4. Nick x Reader

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Nick sat along the couch, you sitting between his legs. You were playing a pac-man game, plugged into the game and you were being cornered.

"Oh sh- fuck!" You shouted as you were hit in all directions from the ghosts. You jerked laid back into Nick's chest.

He laughed, "You okay there, babe?"

"No, you croaked."

He took the controller from you and then started the next level. You pouted as you cuddled back into him, watching as he mumbled cuss words as he was cornered a few times. It was like that for a few levels, and then he got to the level you had gotten to.

"Bet ya ain't gonna make it." You teased, earning a grunt from him. He leaned more into you, head on your shoulder as he concentrate. He was being cornered and he groaned, "C'mon, c'mon."

"Die, die die." You muttered. He gave you a quick glare then went back to looking at the screen. He was at the last row of dots and then-

"Yes I got- FUCK YOU GOD DAMN!" He laughed out. You began laughing a little too hard, watching with amusement.

"Oh wait, hell yeah!"

The two of you seemed to forget he had a life left and you whined as he finished the level. You pouted and he handed you the controller, "You can go on next." You looked at him, but took the controller. He laughed and rolled his eyes, placing a kiss on your cheek.

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