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Chapter Eight: What is that God awful dog smell?

I do a little bow of my head towards the shofire who opens my door. He barely smiles, and I step out of the car in embarrassment. Who the hell bows there head anymore?

"What's up guys?" Harry calls out, making his way over to a black painted mini van. 

I follow along, clutching my camera, and my new book in my hands. The heat from the sun feels extra hot against my skin for some reason, but it's not an unsettling sensation. The hairs on my body tingle and a spark of fear radiates through my as we get closer to the guys.

I sniff the air, only to smell something other than the salty water coming from the ocean. It smells alot like a wet dog who has been rolling around in mud. I sniff again and wince as the slight breeze blows the smell more in my direction.

"Nothing much. These are some guys who live on the reservation. They said we could use there bonfire spot if we give them some of our food." The surfer dude explains, and I look over the guys he is talking about.

My extra sense tingles again, and I get a bad sense about these guys. They all have the same beautiful russet skin, along with amazing body muscles, jet black hair and the same tribal tattoo,  except for one who is wearing a t-shirt and I can't tell if he has one too.

"Thats cool, its nice to meet you guys, I'm Harry, and this is my friend Bella." Harry introduces us, and I give him a quick annoyed look at him putting the spotlight on me.

"I'm Sam, this is Quil, Embry and Jacob." He introduces going down the line.

The one called Jacob smiles, at me and immediately my body sends off my warning alarms.

What the hell is that about?


I rest my head against the wooden log behind me, relaxing under the warmth of the fire infront of me. I make sure to keep my legs tucked under myself as the flames lick wildly in every direction. I can hear the guys laughter from the water and I'm amazed after hours there all still surfing. 

I have been spending my time completely engrossed by the book Harry gave to me. The whole book seems so surely at the moment. Cross species genetics... The perfect explanation to what happened to me. It is certain that I was bitten by a spider in that lab, and that spiders dna mixed with mine.  That must be what happened to spider man. He could have been a worker in the facility then he got bit by one of the spiders, turning him into what I am now.

Half woman, half spider.

Does that make me spider woman?

"Bella! Quickly get a picture of me!" Harry shouts from the distance. 

I quickly slide my book mark onto the page I am on, putting it down I stand to my feet. I pick up my camera hanging around my neck and quickly raise it towards Harry. I adjust the lens, and focus quickly, smiling as Harry tries to stand stright on the board. I take a couple pictures of him, before being distracted and taking a couple of the beautiful sunset on the horizon.

When I am done, I notice them starting to walk out of the water towards there dry towels on the shore. I turn off my camera and sit back down, waiting for the others to come and join me. Obviously Harry's takes the seat beside me, but one of the guys from the reservations comes and sits on my other side. 

The tingling starts up again, and I sniff the air, the wet dog smell even stronger now.

"Let's get some meat on the grill, I'm starving." One of the guys say, and I pick my book back up trying to mind my own business.

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