3. Zak x Reader

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"Babe, I'm home!" Zak called out and closed the door. He sighed inaudibly when he felt how cold it was inside compared to the dreadful heat outside.

"Babe?" He blinked curiously as you were nowhere to be seen. 'Did she go out and not text me?' He wondered to himself as he walked towards the kitchen. Upon seeing a kettle on the stove, the previous thought was trashed.

"(Name)?" The man rose a brow and walked near the kettle, noticing it was just recently placed there, so you weren't gone long.

He was turning to wash his roughened hands when you jumped out, "Boo!"

"FUCK!" Zak did a sort of karate mood in the air and breathed hard. You snorted loudly, bursting into a fit of giggles

"Thought you were a tough ghost hunter, huh?" You teased. Zak rolled his eyes but couldn't help a smile. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you hummed in approval.

"You're a mess, you know that, right?" He mumbled and then placed his lips on yours.

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