Chapter 9 - Truth while on drugs

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Chris's POV

I stuck my middle finger up at the fans and they did it back, the background music played as we all walked around and waved to our fans, I grabbed a couple drum sticks and tossed them to the fans, they screamed loudly and reached their hands out, so I leaned down and touched their hands

They screamed loudly and I could here some calling my name and saying they loved us, i stroked the nose of my mask and that made them go crazy, I waved at them and walked on to see Sid wheeling himself down to the stage, he looked around and everyone cheered his name, the camera man filmed his from a angle that made him look almost heroic

I waved again before walking past Sid and then I seen Lilly and the other girls, I smiled at them and Lilly hugged me "that performance was amazing" she smiled "thanks, but Lilly I need to talk to you" I said "okay" she smiled "later today okay" I said, she nodded so I walked away, she needed to know the truth and I am willing to tell her everything I saw that day and I wasn't going to sugar coat it.

Lilly's POV

Chris seemed off and he really wanted to talk to me, something must have been bothering him, Sid wheeled backstage and wiggled the mask's eyebrows, I laughed at him and hugged him "that was amazing" I smiled, he chuckled and sighed "I love the feeling of being out there again" he smiled, I was happy he was happy

We went backstage and met some fans, I sat with the girls and smoked some weed "lilly?" someone said, I looked around and then seen that guy Phil and my friends, Lai and Joan, I slowly smiled and jumped up "Lai! Joan!" I squealed hugging them, they cheered with me and then I turned to see Phil staring at me, he looked kinda sad, i let my smile fade and I looked at him

"What have you done to yourself" he said sounding shocked "sorry?" I asked confused "you've changed" he said, I handed Shannon my joint and looked at him "you really have" Joan said "come back home lilly" Lai said grabbing my hands, I pulled away and rubbed my head "no" I said "please Lilly your family are wondering were you are, you left your life behind in England" Joan said, I shook my head and backed away from them "this is my life now" I whispered

Joan nodded slowly then walked over to the band members, Lai shook her head and got tears in her eyes "please" she whispered, I slowly backed away and went into the back so no one could annoy me, I sat for a moment then Shannon came into the room and knelt in front of me "you okay Hunni?" she asked "I don't want to go back but I miss them you get what I mean" I said "yeah but we are your friends now and we are here for you" Shannon smiled, I nodded and then we walked out to see, Mick and Corey holding Phil back "she was innocent!" he shouted as security pulled him out of the room

I looked at the band before running outside after him "phil!" I shouted he turned around and looked at me "you have no right! you don't even know me!" I shouted "I know more than they do! I know that you are kind, and sweet and beautiful" he said before grabbing me and kissing me

I pushed him away and fell onto my butt "goodbye Phil... For the second time" I said stumbling to my feet, I ran back inside and seen the two girls talking to the band getting them to sign their stuff, I ran my fingers through my hair and Chris walked over "Lilly what's wrong?" he asked, I looked around before hugging him, he kissed my head, then my legs gave up, I fell down and he caught me and yeah I couldn't remember what happened.

Sid's POV

I seen Lilly walk out and Shannon followed her, then that guy looked at us "you see what you've done to her" that Phil guy said, I looked at him but obviously he couldn't see my expression inside my mask, I moved the eyebrows and he charged at me "you fucking bastard" he shouted, Corey and Mick pushed him away from me then Lilly came out and Phil walked off, she looked at us and ran outside

I began taking my mask off and when I got it off and threw it onto the couch, I covered my face and then smiled at the girls "so you know lilly?" I asked, they sat down and smiled "yeah she's our best friend" one said

I smiled and grabbed the poster and signed it, then seen Chris stand up and walk over to a weird looking lilly, I looked at them and Chris hugged her, I felt a feeling of anger inside me and I just wanted to hit him but then something happened "lilly?" she said bending down

"She's fainted" Chris said, looked at the guys and wheeled myself over "is she okay?" I asked "she's fine" Chris said lifting her into his arms "I'll go lay her down" he said "no it's okay i'll being her" I said quickly "if you want to come with me you can" he said looking a bit annoyed maybe it's because I was being really hard on him

We went to the bus and Chris lay Lilly on my bed, then he looked at me "what?" I asked, he looked at me then grabbed me lifting me off my wheelchair "don't hurt her Sid, she's too innocent" I said, I nodded and he let me go, I looked at him and smiled "you wouldn't hit someone in a wheelchair" I said "no but I'd hit you he said "take what I say seriously" Chris warned before walking away.

Lilly's POV

I woke up and heard the guys husky voices talking outside the room, meaning they where in the sitting area, I slowly slid out of the bed and walked out of the room "hello, you're just in time" Sid laughed and he was standing "what are you doing!" I scolded "I'm testing my legs out" He smiled, I walked over and he pointed at his crutches

"Got those babies, now I can move myself around" he said "you making pancakes?" I asked smelling them "yep and bacon" he smiled, my stomach growled and I smiled "yummy" I smiled before sitting next to Paul and Joey "how you feeling?" joey asked "I'm okay" I smiled then Chris walked in looking exhausted "hey you're awake, you've been out the whole night" he smiled kissing my cheek

I smiled and looked at him "we can talk later" I whispered, he nodded and smiled before sitting down, I jumped up and then realised my clothes where off and I was wearing pj shorts and vest, I looked at Chris and he pointed at Sid "thanks" I said as I walked to his wee cooking area, I grabbed the plates and bought them out to the sitting area, Sid turned off the cooker and left the extra good on a plate covered with a plastic cover

He sat on his wheelchair and wheeled over "enjoy" he smiled, we all got stuck in and finally the girls and the other guys woke up, they couldn't resist the smell of the food but one person who didn't show up was coco "where's coco?" I asked "she's sick" Mick said

I stood up and walked into the room where she was sleeping, I climbed on the bed and hugged her, she groaned and opened her eyes "hey sweetie" she said with half closed eyes, I kissed her nose and got under the covers

And we stayed like this for awhile, before I decided I needed to go for a smoke, I kissed coco's cheek and walked out of the room "good time to talk?" Chris asked, I nodded and smiled grabbing a joint, I walked outside with him and lit it up "lilly i really need to tell you something" chris said, i took a smoke and closed my eyes from the intense kick this stuff had

"go on" i said "lilly sid slept with martha" he said, i looked at him for a moment before bursting out in laughter "you're too high to even realise" chris sighed.

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