Chapter 9 - So Far, So Great

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It's been 2 months since I've stopped cutting. I now love my brother, the other boys and Demi. Life's been quite normal. Demi had to go back to America about 2 weeks ago but I still Skype her and the boys are just fabulous. They never fail to make me smile. Now that I've started fixing my life everything just makes more sense. Like I know why people are happy and why they'd want to keep living or why they wanna do something they love. Within the two months I've also developed some serious feelings for Zayn. I don't want to in fact, it terrifies me. I can't be loved. It'll just end badly, I'm not someone anyone should love. It's just not possible. So it was just another normal day of fabulousness when everyone gathered me into the sitting room I was a bit suspicious. "We have to go on tour again. It's in America this time." that sentence made my heart drop. I knew it was too good to be true. I tried to not cry but I just nodded slowly. "Right well I'm just gonna go up to my room."
"What? No we want you to come with us."
"Only if you're up for it though. Like you don't have to if you don't want to."
"Are you crazy?! Of course I want to come!!" I screamed before attacking my brother in a huge hug. "When do we leave?"
"In a few weeks."
"What?! I need to go shopping! You could've given me a bit of a warning!"
"Sorry! Want me to take you?"
"Yes please. Thank youuuu."
"No prob go get ready." I skipped up the stairs and went into my bathroom getting ready to go out.

I joined the boys downstairs when I was ready. "Do you know where Big Styles is?" I asked. They shook their heads. Seriously? Ugh stupid big brother. After a while of waiting Harry came out of his room. "God what took you so long?! Come on! Let's goooo!" I said dragging Harry out of the house. "Bye guys!" I called before we left completely.

Okay so I might be slightly in love with Sierra. Just a little bit. Well a lot maybe. I can't act on these feelings though. Harry would kill me. No way that's happening. "You okay Zayn? You're really quiet." Niall said.
"Oh eh yeah I'm fine."
"LIAR!" Louid shouted.
"No. I'm just....tired."
"No you're not that's not the tired kind of quiet that's the I fancy someone quiet! ZAYN LIKES SOMEONE!" I rolled my eyes at them.
"How much do you think Harry would kill me if I liked Sierra?" I asked quietly.
"A lot!" Louis and Niall said in sync.
"Why?" Liam asked.
"...I might like Sierra..."
"Yeah you're dead!" I groaned, "I can't help it. She's gorgeous and funny and just really really lovely."
"This is Harry's little sister. We all know how protective he is of her, especially now. Find someone else mate I don't think it's worth it."
"But it is. I would never hurt her. I was thinking of asking her out in America..."
"NO!!" they shouted at me in unison.

I was driving to the shopping centre with Sierra. She was singing and dancing along to the music in the car. She's never looked this happy. Apart from maybe when we were kids but I think she's even happier now than before. I'm glad she's happy now, I never want to see her that hurt or broken again. "You're a good singer Si."
"Well if I'm related to you it's sort of a given."
"Smart ass...should I get you a tutor?"
"No, you stopped going to school at 16, I'm fine Hazz really."
"If you're should be a singer."
"Nah I'll leave the singing to you. I think I'd prefer to act to be honest."
"Really?" I glanced over at her.
"Yeah, I've always enjoyed it in school and I've been told I was good at it. So I thought why not? I'd like to write a book too."
"A book? About?"
"I dunno maybe about like getting through self harm and depression and how it really does get better and how to try stay positive. Maybe about my own experience with it too. I don't know."
"That's a great idea. You should do it." I smiled before pulling into a parking spot. We got out of the car and started walking towards the entrance. We had only gotten out and someone had already recognised me. Sierra was startled by the scream. She looked terrified. Within seconds a few people had already started to gather around me. Sierra grabbed onto my arm, she looked petrified. I knew Sierra was still very small so I contemplated carrying her. I knew it was a bad idea but I wanted to protect her. We kept walking and she kept her head down. "Hey guys could you please just be cool and not follow us and scream? She really wants to go shopping so that'd be cool if you didn't follow us too much thanks!" some of the fans backed off but others stayed.

There were fans all around us. It was crazy. It scared me a lot. I stayed latched onto Harry. I knew he'd protect me from them. I led Harry to one of my favourite shops, New Look. I let go of him and started wandering off. I grabbed multiple items of clothing. "I'm gonna try them on. I'll be out in a bit." I started trying on all the clothes. They were all really nice. I decided on getting them all. I made sure to get a variety if clothes. I got some shorts, jeans, leggings and tracksuit bottoms for travelling. Then I got different types of t shirts, jumpers, cardigans and hoodies. There was a lot of things. Harry insisted on paying for them. I needed to get a few nice dresses and shoes. I went to Miss Selfridge and Topshop. I got more normal clothes and I got some pretty formal dresses too. I then had to drag him to get shoes. I could tell he was getting bored. "I'm sorry this is the last shop I promise."
"It's fine. Take your time." I went to the shop and got some boots, flip flops, runners, high heels and pumps. I thought there was too much but if we were going for a few months I'd need them. After I got everything we went and got Starbucks. I wasn't too hungry yet so I just stuck with my caramel frappacino. "So are you excited for the tour?"
"Very. It's gonna be great. I love America, you'll love it too."
"I hope so." I laughed.
"So the boys girlfriends are gonna come with us for part of it."
"Oh..." I wasn't very good with new people, they tend not to like me.
"Don't worry they're lovely. They'll love you."
"Mmm hope so."
"They're lovely. Danielle is Liam's girlfriend and Eleanor is Louis'."
"Do Zayn and Niall have a girlfriend?"
"Nope. Neither do I."
"Ah well why not?" he just shrugged. "Well I'm quite glad no one's stealing you away from me."
"No one will ever do that. Don't worry."
"Okay oddball. Lets go back home. I need to pack. SHIT I NEED A SUITCASE!"
"Then we can go get one." we went and got a really big suitcase that had white polka dots. It was so cute I loved it. We went back to the car and managed to fit everything in the back. We got back to the house where I made everyone carry my things inside for me. I only carried my handbag and the suitcase. They put everything in my room. I started going through the things I bought when I got called. I ran out to the landing. "WHAT?!" I shouted.
"What do you want for dinner?"
"You're cooking?!"
"No from take aways?"
"Oh. Ehm how about Nandos? I haven't had that in ages!"
"Okay!" I laughed at them and went back into my room. I sorted them all into categories. I didn't really want to pack just yet. So I left everything on my bed and went downstairs. "So Sierra you both grew up in this house right?" Louis asked.
"Yep. Why?"
"Soo there's embarrassing pictures of Harry as a kid right?"
"Oh definitely." I went over to one of the bookcases and took out a big photo album. "Especially in this one." I handed it over to the boys. "Have fun!" I flopped onto the sofa beside them. They were looking through the album and laughing their heads off. "Si why is he wearing make up?"
"Oh well when I was like 4 and he was 8, I 'borrowed' my mums make up and gave Harry a princess make over!" they laughed even more at that and Louis and Zayn both took a picture of it. We were all laughing at baby Harry when he and Niall came back with the Nandos. "Whatcha's doing?" Harry asked.
"Looking at you as a kid."
"What?! Where did you find that?!"
"Sierra gave it to us!"
"Ooh show me!" Niall said running over to the boys. I went out to the kitchen taking the bags of food off Harry before taking the different plates down and started putting out the food. I brought the food out and put it on the coffee table before taking the album off them. We started eating. Eating large quantities was becoming easier now. I've only had a few slip ups. That's normal apparently. When we were finished I remembered I left loads of clothes on my bed. I went up to start moving them. I didn't want to put them into the suitcase because I knew I'd have to take them back out so I put them back into the bags. I went back down to the boys. We talked for a few more hours. They told me about touring and how amazing it was. I was becoming really excited about it. It was around midnight when I started to get tired, it was probably from the shopping. I said goodnight to the boys and went off to bed. I was very unprepared for the night I was about to have.

A/N: helloooo lovelies! I'm reallyyyyy sorry for not updating in so long. I'm trying. I have a really good idea for the next chapter so I'm starting that now and I'll hopefully have that up soon. If not tonight, definitely tomorrow! Please comment about what you think of the book.
ALSO I need someone to play Sierra so I need a celebrity that you think would fit.
Thank you for all the reads and votes, I'd love it if you could comment too thank you xxxx

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