XXIX: Love?

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After School

Luca's POV

I stood outside Sebastian's car, as he was getting ready to drive off for work.

Sticking my head in the car window, we kissed.

Sebastian blushes.

Luca: Have fun at work! Imma miss you..

Sebastian: Aw..

Somehow, we act like a married couple.

Sebastian: I will be missing you too!

He responded back.

Sebastian cranks up his car.

I back away, and waves at him as he drove away.

Afterwards, I start strolling back to my house.

Approaching home, I notice a car parked in the front.

Luca: who's that..?

I said to myself.

The car begin to look familiar, like Adam's car.

That's when I saw Adam in the driver's seat through the car window.

So I gain the nerves to advance toward the car.

Luca: Wtf are you doing here?!

I yelled quietly so the neighbors couldn't hear me.

Adam stuck his head out of his car window.

Adam: Nice seeing you too,Luca.

He grins

I grew angry.

Luca: What do you want?! Go away!

Adam: I was wondering.. if I could take you somewhere special?

I became confused.

Luca: Somewhere special??

Adam: Yeah, just you and me.

Adam bit his lips.

Adam: C'mon it'll be fun!

I paused for a second.

Luca: I don't know..You really need to leave.

I try to walk away but I was stop because Adam quickly grabbed my arm.

Adam: Now, wait..Lucas

Luca: Get your fuckin hands off of me!

I shouted trying to pull away.

Adam: Please, Luca. Just come with me, and if you don't like where Im going to take you. Then I promise to bring you back.

I stopped pulling away and stood there.

Maybe if I go, he'll quit bothering me. I thought.

Luca: okay.. I'll go. But! You have to promise never to bother me again!

Adam chuckles.

Adam: I promise, little man.

Luca: I'm not a "little man"

I shot back.

Adam: Okay okay.. calm down.

He smiled.

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