She : Chapter Three

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Tyler's POV

"Tyler, didn't I tell you to come home early? Where were you?" my mom said.

"I told you I was chillin' with my friends today." I said.

"And you couldn't come home early like I asked you to?"

"Well I'm here now! Shit." I said raising my voice.

"Tyler do not raise your voice at me."

"I don't think you should talk to your mother like that." my mother's boyfriend Steve said.

"I think you should mind your fucking business, nobody was talking to you" I said.

"Tyler, stop it." my mom said sternly.

"I'm just saying you should have more respect. Respect your elders" Steve said. Who this T.I looking nigga think he is..

"Steve please. I got it." my mom said.

"Don't tell me what the fuck to do, you're not my fucking father get the fuck outta here nigga." I said to Steve. Who the fuck he think he is. He just pissed me off.

"Actually, I'm going to be your step father and I want respect from you." he said.

Step father? Oh fuck no. I looked at my mom's hand and saw a diamond ring.

"Hell fucking no. I don't even fucking know you. Ma how the fuck you getting married to this nigga, didn't you just meet him?"

"Ty stop cursing. And I knew him for a very long time because we've been friends then we started dating for months and I love him so I'm going to marry him."

"What the fuck? Where have I been, you never told me about this nigga" I said.

"Because you're never home. At all. You don't know alot of things."

"The fuck you mean I don't know alot of things? What else is there to know?"

"Nothing." she said and got up from the table.

"I'll tell him. I'm going to be moving in after the wedding." Steve said.

"You're fucking kidding me right? Why is he moving in here ma?"

"Tyler not now. Go to your room."

"Mom yo-"

"GO TO YOUR ROOM!" she yelled, with spit flying out of her mouth.

I jumped because she never yelled at me like that before. Damn. Steve looked at me with a smirk.

"Fuck you." I mumbled and went to my room. I can't live in this fucking house anymore.


I took a shower then got dressed. It was like 11 at night. I needed to take a walk or something. I wasn't even hungry. I was still mad because I really don't want that nigga living here. I left the house and walked to my car. I drove to the lake where I always go just to sit in the grass and think about shit, especially when I'm stressed. I parked my car, got out and walked to the lake. I sat down and rolled up a blunt, lit it, then started smoking it. A bunch of thoughts went running through my head.

Alaina's POV

I was sitting in the living room bored on my couch eating popcorn. I was watching some movie that I wasn't even paying attention to. It was boring but I was too lazy to get up and change the movie.

"What are you still doing up Laina?" my brother Allan said coming downstairs.

"I couldn't sleep plus I was bored so here I am. I'm getting tired though." I said.

"Oh aight. You like the new house?" He asked, stealing some of my popcorn and sitting next to me.

"Yeah it's nice. But I still don't feel at home yet, you know?"

"Yeah, I know watchu mean. We gon' get used to it though, don't worry sis."

"Yeah we better." I said. He then looked at the tv.

"What are you watching?" He asked with a surprised face. A sex scene was on. I chuckled.

"Honestly I don't know, but I wasn't even paying attention to that."

"Yeah, aight." He said getting up.

"Shutup. I'm going up to my room now I'm tired. Night Allan"

"Night Laina. Turn off the tv."

He was right next to the tv though. I had the remote in my hand so I just turned it off and went upstairs.



I woke up to the smell of warm pancakes and bacon. I went in my bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I went downstairs.

"Morning Allan, where's mom?" I asked.

"Morning. She went to work already." He said, finishing his breakfast and grabbing his jacket.

"So early? And where you going?" I asked.

"Yeah she had her schedule changed. Im going out with some friends, i'll be back tonight." He said walking out the door. Great, I'm stuck here with nothing to do. He already had friends down here because one of his old friends lived down here.

I finished my breakfast and went upstairs to take a shower. I put on some white high waist shorts and a red and white short top that showed my belly button. I had it pierced last year and it looked so cute. I had my hair in a nice tight bun. My hair is naturally dark brown and I dyed it a nice honey blonde, but since my hair grew a little more you can see my natural color mixed with my dyed color. It looked nice though. I put on my red vans and grabbed my phone and walked out the door. I'll just walk around somewhere because I wasn't about to stay in this house all day.

I was walking down the block listening to music on my phone. I was about to pass this house where a dark skinned boy was sitting on the steps. I think that's the same boy who was trying to talk to me yesterday. He looked kind of upset though. When I passed the house, he got up and walked over to me.

"Hey sexy." He said kind of smiling. I rolled my eyes and took a headphone out of my left ear, which was the side of me he was walking on.

"What do you want?" I asked. I didn't say it rude though.

"I just wanted to say wassup. Where you going?"

"Why you wanna know?"

He chuckled a little. It was kind of a cute boy chuckle.

"You're acting like I'm gonna stalk your ass or some shit."

"You kind of are. I don't even know your name?"

"You don't ? I'm Tyler... What's your name again?"

Is he serious. He didn't even remember my name. I chuckled in disbelief. "Wow." I said.

"Nah I'm fucking witchu. It's Alaina right?" he said. Oh okay.


"You got a fat ass." He said walking behind me. Really? I rolled my eyes once again and stopped walking so he can walk in front of me.

"So you're not gon' say thank you, rude ass."

"No because that's disrespectful. Can you stop following me now." I don't even know why he's walking with me, I still don't know where I'm going today. I'm just gonna go to the park.

"How is that disrespectful? It's a compliment, you have a nice ass. Actually your whole body is nice like, you are fucking fine."

Boys are so obnoxious, the only things in their minds is sex. Whatever happened to the times when a boy was polite and called you beautiful and they liked the girl for her and her personality, not just her body and sex.
You can like that too but that shouldn't be the only reason you like a girl. I kind of wish I lived in the old generation.

"It is disrespectful because you are not suppose to describe a girl in that way. That shows that you're not interested in me, you're interested in my body and getting in my pants."

" That's not even true, you have a nice face, that's a cute ass face you got."

I chuckled a little. Even though he's annoying and I don't like him, he's kind of funny.

"Whatever." I said walking into the park.

"Ahh I made you smile though." he said. Then his phone rang.

"What nigga?" He said answering his phone. "Aight, i'm on my way. No, shut the fuck up, Imma fuck you up when I get over there. Bye nigga."

"Ay, I see you later aight?" He said to me.


"Can I get cha number."

I gave him my number because I knew if I'd say no, w'ed be here going back and forth.

After I gave him my number, he walked out of the park with a skateboard in his hand which I didn't even notice.


I don't really know if these chapters are too short but I'm typing them on my phone because my laptop screen is cracked.

She - A Tyler The Creator Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now