5. Zak x Reader

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Here you crept through the apartment you and Zak shared at 4 am. You snuck into the kitchen to pull out a single bowl and your favorite brand of cereal. You were just about to take out the milk when a thought struck you. A playful smile appeared upon your face softly in your sleepy state.

- - -

"Zak." You nudged the dark haired man in his slumber to no avail. You bit your bottom lip, glancing at the time.

"Zak." You drawled more, shaking him with a little bit more force. This time, he managed to grumble and scrunch up his face. You couldn't help but to smile in amusement.

"Zak, wake uuup." You then ran your hand through his hair. He made a face that didn't seem so pleased as he opened his eyes.

"Mmm?" His eyes were squinted as he made you out from the faint glow of the moonlight from the window. Coming to his senses, he glanced from you to the window and then you again, "What on earth are you waking me up before daylight?"

You grinned that dopey grin that even a tired Zak could read as 'I'm-Up-To-Something'. The squint hardened, "(Name)." He warned.

"Come eat cereal with me?" You blinked innocently, "Please?" You added for good measure.

"Eat cereal with- What in God's name?" He gave you a look of shock - masked with his exhaustion, "Why?"

"Because- cereal."

"Now that's a shit reason to wake me up at, what-?" He glanced at the clock, "4 fucking am. That's a shit reason and you know it!"

You pouted your lips playfully and sighed, muttering the reason under your breath.

"Sorry? Speak up. My tired ears can't hear."

"I said," You started, "I really just wanted a reason to be with you."

The squint was unwavering as he stared at you. No word escaped him for a few seconds.

"At four in the morning?"

You nodded somewhat bashfully. Another pause. And then-

Then Zak sat up from his bed and pulled you down to lay with him in his bed. You felt a shiver run down your spine as he adjusted you to be cuddled up to him, "Now, we can together like this. Now sleep, (Name)."

For a moment it was comfortable and Zak was dozing back off.

"But Zak-?"

"Mmm?" He didn't open his eyes.

"I already pulled out the bowl and cereal and I was really hungry and-" He shut you up with a tired kiss on your lips.

"(Name). Sleep. Now."

"Mm, fine." 

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