i'm okay

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                  after a few hours went by we decided it was okay to head home. 

a few of the people from the sewers got taken to the police station while their parents were notified of what happened - thank god i wasn't one of them. 

who knows what my grandparents would've done...

 i was still super out of it after everything that went on so julian offered to carry me back. i hopped onto his back and held on for my life. 

we raced through the woods by my house just to be safe. as we got closer we slowed down, then soon came to a complete stop.

"what's wrong?" i asked.

i got off his back to see what was wrong. he was bent down wheezing, trying to catch a breath.

 not knowing what to do i sat him down next to me trying to get him to calm down.

"baby, what's wrong?" i continued to ask.

he points to his jacket pocket then i instantly remembered i was still holding onto it. i pulled out a small inhaler from his left pocket. 

at first i wanted to ask more questions but remembering he was still having trouble breathing i handed him the inhaler. as soon as he was finally calmed down he started to answer my questions.

"i didn't want to have to tell you," he started. "It's embarrassing and i didn't want you to worry."

"how long have you had it?"

"i was born with it. probably from my mom smoking while pregnant with me. i'm okay though, really."

i wasn't gonna believe that for a second. i have said those words more than anyone i know.

i'm okay.

the words sent a tingle down my spine. it's the only time i can really tell when someone is lying. although julian was hard to read, i knew something was wrong.

"is that why you wanted to stop smoking?"

"i never said i wanted to stop smoking." he replied. "i specifically said stop doing drugs."

big difference.

"maybe if you stopped smoking it would help your asthma too? i'm no doctor but you never know-"

he stopped me in mid sentence and gave me a kiss. 

as we both slowly pulled away i looked into his eyes; those eyes. 

they are a color that shouldn't exist. i want to steal it, paint every wall of my house with it.

"come on, let's get you home." julian said.


"is your brother home?" julian asked as we entered the front door.

i looked around and didn't see any traces of zac.

he was most likely at some high school party with a group of friends. i would be worried, but i gave up on that a long time ago.

"don't think so." i mumbled.

"that's too bad." he whispered under his breath, "i don't think it's right for you to be here all alone..." 

his voice gradually got louder while trying to get my attention.

i let out a little chuckle then grabbed his hand.

"i guess you could spend the night..." i giggled.

"slumber partyyyyyy!" he shouted through the walls.

julian picked me up as we ran up the stairs. once we got to my room he threw me on the bed. he took off his muddy boots then cuddled up beside me.

"i like your stars." he said while pointing up.

when we first moved here i had put up some old glow in the dark stars on my ceiling. i have always wanted to take them down but never had the chance.

"It's just like that night in the tree." i responded.

"i hope you had fun tonight." he whispered, "although we almost got killed, it's only the beginning of our adventure."

"what's next on the list?" i questioned.

"now sweetheart, you know i can't tell you that." he answered while kissing my cheek. i could feel my face getting warmer.

"aw, i made you blush!" he squealed like a little girl.

"it's because i love you." i said back to him.

he pulled away and stared at me with a blank face. 

i knew right then that i shouldn't have said anything. 

i most likely wouldn't have if i was thinking straight.

"don't say that." he stated. "you don't love me."

i gave him a confused look. although i didn't really know what love was, the feelings i had towards him were strong.

"promise me you won't ever say that again." he demanded.

i didn't say anything back. i just laid back and pretended to fall asleep.

the fantasy ended once i realized that this is reality. we are not in wonderland, and i am not alice.   


well what a great start to an adventure! 

what do you think julian has planned for them??

what about zoe saying the "l" word? 

and julian's reaction???

leave comments/predictions below! 


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