Chapter 6 - Coco takes no shit

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"drink it drink it drink it!" the girls screamed as i chugged down a beer, they screamed and cheered as i finished it "whoop whoop" Shannon cheered, somehow we started fully clothed and now we were in our tops and just our guys underwear with knee high sock

"i am all but what am i? another number that isn't equal to any of you, i control but i comply, pick me apart then pick up the pieces, I'M UNEVEN" we all sang before making the drumming nose, after we finished we laughed and drunk a bit more.

"how did we all get this lucky?" i whispered as we all lay on our backs in a circle looking at the roof of the bus "its was all coco, she did this for us" Sam said grabbing coco's hand, "i dont know what it is but i just seen something in all you guys, that you just dont see in some people" she said stroking my hair, i looked at her and smiled "what happened with Sid?" Shannon asked

"yeah you said you did something stupid what happened did you say a ex's name during sex?" Sam asked, i rubbed my head and lifted my hands in the air "so heres what happened, we are in the moment and i say i fucking love you....and he has kind of a weird reaction, and i just left" i said while making shapes in the air

"oh fuck you didn't" Shannon said serious for the first time ever "yeah that was my reaction" i said covering my eyes "anyway then i was floored by you guys" i said, then all said aww and i slowly turned around and sat up, they all did the same and looked at me "do you feel actual love for him or was it just in that moment" coco asked

i took a deep breath and let myself think about it for a moment, they all looked at me "i do love him....i definitely feel love for him but i know its wrong" i said "let's go tell him" Shannon laughed pulling her jeans on and Sam and coco did the same running off the bus, i gasped and pulled my high waisted shorts on then i ran after them into the stadium leaving the security men and bus driver to look after the bus

i ran as fast as i could until i seen them walking onto the stage, i ran after them and jumped on them making us all fall onto the stage, they all fought me off and began going towards Sid, i grabbed their legs and tripped them, Sid jumped down of his stand and grabbed us "what are you all at?!" he shouted over the music pushing us back to the side "we need to tell you something" Sam shouted, he looked at us

i smiled and pushed them back "we're drunk go back to your stand you're missing your cues" i said suddenly i seen Martha appear at the other side of the stage and Sid noticed as well i walked onto the stage about to go over but Sid grabbed me and kissed me "i'll deal with her later" he shouted, with widened eyes i just noticed he did this infront of all these fans, he jumped back onto his stand and looked at me

"let's go girls" Shannon shouted, "no we aren't starting stuff during their show" i said, Martha had disappeared already, and when we turned around she was beside me and she threw her drink on me, i gasped and glared at her, Sid looked over and seen her, he jumped off his stand again and looked at her "hey baby" she smiled pushing past us and she kissed him, i grabbed her and pushed her off him "Martha stop it!" coco shouted, i slammed against her and we both fell onto the stage floor, then she stood up grabbing me then she pushed me and i was in the crowd

the music suddenly stopped and the crowds were so loud, i screamed as someone stood on me, everyone screamed and began cheering, i felt someone grab me and hit me, i looked up and seen some fans who looked shocked, i got scratched and my clothes started to get ripped, they knew i was with slipknot and that i just made out with Sid "bring us to meet them" a load of fans cried

i knew it wasn't there fault they loved slipknot, suddenly i was grabbed and lifted up over the crowd, someone grabbed my hair trying to keep me there which hurt but finally i was out of the crowd, Sid grabbed me and looked at me then hugged me "your lip's busted" he said stroking my hair "it was that fucking bitch!" i shouted beginning to cry, my arm was sore, my top was ruined and Martha was back

a crowd member came forward and grabbed my arm, Sid exploded and began hitting him "leave her alone!" he shouted before grabbing me and helping me back onto the stage, the girl grabbed me and walked me back to the bus "holy shit your top is fucked" Shannon said touching a piece that was hanging down "we should have stayed here" i said

the girls went quite and coco disappeared before handing me a cloth "sweetheart you just dont have any luck" Sam said "i was lucky enough to get here" i said sinking onto the couch "the boys aren't going to be happy when they get back" coco said "fuck this shit man i'm going to joey's room i ain't facing Corey as he shouts at us

we all laughed at her then coco ran off the bus, we all looked at each other then ran to the door "go coco!" Shannon screamed as coco kicked the shit out of Martha "you hurt this girl again, i'll fucking kill you!" she shouted "you crazy fucking bitch" martha shouted, coco turned around and punched her in the face "i take no shit from no one you skank!" she shouted before getting back on the bus then martha threw something at her kncoking her out

"you fucker!" we all screamed attacking her.

corey paced the bus and all the guys looked at us chris, craig and paul all laughed in the corner, i held coco and looked at her as she was still coming around "are you all big children or something!" he shouted "she fucking knocked her out corey!" i shouted not looking at him, i wiped my over my mouth and seen it was bleeding again "fuck sake" i growled not bothering with it "coco" i said putting a hot cloth on her forehead

"yes she was knocked out but martha went to hospital" he shouted "you could have easily killed her and yes she maybe a bitch but i dont want a death on my hands, i rolled my eyes and slowly coco opened her eyes "baby" mick said walking over to her, i patted her forehead with the hot cloth and then tapped it gentley over her face

mick stroked her hair and soothed her, "she didnt deserve it" corey said, i stood up and walked over to him "yes she fucking did!" i shouted "she doesnt push me off stage then hurt my friend! she just cant be aloud to get away with that" i grumped, he crossed his arms then walked off "fuck this shit!" he shouted, i looked at the others who were looking at me and i flipped them off making them laugh before i left the bus

it was raining now, and the blood on the sidewalk was being washed away, i walked away from the bus not bothered with listening to the men whistling at me, when we carried coco in i speared a couple seconds to get a top for myself, i looked around seen a couple shops, i walked into one and got the staire down from the worker, he was cute, young and most likely innocent, i walked around and grabbed some alcohol before walking to the counter

"if i let you kiss me and touch my boob can you give this to me for free?"  i asked, he looked down for a moment then nodded, i jumped onto the counter and grabbed his hand then put it on my boob, "wow" he smiled "you like that? have you never touched a boob before?" i asked he shook his head and i rose my eyebrows "oh wellim glad to be your first" i smiled before kissing him, he moaned as i bit his lip then i pulled it out and continued kissing him, he squeezed my boob so i jumped down beside him behind the counter and kissed him more.

i left the shop after about half an hour leaving the boy in shock with a hard on, i opened the bottle and began gulping the voldka down, i looked around and still seen those ugly old men cheering and whistling i got back to the bus and couldnt even find the step, i stumbled up them and finally got inside,i put the bottle down and walked towards Sid's room

i opened the door and closed it, i giggled to myself and one of his older masks, i slowly slipped it on and he walked out of the bathroom "what are you-" before he could finish, i pushed him back making him fly back onto the bed, i pulled off my clothes and when i got to my bra and underwear i walked over to him quickly and climbed up him, he slid his hands up my leg then sat up lifting me off him, i pushed him again this time against the wall

he lifted me up and plopped me down on the bed, i grabbed the mask and pulled it off before kissing him

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