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Chapter three: The trip to Oscorp Tower

The next day, I made sure to wake up earlier the next day. I couldn't afford to miss the bus today, then I would miss the trip, and I have been looking forward to going to Oscorp tower ever since they announced it. Science was a passion to me, something I enjoyed doing, and many people at school couldn't understand my passion for it, especially Harry. 

I guess a part of me knew that it was becuase of my father, and his father before him. I used to stare at those equations all day as a child trying to figure them out. I never did. I glance towards my wardrobe, knowing the briefcase is sat below a pile of clothes in there. I haven't opened that brief case for a while now.

"Bella, I made you a packed lunch." Renee shouts through the door.

"Thanks, mum. I'll be down stairs in a minute." I call back to her, crossing the room, and picking up my camera.

One of my most prised possessions. If there was anything I loved more than science, it was photography. Slinging the strap around my neck, I pick up my school bag, taking it down stairs with me.

"Are you looking forward to the trip this morning sweetheart?" Charlie questions me, sitting at the table, already dressed in his police uniform with newspaper infront of him, and a full plate of breakfast.

"I am." I nod to Charlie, taking the packed lunch off the table and putting it in my bag.

"Heres your permission slip. Now don't forget to take lots of photos for us." Renee smiles, grasping boths sides of my face between her hands, smiling.

I hear the honk of the bus, and know I have to leave now or I will be running after it again and I don't want a re-run of yesterday.

"I will, I'll see you guys tonight." I call ut to them, joggin slightly towards the door, and pulling my coat off the coat hook, as quick as I can.

I yank open the door, and as I walk over the threshold I hear Renee call out to me again.

"Put your coat on!"

"I will." I yell back shutting the door.

Not risking waiting to put on my coat, I jog through the rain to the yellow bus parked waiting on the curb. Nodding the the driver who barely grunts in reply, I go to take the one empty seat yet again. The door closes with a screech ,and the bus begins to move.

Shrugging my bag of my shoulder, I put it on the empty seat beside me along with my permission slip. I quickly shrug on my coat, students around me not even giving me one once of there time in acknowledgement. I grasp my camera in my hands, unclipping the back and checking the camera roll is still intact before putting it away again and fiddling with the buttons for something to do.

When the rumble the engine sent across the bus died down, everyone swarmed to get off the bus. Taking my time, I pick up my bag following off the bus, knowing I still have to wait for Harry to arrive and keep my company. When I get off the bus, I can already see a group of students in my class surrounding my science teacher beside the only other school bus we have. 

I begin to make my way towards him to give him my permission slip, when something captures my attention, or to be more precise someone. Edward stands beside his car, looking at me, but not just that, he is smilight slightly, in a smirking kind of way. My lips part, my eyebrows narrowing in confusion before a figure sets directly in front of me blocking my view.

"You're Isabella Swan right?" Someone ask, and when I manage to peel my eyes off of Edward, I notice Mike newton standing before me.

Why is he talking to me?

"Isabella?" He repeats, when my mind is solely focused on the smirking Edward watching me over his shoulder.

"I'm sorry what?" I question dumbfounded.

"I asked if- Never mind, you left your permission slip on the bus." He tells me, handing over the paper which has collected a few rain drops.

"Oh, thank you." I tell him sincerely, tucking the sheet into my pocket where its protected.

"Yeah, no problem." He nods, narrowing his eyes looking closely from my face down my body.

It makes me shift akwardly on the spot. I peer around Mike's shoulder to see a more angered looking Edward his smirk gone, replaced by a deadly glare that raises the hairs on my arms, and its directed at Mike.

"Bella!" I hear Harry shout out. 

I turn, spotting him jogging over to me, smiling.

"Hi ya, Harry." I smile, patting him on the back when he gets to me.

"What did Mike Newton want? He didn't say anything bad to you did he?" Harry fires questions at me, while we make our way over to the teacher.

"No, I left my permission slip on the bus, he was just giving it to me." I inform him with a eyeroll.

I can't blame his worry though, Mike is friends with Flash.

As we load onto the two school buses, I watch as Edward and his family load onto the couch opposite me. Harry nudges me, urging me forwards as people glare at me blocking the entrance of our bus. Quickly scrambling down the aisle I take a window seat, and Harry plops himself down beside me, placing his bag and mine under the seat.

"Hey Swan, Osbon, your in my seat." Flash grunts above us.

Slowly my head rises, and a shiver tingles down my spine. Pale white skin,  brown eyes narrowed into slits, muscular shoulder blades stretching his basketball top and making him even more daunting.

"There are lots of seats flash, just go sit somewhere else." Harry huffs. 

I turn to him like he is insane, and gulp when Flash grabs him by the collar of his coat.

"I want this seat, and I will get it even if I have to remove you two freaks from it myself." He snaps.

Flash pushes Harry into my side, letting go of his grasp on him. I can tell Harry is pissed off and would love nothing more than to punch Flash straight in the face, but he doesn't. Reaching under our seat, he passes me back my bag and stands up. Flash grins triumphantly, while I try not to look him in the eyes, scraping past his body.

We take a seat closer to the front and settle down all over again, preparing ourselves for the long journey to Port Angeles ahead of us.


This is just part one of the trip, part 2 will be coming out soon :P

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