Chapter 20 - Years

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4 Years Later

With my headphones on, I walked around my flat and picked up the dirty laundry, singing the songs on my phone which of course was set to shuffle because who wants a song to repeat, then the song ended and killpop began to play in my ears, I froze for a moment and closed my eyes, this song is amazing, I swayed to the music for a moment before nodding my head, I quickly opened my eyes and continued cleaning up "maybe I should let her go but only when she loves me, she loves me" I sang the chorus before putting my laundry into the washing machine then my doorbell went off, it was loud enough to get my attention, I opened my window and looked out to see Shannon, I quickly ran downstairs and opened the door, she jumped up and down and stepped inside "dude, this friend of mine gave me two tickets to download, we are so going!" She squealed as she held up the tickets "wow that's awesome, it's been a long time since I went to any rock slash metal show" I smiled, she put the tickets in her bag and walked with me upstairs my flat, "you cleaning?" She asked "yeah just getting some shit sorted" I smiled "oh shit, I forgot what day it was" Shannon gasped "it's okay, we've already been down to the grave" I gave her a weak smile before turning on the washing machine

You maybe wondering, last thing I read you just left the slipknot dudes and you don't plan on explaining what happened, well I will give you the short story

When we got back home, I finally noticed how sick my mother really was, there where days she was energetic, that was the calm before the storm because then she's had a load of bad days where she was vomiting her guts up and then couldn't get out of bed, then after a good couple of months after I returned home, mum was bed bound, unable to move, she pretty much had no control over her body, and she'd get extremely embarrassed and upset when she had an accident, and then a couple of weeks past and mum was in the hospital, on life support then she passed away and it was the worst moment in my life, mum and I where always really close but when she was sick we grew even closer, my family and I took her death really bad and got very depressed, on her funeral, she looked like an angel and it was the perfect ceremony

Shannon's laugh snapped me out of my thoughts "hey stop zoning out, haven't you been sleeping?" She asked "actually no I haven't, sleep has been a hard thing to do lately" I smiled "well get well rested because download is in a couple days" she smiled, I nodded before frowning slightly "what's wrong?" She asked "I have to book work off" I groaned before smiling the plan smile "I know what to do" I smiled before grabbing my phone "I'm going to plant the seed right now" I whispered before calling work.. my excuse... it was I was so ill the toilet was my new best friend, and I'm saying this nicely for anyone reading this while eating.


Shannon and I set up our tent and took some selfies, after our time with slipknot people actually recognised who we where, and right now some people where looking at us like they wanted to talk but then they didn't, I yawned and stretched "I'm being serious right now, I couldn't sleep at all, what's wrong with my body?" I groaned Shannon tapped my back before shaking her head "it's hard times dude hard times" then we dramatically hugged each other while making crying noises before laughing finally we got the tent up and celebrated because we achieved this damn task

The bands had already began playing we were just running late, I quickly grabbed my phone and fixed my knee high socks before running into the crowd, we pushed through people before we where around the middle, we headbanged and drank beer and headbanged a bit more then drank more beer before we knew it, it was dark now

Then I heard his voice and my heart skipped a beat "Corey?" I whispered "slipknot! slipknot! slipknot!" The crowd chanted including Shannon, I looked at her and she winked at me before putting her devil horns in the air, I slowly smiled and put my devil horns in the air "how are we all tonight!?" Corey asked, we all screamed, then people looked at me then looked away then back at me

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