Chapter 13

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I heard a drop in the bathroom my heart dropped. The bathroom was locked. I broke the door down, screaming for the boys to help. They came running seeming as frantic as I am. We got in and saw her on the ground. I looked at the mirror and sighed. "Someone ring an ambulance! Quickly! Z-Zayn can you carry her, I would but I'm not stable." I said on the verge of tears. Zayn nodded and picked her small figure up. I saw tears in his eyes as he brought her out of the bathroom. I texted Demi quickly: Demi, Si tried to end it I dunno if it was successful yet on our way to hospital x

I followed Zayn down and waited impatiently for the ambulance. Finally the ambulance came and me and Zayn got in, the others decided to follow in a car. I was freaking out about her. Why would she do that, all she said was sorry that's not enough, if she really is dead its gonna kill me to not know why. This was her first slip up in months, it was the nightmares. They terrify her. She wasn't in a good place. They were putting masks on her and giving her injections. They're scaring me cause they're shouting things at eachother. I looked at Zayn, scared and he tried to give me a reassuring smile, it wasn't very convincing. We finally got to the hospital and they rushed her through. I was freaking out even more now. Zayn tried to calm me down. "It's okay, she's gonna be okay. Harry calm down."

"I can't Zayn, she means way too much. I can't lose her."

"I know." I checked my phone to distract me. I saw three missed calls from Demi. I checked my voice mail. It was one from Demi. "Harry! Oh my god! Is she okay? I know you're probably really busy but I just wanted to call and see if she was okay or if you knew anything. Oh yeah and I'm getting on a plane now but my phone is staying on so call me when you can, thanks. See you soon!" I rang her back and she picked up almost straight away.

D: oh god Harry. Anything happen yet? I'll be there soon.

H: nothing yet I'm freaking out Dem.

D: *sigh* okay well it's only another two hours or so till I land.

H: okay when did you get on the plane?

D: about half an hour ago.

H: how is it so quick?

D: its a jet and I was like it's an emergency so they said they'd make it quicker I don't know how but I'm not questioning. So basically I'll land in about two hours. What hospital is it?

H: London hospital.

D: okay I'll get there as quick as I can.

H: okay I'll let you know if I find anything out.

D: okay thanks. Bye.

The boys arrived by the time I got off the phone. A doctor came out. I nearly ran to him.

"Mr. Styles?"

"Yes that's me."

"Well we've controlled the tablets she took as much as we can. Now it's just up to her immune system."

"Does she have a good chance of surviving?"

"Yes we're optimistic that she will but she'll need to stay in for a couple of days. She's sleeping at the moment but you're welcome to go in."

"Thank you very much." I went in. I nearly died when I saw her. She looked so pale, so fragile. I cried when I saw her. I sat in with her for ages. I just kept crying. Before I knew it, Demi burst through the door in tears. "No." she whispered then fell into a chair. "Harry why? I don't understand. She was happy. What happened?"

"She was having nightmares, they scared her so much, she had a slip up where she threw up what she ate, there was blood so something tells me it wasn't just that day. I think it was since the nightmares started. I love her Demi, she has to be alright."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2016 ⏰

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