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"Fuck! Daddy shit! Tear this pussy up! Mmm..." that Sam stud moaned over and over again.

"Yeah, I know you like the way Daddy puts it down." I could hear Ro aggressively replying back.


"Hellooo! Zane, bruh! Fuck wrong with you?!" Teddy yelled snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hm? What?" I said back lowly, it's been a week since Ro let that immigrant in our room. I haven't spoken to her since, I don't know what I was feeling.

I couldn't face Ro, every time she'd smile at me or walk in the room I'd get pissed all over again. Or simply just feel jealous, man I don't know what the fuck is going on with me.

Maybe, I just need to fuck a girl and I'll be straight, Teddy got up off my bed rolling her eyes.

"Fine! Act like you can't hear me then shit..." I could hear annoyance rising up in her voice.

"Yo... I'm sorry I spaced out for a min, what's up?" Her face expression softened when she could hear the sincerity in my voice.

"Nun man, you just been quiet and distant this whole week, are you good?" She asked worriedly.

"Yeah man, I'm straight my bad. Um, you want to do something tonight though?" I asked.

"Uh..." She began scratching the back of her head, "I have plans tonight bro." She finished saying.

I took a deep breath, I'm already losing my best friend. I laid back onto my bed looking up at the ceiling. "You know what? I'll just reschedule, we haven't had an US day in a min." She said cheesing.

I chuckled, "Really? You sure?"

"Yeah, Chyna will be alright" And, as she says this I huffed at the sound of her name.

"You don't like her?" She started walking towards me, "Nah... I ain't say that you just spend a lot of time with her."

"Yeah..." She started grinning from ear to ear, "It's only been a week or whateva but we clicked and I like her, she mad coo."

I could tell she was happy and I didn't want to take that away from her, "As long as you're happy..." I stated.

"Be ready by 8'o clock and we'll drive out to the city." She said heading for the door and left.

I covered my face with my pillow and screamed "Aaahhh-uggghhh!"

I need to tell her how I feel! Before it's too late... The anticipation is eating me alive and I don't think I can conceal these feelings any longer. One day it might just slip out without my consent, and I definitely don't want that.


I walked to Chyna's morning class picking up breakfast on the way, I'm really hoping she don't throw no attitude. I really miss hanging with Zane, we've never been apart and I know its probably killing her behind her fake smiles.

I took a deep breath as Chyna walked up and hugged me smiling her ass off, and I hugged back. I stared down at her nice ass frame and bit my lip.

I might have to tear that up before I leave tonight.

"Hey Papí" She finally let escape her mouth. I smirked, "Missed me, huh?" I replied.

She bit her lip and played with her fingers, "Maybe... Ooo, what's in the bag!?"

She was so cute I swear, haha.

Her eyes lit up as she stared at the bag that held our food "Mmm... you won't find out 'till you stop lying." She began pouting, "B-But teddyyy! I hunggryyy!"

I rolled my eyes and chuckled, "Big baby ass. Haha, next time you better tell me you missed me." I said.

She bust out laughing as she looked through the bag "Sure... I gotcha." And, we ate as we walked back to our dorm.


Chyna plopped on her bed and smiled at me, "Thanks baby."

I kissed her forehead, "Welcome beautiful, but I actually got to tell you something."

A frown appeared across her face, "Uh-huh, what's wrong with the you?" I asked.

"I feel like it's something bad" She said lowly looking down, "Nah, fathead! Haha.. well kinda... I have to reschedule our plans tonight. Me and Zane going out, and we been away from each other too long."

"Awe... Well I don't want to get in between y'all relationship, babe we'll just go out tomorrow." She smiled and kissed my nose, "Silly ass."

I kissed her lips, and she moaned as the kiss deepened.

Shiiid I'll talk to yall later....


Laying in my bed, I tossed my basketball up and down repeatedly. Thinking... thinking about the stud I hanged with at the food court.

I bit my lip just thinking about her, she had a smile that could just make you melt. Man but I've never been with a stud before, its just something about her.

I sat up and held the ball in between my legs but what if she doesn't even like studs? I shook my head rubbing my hands down my face "Ugh, the fuck is wrong with me?"

You know what I'm going over there, I need to stop being a little pussy about this.

10 minutes later...


Man, Zane finna stop ignoring my ass. It's really starting to get under my skin. I feel like she mad at me but I know how to make it right, I took a deep breath and turned the door knob.

To our dorm room with my white roses in my other hand. I heard voices but I assumed it was the tv, but as I opened the door a little more my heart sunk.

"Look I don't know what is wrong with me but I think I might like you Zane, I don't know if you like studs but... can I take you out?" Some girl asked. I looked at my roses and dropped them and walked off.

"I bet she said yes...." Is all I could think.

10 minutes earlier...


I was watching "The Conjuring" when I heard a knock at my door, so I damn near jumped out my skin.

"Damn! Can you knock any more—" When I opened the door I seen that fine stud, Sage standing there. She chuckled "Still adorable I see." I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Shut up you just scared me, punk." I playfully punched her arm, "Dang, why I gotta be all that?" She laughed off.

"Nigga what you want?" I said trying to keep a straight face, her comedic expression changed to a nervous and scared expression.

"Uh... can I come in first?" She asked and I gestured her in, I sat on my bed and she hovered over me.

Then she started pacing back in forth, making me nervous and shit "Aye, you good?"

"Look I don't know what is wrong with me but I think I might like you Zane, I don't know if you like studs but... can I take you out?" She spoke immensely fast.

I turned to my door because I heard it creak open but gave Sage my full attention. I didn't know what to say, I don't need Teddy finding out and I don't want Ro to either...

Wait?... Fuck am I thinking about her for I mentally rolled my eyes. "Sage... I uh, I don't like studs I'm sorry..." I lied straight through my teeth.

Within a blink of an eye she stormed out of my room, I heard something crunch under her feet. As she stepped out my dorm, I seen broken white roses laid out.

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