Train Wreck

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The doctor walked out a door to the side of us and I was the first to approach him.

He had a solemn look on his face which made me feel uneasy. "She okay?" I ask.

He gives off a meek smile. "She'll be fine, there's no need to worry. She may not look good, but everything's fine internally. You may see her if you want to. I'm sure she's waiting on you." He informs me.

His last few words sent butterflies dispersing throughout my stomach.

I follow behind the doctor after signaling Sage and Dani to follow me.

We walked for a while before we reached room #118. The doctor held the door open for us as we piled in at once.

I approached a very badly beaten Teddy, who was stitched up and bruised.

The sight of her infuriated me.

"Who the fuck did this to you?" I scowl, and I look over her body in annoyance. It itched so bad to beat whoever's ass did this to her. I might've been mad at her before but I'm definitely not anymore.

At the end of the day she's still my bestfriend and I'd go through hell and back for her.

Her hands slithered towards mine I caught the pain she was feeling and I began to cry by her face. She whispered something in my ears and my tears came to a stop. I simply got up and ran out the door the anger that consumed me went beyond deep, and I was ready to fuck some shit up.

As I was exiting out the hospital. A panting Sage tugged my arm from behind and said "Wait!?What happened? Where are you going ?".

I just stood there and said "let go!" I felt her grip loosen but not completely, "look at me, Zane" she said. I nudged her off and began darting off down the street, this bitch gone die.


As I was headed back to the dorm from a long walk by myself I seen two police 👮🏽 cars 🚔 four policemen were in our parking lot.

I saw that girl Chyna, Teddy be with just standing in the grass crying so I walked up to her and asked her "What happened? Why the police here?!".

She looked over at me with tears running down her face "My boyfriend beat Teddy up, now she's in the hospit-" .

"Wait?!" I cut her off "Did you just say Teddy?".

"Yeah Teddy" and the first person that came to my mind was 'Zane' I darted off towards the hospital that was up the street from the campus.

I know Zane must be freaking out right now, and I wanna comfort her man that's fucked up what happened to her mean ass friend.

As I was running down the street I saw a figure coming towards me I couldn't make out shit it was dark as hell. I tried to turn my iPhone flashlight on but before I could the figure ran into me and we clashed, they yelled out "Watch yourself!" as they tried to get back up.

Their voice sounded so familiar all I could say was "Zane?" with the most utmost concern in my voice, They stopped dusting their body off and I flashed the light on the figure. It was Zane, she stood there covering her eyes from the light "Who is that?" she replied and I responded back "It's me.. Ro".

She smacked her teeth and tried to run away but I caught her by the arm "You're NOT about to go hurt that stupid ass girl who got your friend beat up". I already knew what she had cooked up in her head and I couldn't let her do that, She wouldn't regret it now but she would later just before I thought she was about to pull away from me she clung to me and cried.

A tear rolled down my face as we began to walk back to the dorm and she began crying on my shoulder "It's going to be okay baby girl She'll get what's coming to her I just need you to stay strong for Teddy, I may not like her but I know how much she means to you and I want you to know that I got you".

She looked up at me and smiled it made my heart jump and I grinned, we walked up the stairs and went to our room door, she glanced to the back of us to look at Teddy's door.

I heard her sigh, and I just engulfed her in a hug our door creaked open behind me ....Which I never unlocked so my antennas was on alert. I pushed opened the door and turned on the light, some female was laid across Zane's bed holding a picture and staring at it..Well she was until I turned on our light she jumped up and fixed herself up.

"Who tf are you??" I asked all puzzled with my head cocked to the side, She grinned ear to ear when she seen Zane walk in front of me. I just watched as Zane motioned to her as if in a state of shock, "Alex????" and she nodded just smiling....By the way guys she was a pretty fem and I was beyond confused because I know Zane loves studs.


As Ro bone rushed in our room as if someone broke in, I heard her ask "Who tf are you??" I just had to see who she was talking too. I wiped my tears and walked in front of Ro just to see my fake girlfriend "Alex?" , I didn't know how to react so I just walked in front of her she hugged me tight and whispered "I missed you".

The only two things that were running through my brain was

How did she get in here? and Why is she here!?.

"I bet you're surprised to see me huh!?" She said with too much excitement in her voice. I just nodded my head "Wellllll....I got something to tell you!" She squealed. I looked back at Ro who was processing everything with one eyebrow up.

"I'm in love with you!!" She jumped up and down with happiness and my nonchalant expression dropped to a frown.

"What did you just say!?" Ro's voice echoed throughout our room .

This is a train wreck!

🌸 Thank You Guys For Waiting For So Long, I Know It's Pretty Boring But Stay Tuned For The Action.

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