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"Okay you're ready to be released" the doctor said as he walked in with a smile on his face.

"Thank God!" I screamed throwing the hospital covers back and hopped out the bed
"Let me go bring back your results and we can discharge you" he stated leaving out the door.

I had the biggest grin on my face, I've been waiting to get the fuck up out of here. It's only been 3 days but it feels like a week, I hate hospitals.

I really missed Zane, I know I fucked up on so many accounts now.

Who am I kidding ? She doesn't want anything to do with my ass after that kiss with Dani.

I swear I don't even know how it happened.

Dani though.. she's been in here everyday checking up on me , it's honestly sweet of her.

I slightly smiled thinking about her.

The doctor came back with my discharge papers by the time I had finished changing my clothes.

I thanked them then went outside, I waited for my ride to pull up.

20 Minutes Later

Just as I was about to text my ride.. again.

Dani finally pulls up and I hop in with the meanest look on my face.

"Daaammnn.. Why you looking at a nigga like that?, Aww you mad at me?" She said while laughing then she poked my cheek.

I slapped her hand so fucking quick "What the hell ? Don't put those nasty pussy fingers on me" I reacted.

"You want these pussy fingers tho.." she mumbled but enough for me to slap her behind her head.

She looked over at me and smirked , I just shook my head and laughed.

"Come oonn!, We're still in the parking lot" I whined , she lifted her hands in surrender.

"Okay, okay but I do apologize for being late thought ..Traffic is my worst enemy" she stated.

"Thank you for apologizing, all is forgiven now let's get the fuck on" I pointed towards the street jokingly.

I smiled inside at her apology , she's so sweet man and she's just been opening my eyes about studs liking other studs.

If you would've caught me a year ago or hell not even a whole week ago. About this stud shit, I would've probably tried to fight you.

Honestly I'm warming up to it, I know that I need to speak to Zane. I also don't want to go back to my dorm though, after me getting jumped.


Going through something like that, not knowing if you'd make it or not....the shit is scary.

I looked over at Dani who was concentrated on the road, her melanin skin glowing from the sun rays.

I don't like her though.. If that's what you're thinking , I was simply admiring her beauty.

"Sooooooooo.." she begins cutting me away from my thoughts and finishes "Where do you need me to take you?".

"Back to your place, if that is alright with you" she nodded and within 6 minutes we were at her dorm.


As she pulled out her keys to the door she turned back at me and smiled.

I rolled my eyes and pushed the back of her right shoulder jokingly "What? Silly".

She smiled and replied "Nothing.. You're just .. You're just so beautiful" her cheeks blushed after she realized what she said.

I just looked at her..

I'd be crazy to say this was okay , when it's not.. I warmed up to it but I'm not going to partake in it.

I haven't even spoken to Zane..

She reached out for my right hand and began to rub the back of it. She poured out "Baby girl I'm not forcing you into anything but I'm not Zane, I won't keep what I feel away from you".

But..Zane is my best friend , I know she's in love with me but we still have to talk about that.

I wouldn't want to lose our friendship over her having a crush on me.

Dani made my stomach feel funny and I didn't really know what to say....I wasn't used to this side of the fence.

"I just want a hug" I said and she nodded in response.

I engulfed her in a hug and she embraced me back and as I stood in her arms. I noticed how much I liked it.. Her aroma , she smells like cannabis.

I could get high off of her all day, I smiled at myself. As we were releasing from the hug, she instantly planted her lips on mine.

The kiss got heated and I couldn't control my hormones, I haven't fucked in forever.

I needed this....

Her feminine beauty mixed with her masculine presence exited me. As her cold soft hands trailed down my stomach a moan escaped "ooouu".

I pushed her back and said "I can't do this, this isn't what I do" I shook my head backing away.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me inside the dorm then locked the door.

"Stop your shit Teddy" She mumbled under her breath, "Excuse me!?" I replied clearly getting upset.

She walked up to me and repeated "Stop" Planting another kiss on my lips "Your Shit.." She finished.

She sent chills to my spine as her finger tips trailed down the line in my back.

"Aahmm.." a moan found it's way out, she lifted my shirt exposing my hard nipples.

My body flinched at the cold air then her warm tongue began to flick every which way on my left nipple.

She was making me feel ways I've never felt from a woman, shit and I was loving every fucking bit of it.

My naked back was against the front door and my back arched as she slid her tongue down my stomach.

The ecstasy filled the room and her lust wrapped me around like a bomb and made my mind explode as she kissed my waist line.

"Fuuh-ucck babyy" escaped from prolonged breath, my breathing began to shift and speed up.

"Hmmm" vibrated out of her mouth through my body.

I began to run my hand through my dreads, she lifted my left leg on her shoulder and sucked the pure soul out of my body.

I slammed my hands on both sides of the wall and rotated my hips to her rhythm.

My body began to shake uncontrollably.......


Sнoυld I Tell Her?....Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang