IX: "Just go away"

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Saturday Morning
10:21 A.M.

Lucas POV

I woke up feeling pretty dreadful. I didn't want to start the day. I just wanted to stay in bed. There was nothing else to do.

Why waste my time and check my phone? Sebastian obviously doesn't care about me anymore. I guess this is he way of saying "we're breaking up". Maybe if he actually man's up and tell me in person, it'll hurt less. And he says that Im the "pussy". Well well Sebastian, you've played yourself.

As I lay there contemplating about life, my phone ringed.

I got this weird feeling that I've felt many times when I was around Sebastian.

I thought it was him, yet I was disappointed.

It was a unknown caller. So I answered.

Luca(OTP): Hello??

I sounded tired.

UnknownCaller(OTP): Hello.. Is this Lucas?

I got scared. It sounded  like a woman.

Luca(OTP): Yes.. Why?

UnknownCaller(OTP): OH! Hey! Its me Betty, Sebastian's mom.

She sounded relieved.

I wonder why she called me? Was there really something wrong with Sebastian??

Luca(OTP): Oh hey. Is everything alright?!?!?!

I was worried.

Betty(OTP): Well.. Sebby hasnt been feeling good lately and I thought maybe you can come by today. Like now. To cheer him up and comfort him,yano? I hate seeing him like this, it saddens me. I just want my sebby to be happy again.

She sounded sad.

Lucas(OTP): Is he like sick or something???

Betty(OTP): Maybe you should come see for yourself..

Then she hung up.

I became speechless. A lot of weird thoughts ran through my head. I had to go see him.

I got up, throw on some clothes, and sprayed on some cologne, since I was in a rush.

My mom knocked on my door entering my room.

Angie: Mornin Luca, why we such in a hurry eh?

Luca: I cant find my shoes? Have you seen them.

I was searching all over my room for my converse.

Angie: Well I dont know. Maybe if you clean up your room sometimes, you'll find them.

She giggled.

Luca: Nevermind I found them!

I said as I was getting up from looking under my bed.

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