofa "yeah give us a second" I said softly, I looked at Shannon who's eyes widened slightly "Lilly, you're bleeding" she giggled slightly before grabbing a dish cloth and pressing it to my nose "thanks" I smiled taking hold of the cloth and putting pressure on my nose "well you still bleed like a stuck pig" someone piped up, I spun around and seen coco, a smile spread across my face before she hurried over to us and jumped into our arms "this is the first time in a long time that I came back on tour with the boys but you know I thought maybe there was a chance that you guys might be there" she giggled before I noticed the bump in her belly "oh my god" I squealed hugging her again, it took Shannon some time but soon she seen it too and hugged coco, I looked up for a moment and seen Sid wasn't there anymore, I slowly pulled away from the hug and smiled slightly, coco looked at me before coming closer "you have to speak to him some time, why not talk sooner rather than later" she moved away and smiled before winking

I nodded slightly before walking over to the guys and Mick pointed towards a door "congratulations" I mouthed to him before I lightly knocked on the door, everyone where talking to Shannon and coco now, letting me get on with my business, the door opened and I seen Sid with his mask still on but his body was exposed and it made my thighs clench together "hi" I said softly waving my hand once, he stared at me for a moment and didn't say anything, I sighed before getting into the bathroom with him "hi" I repeated lifting my hand to touch his mask which I held myself back from doing, he could be with anyone right now and I didn't want to come between it, instead I tapped his mask lightly "hi" he said before he continued taking his mask off "so how is everything?" I whispered, I don't even know why I whispered but I did, it was like I would scare him off if I spoke any louder "it's been .... busy" he finally spoke making me smile slightly "so any boyfriend?" He asked finally getting that damn mask off, I smiled over his question "no, no one, I'm just a single pringle" I said "and you?" I asked feeling nervous over just those two words he sighed and shook his head as he cleaned his face, he looked into the mirror and stared at me through that before turning around and facing me, water now dripping off his face and sliding down his bare chest and back

He put his hand on the door behind me and leaned closer, like he was studying me, before he gently stroked my chin and under my nose "you have blood everywhere" he said, I gulped and pressed my back firmly against the door as he leaned in closer to me, I avoided eye contact but soon my eyes got glued to his lips then his eyes then his lips again

"You look different" he said "is that a good different or a bad-" "a good different" he said cutting me off mid sentence "but those eyes are the same and your lips are definitely the same apart from that cut right there" he said his voice low and soft just as soft as his touch on my bottom lip "I might have to get it fixed" I mumbled "I can try fixing it" he said "you good with stitches?" "As good as a professional", wow did we really just have a small quick back and forth question and answer moment there

"So I can place my lip in your hands and I can know for certain that you'd fix it?" I asked breathlessly "yes it will be fixed in a matter of minutes" he said, he was so close to me right now and before I could grab him and take his lips captive coco began knocking on the door "pregnant woman needs to pee!" She shouted, he moved away from me and I opened the door and left and Sid followed me out

"I'm going for a smoke" I announced, like everyone needed to know I was going for a smoke, I quickly grabbed my cigarette packet before walking off the bus, I lit up and sighed before leaning against the bus and closing my eyes "chill out Lilly, stop with your dirty thoughts" I scolded myself, then I heard the door open and Shannon appeared "hey what happened? Was the flame rekindled" she said as she boogied down the steps, I shook my head and scoffed "not enough time to rekindle anything" I gave her a small smile before running my hands through my hair "well what the hell you doing out here, get back in there, jump his bone if you have to" she laughed pushing me towards the bus "no I'm gonna finish this cigarette first anyway, he is acting like we don't even know each other" I admitted "of course it's awkward, you haven't seen each other in 4 years" she whispered holding my shoulders, I nodded in agreement, of course it was awkward, it has been a long time, now that she's mentioned it, it finally was clear, I dropped the remainder of my cigarette and looked at her with a small smile before we walked back into the tour bus "hey, Lilly I'm sorry about your mom" Craig gave me a small smile while her rubbed my back "thank you" I hugged him before everyone decided to say the same thing which made me feel better.

Everyone decided to leave for interviews, and Shannon and I stayed behind, I sat down on a chair and looked at my phone, maybe I should call dad and ask him about Paulina, I slowly took out my phone and pressed dads number before waiting "hello?" My exhausted dad answered "hey dad, I'm just checking up on Paulina.... from the sound of your voice she's been giving you a hard time" I giggled "oh no she's an angel" he said sarcastically "I'll be home soon dad..." I went silent for a moment when I heard walking behind me, I spun around to see Sid walking around "say hello to mummy" dad said before a load of rustling then a giggle "hey mummy" Paulina said all cutely "hey baby girl" I said as I walked outside "how's my little girl doing?" I asked when I finally got outside seeing the guys in the distance

"Grandpa is sleepy but I'm not sleepy because I am waiting for you to come back mummy" she said during a yawn "well mummy will be back tomorrow, so you'll have to sleep to be awake for when mummy comes home" I explained slowly "okay mummy, I wove you" she whispered into the phone "I wove you too Paulina" I laughed before dad came back on the phone "right sweetheart are you okay?" He asked "dad you won't believe this but the slipknot guys are here and now we are with them" I said "well .... that's unexpected..... it's good though because now you can tell Sid about Paulina" he chuckled making my stomach drop, ah fuck that's something else to add to the fucking list of things to do

"Yeah I guess it's a perfect time" I smiled before sighing "I'll talk to you later dad" I said before hanging up, just in time because the guys arrived back.

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