X: "I didn't want to live anymore"

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Luca's House

4:20 P.M.

Luca's POV

Since Saturday night, we continued fucking each other everyday. Literally Every. Single. Day. When I come home from school, he'll be already at my house waiting for me to come home from school just to have sex. I never knew Oli felt this way towards me. I didn't care. He felt incredible inside of me. This kind of help me get over Sebastian. Now that I've more into Oli. Sebastian still haven't return back to school, oh well. I wonder does this mean me and my best friend are actually dating. Would that be weird? I mean we're already constantly fucking each other in weird positions that I never knew exist. God, I think I might just REALLY like him now. I'm so easy at catching feelings for people. Fuck my life.

We were just laying there naked in my bed, after having sex. I laid my head on his chest, while he had his arm wrapped around me, watching television.

Luca: Oli, remember when you told me "don't try that gay stuff on me". Well look at us now.

I smirked, biting my lip.

Oliver: Aha, and do you remember when you told me "you are not my type". Mhm.

He smirked back.

Luca: OH! You're still not my type.

I laughed.

Oliver: OH PSH REALLY!?!

He rubbed my hair.

Oliver: Yea right.

It grew quieter.

Oli kept turning the channels on the television remote.

Oliver: I swear there's absolutely nothing to watch on television now and days.

I rubbed his stomach.

Luca: Mhm. Can I ask you a question?

Oliver: Yea sure. What's up?

Luca: .. Are we like.. dating now? Because we're like constantly fucking and stuff. And I'm kind of growing feelings for you..

I grinned at him.

Oliver: .. I don't know. I thought we were just doing this for fun, yano?

Luca: For fun? I don't have sex with anyone "just for fun" unless I have feelings for them.

Oliver: Maybe.. I have feelings for you too.

He whispered.

Luca: Really???

Oliver: I said "maybe"

He giggled.

Luca: Ugh your such a jerk!

I got up to kiss him.

God I love kissing him.

I moved my way on top of him, slid under the cover, and gave him a blow job.

He moaned so soft.

That's when I heard the house alarm monitor beeped and announced "Front door".

Shit my mom was back.

I jumped from under the covers, quickly gathered my clothes and put them on. So did Oli.

It was like our daily routine. Then we chill out, pretending nothing never happened. Just so my mom wouldn't suspect a thing.

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