1. Aaron x Reader

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The atmosphere was perfect. The restaurant was softly dimmed, a small band played a soft sort of classical music in the background, and who knows how many wine bottles decorated the wall. There was even a fancy little waiter, walking around with a long napkin draped on his arm.

You had to admit it all was rather cheesy, even for Aaron.

As you took a seat in front of the man in question, you narrowed your eyes at the low hanging light over the table. "It's a little- low, don't you think?" You asked the waiter, who merely gave a look of discuss and walked off.

You glanced in front of you to smile nervously at Aaron but the light was blocking the top half of his face. You leaned to your right, just as he did, and you both began to laugh.

"I at least tried." He said with a pout.

"It's fine." You laughed out.

Aaron went in to kiss you, trying to dodge the light. It went well for a moment, being able to peck his lips, but when he pulled away, he hit his head rather hard on the light. You gasped and couldn't stifle a laugh.

You heard Aaron mutter profanities and you couldn't help but laughing a little louder.

"It ain't funny!"

"Just- Just a little bit." You snorted.

Aaron glared pitifully.

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