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Chapter twelve: As a superhero returns, so does their villains.

I should've known that my secret wasn't going to be as well hidden as I had hoped. By the morning, I was big news. The excitement the people of America had knowing that spiderman had returned caused parties and celebrations to erupt.

There were discussions all over the news on whether spiderman had a sex change, or moved from the city of New York to Port Angeles. The rumors and speculations were rapidly building and going out of control across all the media.

The one thing I was grateful for was that my identity wasn't found. Thanks to my mask, they will hopefully never find out.

I bite my lip looking down at the costume at the bottom of my wardrobe. I was apprehensive to even wear it again, scared I would be caught in it and have my identity revealed. I feel guilty. Guilty that everyone is hoping for the return of their masked hero, but it's just me. Isabella Swan, the nerdy girl who always had her best friend fight her battles for her.

I'm no superhero.

I sigh shutting the door and walk over to my desk, picking up my camera. I sling my backpack over my shoulder while taking the stairs two at a time. I spot Charlie and Renee in the kitchen and can see them enjoying some breakfast.

"Morning." I force a smile while hovering behind Renee's chair.

"Oh, hello sweetheart. Did you sleep alright?" She asks while kissing me on my cheek.

"Mhmm." I hum picking up a slice of toast from the table and biting down into it.

"Bella, please sit down when you're eating." Charlie scolds me.

"I can't I have to go now or I'll miss the bus. I'll see you guys later!" I call out to them, grabbing my coat while rushing to finish my breakfast.

Being gentle I open the door and venture out into the rain. I'm startled by the silver Volvo parked behind Charlie's old cruiser. Of course, when the driver's window rolls down and I can see who is behind the wheel, I smile.

All my worries from the spiderman chaos die down, and it's like I'm back to being the mousy girl who has a crush on Edward Cullen. 

Edward Cullen...a vampire. A part of me still can't believe it, but the bigger part of me knows now that nothing can be impossible after what I've become. I wouldn't be surprised if werewolves existed too.

"What are you doing here?" I question, smiling shyly.

"Don't you remember, I said it was my turn today to ask you some questions? Plus, I thought you could use a lift instead of taking the bus today." He explains, taking in my stunned silence. "Do you not want to drive with me-"

"No, I do!" I quickly say.

I watch as his pulled in eyebrows relax from their tense position, making his face become once again void of emotion.

I blush as he pulls open the door for me, I duck under his arm sitting in the same seat as yesterday. I take a deep breath, that smell hitting me once again, and I wish I could just bask in it.

As Edward climbs into the driver's seat I look back seeing his jacket from yesterday in the back seat.

"I didn't know if you were going to have a jacket or not so I brought it with me juts in case." He answers, easily pulling out the driveway.

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