Hurt .

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The beautiful creature that nobody sees..

She lies there with all her flaws .. Waiting on that person who's going to take one look her and accept her for the creature she is.

She's Different.. but special .

She's one of kind, just like you.

Why do the hopeless never find love? but the selfish get everything they desire?

Why are people blinded by outer beauty rather than the inner beauty of a vessel, that carries the most beautiful soul within?.

Clothes, Hair, and Make-up do not make you "Pretty" "Fine" "Perfect".. "Beautiful".

Your Heart.. Your Mind and Your Soul is what makes you Beautiful .

Never Forget That....



I know what you guys are thinking

Why is she is here?

She bout to start some drama..

Well no. I'm not I genuinely care for this girl, like.... Look listen whenever I had to pretend to be her girlfriend and we'd just talk about Teddy . I actually had feelings for her, like I want to give her the world but sadly I know she only likes studs.

So i'm here to show her that Fems can treat you just as better as a stud..Like Teddy been doing her mad wrong foreal she's always crying to me or on the phone about this female. You could say I'm her confidant but I'm tired of this and I want more, Hopefully I can persuade her to actually give me a chance.

Lord knows that Teddy won't ever give her the time of day.. I'm just shaking my head at the dirty secrets I have about that girl but It would devastate Zane, Hell upset her even. So I won't say nothing.... For now.

Anyways back to the story.

"Why aren't you excited about this?" I asked, She just walked out the room and when I tried to go follow her. That short ass female she came in with stopped me and said "I think it's best if you don't" then she ran after her.

I plopped on Zane's bed and sighed "Operation Get Zane.. Was a fail but that's okay I won't give up". I grabbed my bag and decided to head back to my hotel and think of how I can win my friend's heart, she needs a REAL supporter in her corner which she has not been getting .


"Aye Zane?!" I yelled after her as she was walking out the entrance to our dorm, she didn't even stop just kept on going. By the time she reached the sidewalk leading to the street I caught up with her "Aye baby where you going" I got in front of her and tried to see what was wrong.

She just broke down crying, This was breaking my heart I honestly didn't know what to do "Come here" I embraced her and she cried out "This is TOO much ! I'm in love with my best friend..You and Sage have feelings for me and now one of my closest friends tells me she's in love with me. I only want ONE person and she doesn't even feel the same about me, It's so fucked up how everybody and they mama can want me when I want someone else".

Damn..She's in love with Teddy

My hug loosened and she looked up at me "What? Now you're about to start feeling a way because I said I'm in love with my best friend?," All I could do was stand there "You know what? Fuck you and everybody fr" and like that she was gone. As my arms fell to my side a tear found it's way down my cheek, "But I Still Want You" I whispered to myself, I began walking back into the dorm with my head low.

I'm going to get that hoe Chyna back for Zane and Teddy, everybody knew she was a flop but that shit wasn't my business.

Walking up to my room I began hatching a plan to get this bitch back .


As I layed there thinking about how all of this came about I just felt more numb then I was before, I told Zane that Chyna was the reason for this and she ran off. I really hope she doesn't do anything stupid I looked around the room just to see Dani in the corner.

I cleared my throat "wha-what you still doing here?" She looked up from her phone and replied "I just wanted to make sure you were good, you know you was there for me when I was feeling sick".

I smiled "Damn.. you didn't have to sta-" she cut me off and walked up to my bedside "but I wanted too".

I tried to sit up but it felt like hell "Ouuchh!" I cried out my muscles hurt like fuck. Dani began massaging my arm and I just stared at her as she intently massaged my arm.

I never noticed how beautiful she was

Wait wtf?! She's a stud what you thinking nigga

I guess I was staring a little too hard because she looked up at me and I turned my head to the other side and dryly said "Thanks". She turned my head back to her and got closer to my face "For what?", she stared into my eyes with those big beautiful ass brown eyes of hers.

Before I knew it we were.... kissing

Teddy wtf are you doing?!!!!

"WTF?!?!?!" We both jumped at the loud voice that scared the shit out us and my heart sunk when I seen Zane.

Helplessly standing there and I couldn't react because my body was in so much pain.

Just before I could say anything she said "FUCK YOU! I've been here with all these fucking feelings for you and I'm dodging studs and fems left and right because I wanted.... YOU!.

"and this is wtf you do?! Hm?! Kiss a WHOLE stud trust and believe these feelings are GONE and this friendship is dead asf .. bye." She walked off with her fists clenched and I couldn't do shit.

I gritted my teeth "Dani.. I think it's best if you go.. Now" she looked down and stated "I understand..".

Now.. I'm alone, I turned to my side as much as I could and cried in my pillow.


As I exited these hospital doors for the last time I seen Sage in her car. It looked like she was crying on her steering wheel.

I walked up to her car and knocked on the window she jumped and began wiping off her tears. She opened the passenger side door and I got in, "Are you okay?" I began comforting her back with my hand.

"Don't !.. Touch Me" I saw her tear up and I wiped them with my thumb but I didn't stop touching her.

Nope.. all this shit with Teddy just blindsided me from someone who really wants me.

I wrapped my arms around her neck and leaned in to her and said "I'm sorry " with no hesitation we started kissing.

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