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"I could have worn more appropriate shoes, had you told me where exactly we were going," I point out, looking down at my white converses.

I had been trailing behind Edward for a while now, following him blindly as he leads me further into the forest. He still hasn't told me exactly where were going. Anytime I ask he just smirks and shakes his head, not even giving me a hint. I can't complain entirely though, just from this walk I've taken some cool shots of the high grown trees, and weird insects I noticed crawling on the leaves. And the cherry on top of the cake is that there is nobody around for miles it's just me and Edward.

"I didn't want to ruin the surprise," He chuckles out an excuse.

He could have told me we would be hiking through the forest. It wouldn't have made a difference, I would still be clueless.

"I can carry you if you're tired?" He offers.

My mouth falls open slightly mortified at the idea of being carried by him. Then, of course, my body had to go and betray me by heating up at the thought of his hands on my body. I'm so glad he is ahead of me and can't see how red my face is.

"I'm not tired," I quickly defend.

He ignores me, bending down into a crouching position with his back to me. There is no way I am climbing onto his back.

"Bella," He huffs out when I don't climb onto his back. "Don't you want to see how I travel?"

"You're not going to turn into a bat are you?" I question, slightly scared at the image in my head.

"No, I'm not going to turn into a bat. Hop on and I'll show you," He encourages me.

"It's fine, I can walk," I tell him, continuing to walk forward.

I feel my sixth sense warning me of Edward's hands approaching, but he is too quick for me to react. I cannot even get a verbal protest out, as my body is slung onto his back, and I can do nothing but cling on through the torture.

Edward is fast. No that is an understatement and too simple of a word to express the speed that he is moving right now. Everything that passes by is a blurred image of brown tree bark and green vegetation. I crave to close my eyes, as the force of the wind makes them feel as though they will pop out of their sockets. But I can't. I'm too scared and alert to close off one of my reliant senses. What if he hits a tree? At this speed, he could kill me, even if I were to let go of my grip on him, surely I would die from the whiplash.

In no time his body stops moving and he is once again like a frozen statue. This is the only thing that tells me he has stopped running. I can't move a muscle, as the forest spins around my vision.

"So what do you think?" Edward asks, trying to look back at me. "Bella?" He asks worriedly when I don't respond.

"I can't move," I managed to say, worry laying my voice.

His hands reach around gently, pulling my limbs away from his body. He supported my weight holding me upright, while I closed my eyes and took deep breaths.

"Do you want to sit down?" He asked, his voice low with worry.

"No, no. I'm fine. It just took a minute for everything to stop moving at the speed of light," I joke, holding onto his shoulder.

"I'm fine, let's keep walking,"

"No need, were here."

When he said this, I looked around expecting to see something spectacular. All I saw was the same repetitive forest. Confused I turn to him, expecting an explanation. He flashes me his infamous crooked smile, pointing into the distance. A couple miles away, the forest thickens with overgrowth, only allowing a small day of light to shine through.

Swing- Twilight/SpidermanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin