Chapter 4 - Gonna Get Caught

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A/N: hey in case you didn't know, I name the chapters after a Demi song. I try make it go with it. So sorry if it doesn't! Xxx

"I don't know what to do!" I cried.
"I tried talking to her but she won't listen!" Zayn said.
"I know who she'd listen to." Lou said thoughtfully.
"Demi. She's her idol. She'd listen to her!"
"Of course. Why didn't we think of that before! I'll call Demi."
H: hi Demi.
D: hey Harry, what's up?
H: I need your help.
D: what's wrong? Harry are you ok?
H: my sister...cuts.
D: oh my god! Harry! I'm sorry! What do you need me to do?
H: could you find and convince her to stop. She won't go to rehab, she's more afraid than anything.
D: of course! It's scary Harry! I've been there, I can relate! I'll be there soon.
H: are you in the UK?
D: yeah, I'm living here for a while. I'll be right over.
H: ok thank you so much Dem!
D: you're welcome Hazz.
After a few minutes she arrived. We all hugged her.
"Where is she?"
"In her room. Will I get her?"
"No. I'll go up to her." She smiled and walked up to her room. Hopefully this would work.
I sat there crying and cutting, I did that more often now. I heard a knock on the door.
"Go away!" I shouted.
"Are you sure?" A feminine voice said, it sounded like Demi Lovato.
"It's me, Demi. Let me in."
"O o ok." I said opening the door.
"Sierra." She sighed, hugging me. There was still a bit of blood on my wrists. "Why Sierra?"
"It takes away pain."
"I know. But you need to stop."
"I can't, I tried but I just couldn't."
"Please try, promise me you'll try."
"I can't." I cried. She tried to comfort me.
"Please go to rehab?"
"No! They're evil there!"
"I thought that too, but they do really help you."
"No! I can't! There's nothing wrong with me!"
"No one is saying there's anything wrong with you. You just need some help to stop cutting."
"I can't do what you did. I'm not strong like you."
"I know you can do it. Do you know how I know?"
"Because I believe in you. So do the boys. But I know you will get through this! You're strong and you can get through this."
"I also starve myself, it's not just cutting."
"So did I. You need to start eating. Have you seen pictures of yourself?"
"No but I look in the mirror and see a skinny girl! I don't see what wrong with it!"
"There's nothing wrong with wanting to be skinny. But this isn't healthy. You could die, you need some weight. Harry has two photos of you. One before you starved yourself, one now. Look at them. Come on."
"Where are we going?"
"Downstairs. We need to make arrangements." I took a deep breath and walked down with Demi. I say beside her on the sofa. She held my hand in support. "Harry, show her the photos." I looked at them and my draw dropped. I looked completely different! I looked skinny before but now I just look sick. I started crying. "Do you understand why we're worried now? We want to support you through the time it takes for you to get better."
"I look sick. Like really sick."
"I know. So will you please agree to get help."
"I'll try it out. But if they treat me like I'm crazy can I leave?"
"Yes. We wouldn't make you stay if it was like that. We'll get you a nice one ok?"
"Ok. Just you have to visit me everyday?"
"Of course! I'll be there all the time." Demi assured me.
"So will we, if you want?" Harry said.
"Of course I do. I see why you lecture me now."
"I'm sorry Dawn."
"No. As much as I love the name Dawn Lopez, I'm Sierra Styles."
"If you kept Dawn, we'd have the same initials." Demi smiled.
"I know. That's why I picked the name. I thought I'd be strong like you."
"You are strong." She smiled, hugging me. I tried to explain why but I just couldn't. Every time I tried I broke down crying. They said there was no rush to explain. I sat there crying while they watched me.
"It's rude to stare." I laughed through tears.
"I'll sleep on the sofa if you want Sierra?" Zayn offered.
"No, I don't trust myself to be alone. I could probably control myself but I don't know if I could just yet. It's part of my routine, I just don't completely trust myself yet."
"Ok." He smiled.
"I wasn't allowed to be alone." Demi said obviously remembering her experience. "In rehab they'll find out if you continue to cut there. If you do they remove all sharp and dangerous objects. They let you be alone but say if you're having a bad day then they'll have someone watching over you. I'm just warning you now."
"Ok. Are the people nice?"
"Yeah, I guess. Everyone's focused on getting out. I made friends who understood."
"I don't have anyone who understands."
"You do now. I understand completely. Especially how frustrating rehab can be."
"Are you allowed your phone and iPod and things."
"I don't have anyone to text but it's still nice knowing I could."
"Text me! Like if one day I can't come we can Skype and text. I promise I'll help you get through this."
"Thank you." I hugged her. I was getting tired, I knew it'd be a battle not cutting.
"Sierra, give me your blade." Demi said before I was going to bed.
"You heard me. Give me your blade. It's for your own good."
"I promise I won't I just need it. Please. It makes me feel safe in a weird way. Please."
"Ok. But please promise you won't."
"I won't. I'll try my hardest not to."
"Ok. I'm gonna stay here if it's ok?"
"Of course!" I smiled. I went to bed. I put my blade in the bathroom. Zayn went to bed not long after.

I woke up in the middle of the night. I needed to really badly! I crept out if bed and tried making it to my bathroom but Zayn heard me and woke up. He must have seen the look in my eye.
"Don't do this Si. You'll regret it."
"But I need to."
"No you don't, you're stronger than this."
"I'm not!" He opened the door and called Demi. She ran in.
"Sierra don't please!"
"I can't help it, I need to!"
"You don't. Please."
"It's bit my fault! I have no control over it!"
"You do! You don't think you do but you do! You have to please try."
"I tried! It's not working! I hear the voices!"
"Don't give into them! You can't give into them! They'll win if you do!"
"I can't help it!" I ran into my bathroom. I slid the blade once and I cried so much. All the promises, broken! I could hear Demi crying.
"Si!" Demi cried.
"I only did it once. It's an improvement. I usually hack at my wrists." I cried too. I came out and hugged her.
"Please try not to give in."
"I try but they're so powerful."
"I know. You need to learn to ignore them. It gets easier I promise. But please try."
"I'm going to."
"Thank you."
"No thank you. Skyscraper made me stop. I couldn't cut the night I heard it because I just kept hearing it even if I tried not to. You're my idol."
"Thanks. I'm glad it helped. Lots of people have told me that and I'm happy to hear that. Get some sleep everything will be fine tomorrow."
"Ok. Thanks for everything."
"You're welcome." She smiled. I climbed back into bed. I was crying and shaking. The voices were overpowering. They made me cry and shake more. I knew Zayn was looking at me. I had my back to him but it was obvious I was crying and shaking. He pulled me towards him. I didn't bother struggling. I just continued to cry.
"I'm a really stupid, bad person." I sobbed.
"No your not. You're a wonderful, good person."
"I can't control my feelings, I hack my wrists and ankles sometimes. That's bad."
"That's bad. But you're not bad. There's an explanation for all this. And I'm sorry I can't take your pain away."
"I deserve this pain."
"No you don't. No one does."
"I'm scared. Really scared."
"I know. But Demi said everything will be fine. She's been through it, she knows what she's talking about."
"I know. But I don't like hospitals. Or rehab centres."
"You'll be fine. I promise." I fell asleep after he said that. I kept the words in my head. Everything would be fine!

A/N: hello lovelies! I updated pretty quickly! I was inspired! I'm gonna try update this story more regularly, I have loads of reads! I honestly didnt expect this. I was unsure about this, I didn't want to offend anybody but your comments are amazing and reassure me to keep going! Remember you can always talk to me about anything! Stay strong! Xxxxxx

A Broken Girl (1D AND Demi Lovato FANFIC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz