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I discovered that I love her, I gotta get her back.~Chris Brown

'Yo, you alright?" I asked her as I walked closer to her.

She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and stood up straight.

"Yeah, I'm OK. I'm sorry about that bruh."

"You don't look OK. Do you want me to walk you to your dorm?"

She nodded her head and agreed.

I helped her walk since she couldn't walk straight. She showed me her dorm and gave me her key to unlock it.
I laid her on the bed then went in the bathroom to get a rag to wipe the throw up off my back.

My mind was still fucked up from what Zane told me. I should of known by the way she used to stare at me at times and how she was jealous of my relationship with Chyna. Looking back at it now, I was dumb.

I didn't want our friendship to be over, but how can things go back to what they used to be when she has feelings for me?

I know Zane and I used to fuck around here and there, but I never thought that it was anything serious.

All this shit is getting too complicated right now for me.

I got some napkins and an aspirin pill. I went back to the front and grabbed the water bottle off the dresser and handed it to her.

"Here take this, it'll make you feel better."

She popped the pill in her mouth and downed it with the water.

She looked at me with squinted eyes.

"Hey, aren't you Zane's best friend?" She asked, dumb founded.

The mention of her name, made me have a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I didn't want to think about her.

"Yeah. Why you asked?"

"Because my friend seems to really like her. They been hanging out a lot these days. Even though she didn't tell me flat out that she likes her, I still know. We've been friends for a long time so I can tell when she's feeling a girl." She explained.

I felt a surge of jealousy tingle through my body. It's like I didn't want to be with her but at the same time I didn't want nobody else to have her.

I know it sounds selfish, but its how I feel.

"What's your friend's name?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Sage, she's a stud too. My name is Dani." She greeted.

Whatever.. or whoever this Sage person was needed to back the fuck off.

"My name is Teddy." I said back as we shook hands.

"Yo, you alright? You seem like you have a lot of shit on your mind.

I was about to lie and brush her off, but I need to vent to somebody.

"Zane just came out to me about her feelings for me. She says she's in love with me and likes me more than friends. I don't how to feel about this. It will be weird to be in a relationship with another stud. The weird looks we will get from other people when we walk down the street and people seeing us hold hands. That shit just don't sit well with me." I vented.

Dani took it all in and was quiet for a few minutes.

"You shouldn't worry about what other people think. It's your life and you should do what makes you happy. It doesn't matter what you do, not everybody going to like it. So you might as well suck it up and stop caring about other people opinions. If you love somebody, you love them. Not for the way they dress." Dani pointed out.

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