Chapter 2 - Why're Parents Always So Embarrassing?

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Dedicated to Doppelgengar. All I can say is thanks for being awesome!

"Elron! Breakfast!"

I awoke to the familiar summons and made my way downstairs.

What a strange dream. Getting a pokemon and setting out to who-knows-where with Flora... The table was lined with a particular feast this morning: ham, sausage, scrambled eggs, and pancakes drizzled with Razz berry syrup. "Yay! Meat for breakfast! What's the occasion?"

A figure who normally did not sit at the table was helping herself to a plate of food. "I came by to get you, but apparently you weren't awake and your mom invited me in for breakfast."

I have mixed feelings about that not being a dream... "Wait, what do you mean by 'come by to get me'?"

"Exactly that. If we're going to go out into the wilderness then we need to train you to live on the road!"

Mother chimed in. "I made you a nice breakfast because you won't be getting much from me for a while."

Are they serious right now? "I hardly agreed yesterday and I'm already being drafted the next day?"

"Of course! I've already told everyone that I'll be leaving in a few days, I intend to stay true to that!" She held up three fingers. "This is how many days you get before we leave."

"You better eat quick honey," said mom, pulling up my old backpack from under the table, obviously already packed. "It's not polite to keep nice young ladies waiting."

She's still eating too you know.


After filling ourselves and getting properly dressed, we made our way out of the village.

"Make sure you come back before you actually leave!" yelled mom behind us.

"Of course I'm going to come back, she took my gaming system away until I did."

Flora giggled. "She just wants the best for you and to see you one last time."

"It's not like I'll never come back. Besides, shouldn't she have been ready to send me off years ago?"

"With you, probably not. She probably expected you to live at home for way too long."


"It's the truth."

I couldn't really deny that. We hiked for about an hour before coming up to a clearing with a river running next to it.

"This should be a good enough spot to set up camp. It's far enough that if something happens we can head back but far enough to discourage you going off on your own."

"Do you seriously not trust me that much?!"

She didn't answer, and instead put her bag down on the ground. From her sash she pulled a pokeball, and released its inhabitant. Out from the red laser popped Marill, water typed mouse pokemon with a round, blue body. "What are you waiting for, get out Aaron!"

"Right now? Why?"

"We're going to have your first pokemon battle of course. If we're going to get you trained up in three days then there isn't time to waste!"

You're the one who decided to leave so soon. Reluctantly, I released my pokemon. Aaron looked back to make sure it was my side he was on, and started walking towards Flora.

"Bubble!" Flora called out to her partner. A single bubble was blown and drifted at Aaron, who just watched it as it approached. The sphere touched his face and popped with quite a bit of force, sending Aaron backwards. The little guy was quite surprised, and apparently under a decent amount of damage, and ran back to me, then decided to hide behind me and use me as a meat shield. He glared at the Marill and Flora between my legs, eyes full of perceived betrayal.

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