6. Nick x Reader

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A/N: Plot based on the suggestion by @AdriannaGibson. I did some tweaking on it as a whole, but I hope you still enjoy it!

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It  wasn't every day that you were going to meet your boyfriend's parents. You weren't even sure you've met any of your prior dates parents. Relationships as long as the one you had with Nick weren't common for you.

So, all considering, something so new and unfamiliar had your nerves out of wack. Your anxiety kept whispering the little negatives into your ear. What if you looked awful? What if you embarrassed yourself? And worst of all, what if they didn't even like you? You were sure they would be thinking things like, 'He could have done better' or 'Honestly, I preferred the last girl he brought home.' Would Nick still want to be with you if his parents disapproved of you?

You stopped your train of thought, feeling you would have a panic attack any moment. If I keep thinking these thoughts, you thought to yourself, I'm going to end up ditching it and ruining this. You felt yourself become flustered, tugging tightly on the dress you currently wore. You had been in the middle of dressing when all this had gone down. 

Anxiety was a bitch, wasn't it? 

You gave a sharp inhale as you stared at yourself in the mirror- face done up as you wished, hair as good as it can get, and your dress.. Well, your dress wasn't exactly something you would have normally chose, but you thought it looked decent enough to impress, so why not?

You were going to continue to let yourself critique your own looks when you were interrupted by a knock coming from your front door. You were about to answer when your heard the door itself open with a voice to follow.

"(Name)! We gotta be out in about fifteen minutes. Please tell me you at least did all your prepping beforehand." He said with a tease, though you swore you heard faint worrying in his voice.

"Yes! I'm in the bedroom!" You called out. Even with all the nerves, you felt yourself smiling.

It wasn't a minute later that the bedroom door opened.

"Really, I should know by now to dress ahead of time. I'm not gonna have that pajama incident repeat itself." You crossed your arms, recalling the time you had taken so long on doing your hair and makeup that by the time you had to depart to a big party with Nick, you were still in your pajamas. The two of you ended up not going and ended up missing some rather interesting gossip stories, but that's beyond the point.

Right now, were confused by silence as you looked in the mirror, tugging at your dress. You glanced up to Nick, "Everything okay?"

"I- Yes," Nick cleared his throat, "You- You look great."

You stopped tugging at the hem of the dress, blinking, "Really?" Was it really that shocking to see you in something as elegant as this? "I really wasn't sure about this dress. Y'know because it's not my style at all."

"No, no you look- Man, you look amazing." Nick laughed, a dumb smile on his face as he neared you from behind. You felt your chest flutter as he wrapped his arms around your waist and place his chin on your shoulder. The two of you looked at each other in the mirror.

"Can I be blunt?" You asked, not moving from the current position. A hum in response escaped Nick's throat.

"I'm worried your parents won't like me." You watched as Nick gave you a look in the mirror, then turned his head directly at you.

"(Name), they'll love you. I know it."

You smiled weakly, placing your hands along Nick's that were settled across your waist, "And if by chance they don't?" You asked.

Nick was silent as you closed your eyes. You felt lips across your shoulder blade, that bit of skin exposed by your dress, "And if by some horrific and alternative chance that they didn't like a wonderful lady such as yourself, well, I'd tell them to hell with them."

You opened your eyes, shocked by his words. A nervous laugh escaped your lips, "To your own parents?"

"To my own parents." He looked at your face in your mirror.

Silence.  And then, "But I'm 102% positive they are going to love you. I'm also sure my mom will be pestering us about when the wedding will be." He teased and you swatted at his hand.

Once more there was silence, something that was always comfortable between the two of you. You shared smiled in the mirror before Nick spoke up.

"I love you, (Name)" He whispered.

"I love you too."

A pause.



"It's five minutes till."

"God, It'd be a miracle if we ever were on time to something."

All you did was laugh as Nick quickly pulled away and pulled out his keys, "Now, c'mon. Let's go impress the Groffs."

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