XIII: "unfamiliar girl"

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Sebastian sat in the chair in front me, while I sat on the couch.

He looked down.

Luca: So.. would you like anything to drink.. eat?

He looked up at me with puppy eyes. So adorable. I wanted to kiss him.

Sebastian: No. I'm good.

He smiled a bit.

It got really awkward.

Sebastian: So.. Well.. How should I start?

Luca: I don't know. You tell me.

Sebastian: Well I want to start off by saying I am so sorry Luca for abandon you..

Luca: Who was that guy you were with though?

Sebastian: His name is Adam. I never told you this.. but I was with him before I met you.. AND IM SO SORRY LUCA THAT I DIDN'T TELL YOU..

I looked away.

Luca: Then why would you go with me if you were already with someone else?

Sebastian: I don't know. You were different, and really cute. So I was like "I had to have him".

Luca: So I'm guessing that prick left you..

Sebastian: Yep. I promise you I won't be seeing him anytime soon. I can't believe I fell for him to the point I've became really depressed when he left me. I even tried to kill myself..

He laugh a bit, starting to cry.

I grabbed his hand.

Luca: I'm so sorry that I wasn't there for you. I didn't know you were going to go that far-

He looked in my eyes.

Sebastian: It's okay. You tried to be there and I pushed you away. It's all my fault.

I like that he was smiling at me. I missed him smiles so much.

Oh god I was falling for him again.

Sebastian: Also, it's something you should know about me that I haven't told you.

It was like he was confessing his sins to me.

Luca: What is it?

I sounded innocent.

Sebastian: I'm diagnosed with Bipolar. Well, I've been diagnosed with it. I just have been off of my pills for a while. But now I'm back taking them again, so I can assure you I can be a better person. A better boyfriend..

That same fuckin feeling came over me again.

He begin to lean close to me rubbing my thigh.

I smiled.

Luca: Oh really? You can be a "better" boyfriend?

Sebastian: Oh I promise! I don't want to go back to my old ways. I've realized losing you was the BIGGEST mistake I could make, besides trying to kill myself.

He giggled.

Then, he got up from the chair and sat next to me on the couch. He sat really close to me and all of the sudden I felt really happy.

I looked at him.

And he looked at me, mouthing "I love you" and I mouthed "I love you too".

As of that, we kissed.

The urging feeling fulfilled my insides. I was in love again. I was love with him again.

As I closed my eyes I hoped and prayed that he wouldn't leave me again

Only When You Need Me (BoyxBoy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora