XV: "Only good tidings"

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Luca's POV

We sat on the couch, in the living room, having our normal conversations. That's when I begin to notice Sebastian's new hair color.

I stared at his hair for a while and he became aware of that.

Sebastian: You like it?!

He asked excitedly.

I have to admit, it was nice, but the hair color choice was so different of him.

Lucas: Why you choose that color? A whitish pinkish color?

He pouted, folding his arms.

Sebastian: You don't like it? Do you?!

I gasp.

Luca: No no I do- It's just I wouldn't expect you choose that color. That's so differently of you. Other than that, I love it.

I smiled at him.

He properly touched his hair, and bragged.

Sebastian: Well.. ya know.. I thought I try something different. Something new. For you! This is my first step on being a better person!

He exclaimed.

I was confused asf.

Luca: How? How changing the color of your hair is your first step on becoming a new person?

I chuckled.

He became upset.

Sebastian: Ugh, shut up. Just be happy for me.

Luca: Okay. I am.

Then it grew quiet.

Thus, Sebastian kept sighing like there were something bothering him.

I looked at him as he continuously sighed.

Luca: What's wrong?

He sighed some more.

I scoffed.

Luca: C'mon Sebby tell me what's wrong?!

I grin.

Instead of answering me, he sighed even more and louder.

So I decided to tickle him.

He pushed me away.

Sebastian: Stooooppp..

So I did as he say.

Luca: Well what's wrong?

He gazed off.

Sebastian: Why is it.. that you've had sex with Oliver more than me. Last time I checked we did it like.. Once?! I mean I know you're probably getting me back for cheating on you.. but c'mon we're past that I know you're still sleeping with him. I get it I broke your heart.. Well can we just move on from that? Start fresh.

He looked at me with sorrow in his eyes.

I hate to admit, but he was right. Why was I still sleeping around with Oliver?

Luca: Yea you're right. And I'm sorry. A fresh start. No more sleeping around with Oliver.

I gave him a hug, and a kiss on the cheek.

He smiled.

Sebastian: GOOD! Cause I was bout to be like 'daayyuum his dik muh be gud'! Like I would have reacted differently if you guys ask me to join and we could have like a threesum but nooo! Instead ya'll just sleeping around behind my back like I wasn't going to figure it out.

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