i missed you:)

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"get your ass down here before i leave you behind!" i yelled up the stairs.

zac was not the greatest kid when it came to following directions. i understand that being a teenager and all following rules can be hard. but sometimes i wish i could understand his logic. 

things have been hard ever since our parents left us behind, and it affected zac more than me. i wasn't as close to our parents as he was. 

our mom was his best friend. once she left he gave up on everyone and everything around him. i've been praying that he'll come around and try to make up for all of his past mistakes. last year was probably the hardest year for us. he had gotten into pills and vandalism.

 i guess i have myself to blame for not being there for him. that's something i will never forgive myself for. but things happen and we move on. 

zac on the other hand is still trying to get his shit together.

i grabbed my coffee from my keurig and put all my things in my bag. zac rushed down the stairs and hopped in my car. 

i grabbed him a granola bar for the road so he wouldn't complain about his stomach in class.

 as i got into the car i set down all my belongings in the feet space near zac. he lifted his head out of his phone (which rarely happens) to throw my bag in the back seat.

"ready for school?" i ask him.

it was complete silence for the rest of the car ride. zac and i went to the same school and it was practically in our backyard. 

i got out of the car and started walking towards the entrance.

"just relax." i start, "you'll love all the teachers at this school and the food isn't as bad..."

i stopped to see that zac wasn't anywhere to be seen.

 it took me a minute to realize that he had went to the opposite door to the school. i wanted to go after him but i didn't want to be late for my first class.


school was nothing new; stupid kids and stupid teachers.

 i was going to be home alone for a few hours because zac had basketball practice, so i decided to turn on some radio-head to kill time. 

 i finished doing household chores then went up to my bedroom to finish my research paper. 25 minutes into my paper i hear a knock on my window.

 i'm sure it's just the wind.

i continue my paper when i hear another knock on the window. my blinds were shut so i couldn't see if something was there.

 i paused my music and hopped out of bed. i was hesitant to open the window thinking that dracula was going to pop out of the blue.

 i watch too many horror films. 

i slowly pull back the blinds and see him. the boy from that night. he was sitting on the roof of my house with a cigarette hanging from his bottom lip.

 i stood there in shock.

 he smiled then knocked once more.

 i stopped staring and quickly opened the window. he crouched and invited himself in. before closing the window he threw out his cigarette. 

 i would've been scared, but around him i was fearless.

"i missed you." he said with a smirk.

i put my hand over my mouth forcing myself not to laugh.

"how did you find my house?" i asked.

"i saw you get out of your car and head inside." he replied, "i would've went through the front door but i didn't want to startle your parents."

i looked at the floor and kicked my feet back and forth. i didn't really know how to reply to something like that. every time someone brought up my parents i lost my words.

"why did you come here?" i questioned. 

"i wanted to see you again." he stated.

i smiled, i couldn't help but blush. he was gentle, yet loyal. he was something special.

"can i take you somewhere?" he asked.

i paused, worried as to where my might take me. but like i said before, he made me fearless.

 i nodded then went to grab my things. he waited patiently in my room while i fixed my hair and re-applied some foundation. 

i came back in and he was standing in front of my bookshelf, holding something in his hands. once i realized what it was i quickly took it from his hands.

 his facial expression wasn't surprised nor nervous. it was almost like he knew from the start.

 i checked to see if i was wearing long sleeves, i wasn't. that explained most of it.

 but how could he find someone that i spent years hiding?

 the more questions i had, the more interested i became.

"ready freddy?" he shouted. 

i let out a little chuckle, then we both headed out the door.   


any thoughts on zac? anyone out there have siblings that annoy the shit outta you? 

what about julian just showing up? and what do you think the thing he found was? 

do you trust julian? or do you think he's trouble? 

leave me comments below and i'll be sure to get back to you asap! 


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