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Chapter nine: Time to fight Bonesaw

"Bella!" Harry shouts down the hall, and I turn to see him jogging up to me.

"Harry, I need to get to Biology, the lesson starts in two minutes." I complain to him while he smiles and pats my shoulder.

"Bella, there is such a thing as walking at talking at the same time you know?." He teases me, being sarcastic.

I shake my head amused, and continue to walk towards my Biology class.Well at least Harry seems to be in a good mood today.

My eyes wander up and connect to a pair of eye filled with embarrassment. Flash notices me watching him and he slams his locker shut, walking out of my sight. I don't blame him, I did humiliate him infront of most of the school. No doubt the word has spread around that Flash has been beaten up by the one and only geek Isabella Swan.

I feel so guilty about what happened, but also kind of proud for standing up to him after all he has done to me and Harry.

"So, you know tommorow is the Choice dance?" Harry asks pulling me out of my thoughts.

Even though the question is clearly rhetorical, I answer anyway.

"Yeah..." I say slowly, stopping outside of the classroom.

I wait for him to continue.

"Well. Aren't you going to ask me?" He questions, confused.

Me and Harry always went to things like this together so we didn't seem alone. Now thinking about it, the choice dance if far from my mind. Plus tommorow is Saturday, and I need to be down in Port Angeles for the wrestling competition. I've got my spiderman costume modified for a female body and everything.

Have I really been like this for over a week? It feels like just yesterday I was swinging and jumping across buildings having the time of my life. I guess I have been too cooped up in my room reading that book Harry gave tome, and having fun climbing around the walls of my bedroom.

"I can't go Harry."

"Oh, come on Bella you say that about every dance, you know I won't make you actually dance." He argues, and I look down shaking my head.

"No. I'm not going to be in town, I need to go up to Seattle tomorrow." I tell him, and of course his eyebrows draw together in confusion.

"Seattle? Why do you need to go up there?" He questions.

The bell goes off, and I look as the last few students quickly rush into the classroom, and I am frantic to follow along.

Just lie Bella.

"I have to...uh- help Charlie with some thing. I'll see you later Harry." I quickly say while rushing inside of the classroom.

As I am walking towards my seat, I can't help but gaze at Edward as I do so. All week i have been trying to piece together the story that Jacob told me about the cold ones. So far, I'm pretty convinced that the Cullens are in fact vampires. I mean if I can exist then why can't vampires?

I haven't talked to Edward, near enough all week. I have said hi, and acted as casual as I can, but I can't help but be a little scared of the unknown. I'm not terrified of him, more like I am intrigued, like I am intrigued about myself. I want to tell him that I know what he is, so I can find out more about him.

But how can I bring up that kind of subject, especially in a school.

He will just say I am crazy, and I will be wheeled off to the nut house.

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