Chapter Eighteen

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-few weeks later-

Tyler's POV

I went down the stairs into the kitchen and took my plate of breakfast off the table while my mom and faggot ass Steve sat around the table. I didn't say anything to them. It's been like this ever since that big arguement where he kicked me out of my own house for fucking up when I babysat his little nieces. I mostly wasn't talking to just him. Of course I still had to talk to my mother but the fact that she takes his side is annoying as fuck. Fuck their marriage. I haven't been home most of the time anyway.

"Okay this has gone on long enough. Tyler sit down." My mother said. I sighed. Here we go. She's always trying to get us to get along but that shit just isn't gonna happen. She needs to give up. I sat down anyway though.

"Tyler, Steve, I need you both to be on good terms, please. I can't have my husband and my son acting this way towards each other." she said.

"Acting like what? I'm not even saying shit to him." I said.

"That's what I mean. You guys need to work on building a father-son relationship." she said. Nah fuck that shit.

"It's not me. Tyler is always disrespectful towards me." Steve said. This nigga.

"Tyler, I need you to treat him with more respec-"

"Yeah alright, bye mom." I said getting up.

"Tyler!" she said.


"Tyler sit down please." my mother said. Steve got up.

"Young man I am sick and tired of your disrespect. Not only are you disrespectful towards me but toward your mother too. If anything you should be nice toward her. Especially at a time like this. If I were you I would be around more and treat her better. You stressing her out isn't helping anything." Steve said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, annoyed.

Steve was about to say something but my mother took his arm like she was tryna stop him from talking or some shit. He looked at her and sat back down.

"Listen Tyler,-"

"Mom what is he talking about? Especially at a time like this? What does that mean?"

"Tyler, don't worry about it. Just please-"

"No I wanna know what the fuck he's talking about? If there's something I should know, you need to tell me right now." I said angrily. They're both pissing me off.

"Really Tyler, it's nothing." she said softly. I got a text on my phone then looked back up at them.

"Aight, whatever." I said. I didn't even eat my food. I put it back on the table and walked out of the house. I feel like there's something I should know and they're not telling me. I hate when people don't tell me shit. Some fucking sus shit is going on and I'm not feeling it.

When I walked outside I saw Taco. He's the one that texted me because we were going to do something today. For the past weeks it's been fun and cool as hell. All of us were just hanging out everyday. Going to the skatepark, the movies, hanging out at Taco's house, the pool, amusement parks and a whole bunch of fun shit. Wanted to make this summer really fun.

It's been great besides the fact that Alaina treats me like shit sometimes. I already gave up on the whole getting the pussy from her thing but everytime I see her I just want her. But this bitch be playing me and shit. Ever since we had an arguement about me kissing her bestfriend. It's like she "hated" me after that but she's obviously jealous.

"You good Tyler? You look upset." Taco said.

"Just same old bullshit at home." I said.

"Steve still acting like a fag?" he asked.

"He isn't acting, he's just a fag." I said. Taco chuckled.

"Yo, where are we going today?" I asked Tac.

"The crew is at the icecream shop." he said, as we made a left and walked inside. We saw our friends taking up like two tables. At one table was Alaina, Skye, Serena and Brina and the table right behind them were Earl, Hodgy, Jasper and Frank was chilling with us today.

"Waddup ya'll" Taco said. He grabbed an extra seat and put it to the guys table and I did the same.

"Wassup niggas." Jasper said with icecream all on his face.

"Nigga can you eat properly? damn." Earl said.

"Shut up." he said and threw something in his ice cream.

"Really nigga?" he said trying to find whatever was thrown in his ice cream. Like a piece of napkin or some shit.

"Wassup witchu Tyler." Frank asked.

"Nothing man." I said. I know I shouldn't be acting like a little sad bitch right now but whatever the fuck Steve was talking about had me thinking. I don't like that shit.

"Is it that Steve nigga? He always get you mad" Earl said.

"Yeah." I simply said.

"Aww Ty Ty." Jasper said.

"Shut up fat ass." I said. I sat back and looked down on my phone while my niggas were just talking and joking around.

Alaina's POV

"Omg this cookie dough ice cream is everythinggg." Skye said.

"Hey you were suppose to go back on line to get my ice cream." I told Skye. She had went on the line for me, Serena and Brina but the lady forgot my order of ice cream.

"I'm sorry girl but this is too good right now." she said eating her ice cream.

"I'll get it for you." Brina said.

"Thank you Bri that's why I love you." I said.

"Aww love you too." she said and got up to go on the line for me. Skye was just in a daze in front of me and enjoying her ice cream while Serena's eyes were glued to her phone next to me. I looked at Tyler who was sitting at the table in front of us. He looked like he wasn't in the mood. I looked away from him and looked out the window.

"You know you like Tyler." Skye said.

"I don't." I said, without looking at her.

"Look me in my eyes and tell me you do not have feelings for Tyler." she said. I looked her in her eyes but hesistated a bit. Then Brina came with my ice cream.

"Exaclty." Skye said.

"Ew chocolate ice cream." I said, but still stuffed my mouth with ice cream.

"Exactly what? And you don't like chocolate ice cream?" Brina asked.

"Just about her not admitting that she likes Tyler when we all know it. " Skye said.

"Shut up Skye. And nah I love strawberry but it's okay." I said.

"Oh okay. and yeah, it's obvious you like him." Brina said. I looked at both of them like they were crazy and swallowed my ice cream.

"How is it obvious? Serena do you hear this?" I said looking at her but there were tears in her eyes as she put her phone in her pocket.

"Serena, what's wrong?" I asked. She quickly wiped her tears away.

"It's nothing, um I'm going to leave now." she said getting up.

"Serena wait!" Brina said running after her out of the shop.

"I wonder what that was about." Skye said. Just then Hodgy came to our table and sat next to Skye. He kissed her cheek.

"Hey, where is Serena and Brina goi?ng" Hodgy asked.

"I don't know, Serena was crying so Brina went after her." Skye said.

I nodded my head and continued eating my ice cream. Just then Tyler slid in the seat next to me with his arm around my shoulder. I rolled my eyes. I guess he was in a better mood now. I took his arm off of me.

"Be like that then." Tyler said. I ignored him and ate my ice cream. Then out of no where he took my ice cream and threw it on the floor.

"Tyler, what the hell? Really." I said, giving him an annoyed look.

"That's what you get for acting like a bitch towards me." Tyler said and got up.

"I really hate him." I said, looking at Skye and Hodgy who were looking at me.

"Well you have been acting mean towards him." Skye said shrugging.

"That doesn't mean he has to throw my ice cream on the floor. And he wonders why I act like that. He's an idiot. He's lucky I don't even like chocolate ice cream anyway" I said and folded my arms.

"I know why you're really acting like that." Skye said looking at me. I looked at her back. I regret telling her about how Tyler and Reema kissed and how we had an arguement about it and stuff because now she just keeps saying that I was jealous because I "like Tyler." I keep trying to explain that that isn't the reason I was mad. A few weeks ago before Reema went back to New York, I caught her and Tyler making out and ever since then I haven't been wanting to speak to Tyler. He's just a stupid horny pig, kissing her when she was drunk.


We were all at Taco's house hanging out. They were taking shots and we had music playing so it was like a little party but with just us. I wasn't drinking though. Surprisngly neither was Tyler and Frank wasn't drinking either. Everyone else drank but Reema was taking a lot of shots. I think more than anybody, she was drinking the most. She needed to chill though.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Tyler said and got up from the couch. I was sitting on the couch next to Frank and Tyler was sitting next to me too before he got up. Skye and Hodgy were upstairs probably having sex because they were down here making out a while ago. Earl and Jasper were being nasty and watching Reema shake her ass and Serena, Brina and Taco were layed out on the other couch after taking a couple of shots.

"How come you aren't drinking Frank? I thought I was the only lame one." I said.

"Thanks for calling me lame." he said and chuckled.

"Oh I didn't mean it like that" I said and laughed.

"I know. Nah but I really don't feel like drinking because if I do imma drink too much and I have somewhere to be in the morning so I'm good." he said. I nodded my head. "What about you? You never drink." he said.

"Yeah because I don't see how drinking a bunch of alcohol is fun. It damages your insides and when people are drunk they act stupid and they vomit and the next day they have a huge headache and don't remember anything from the night before. I just don't get how that's fun." I admitted.

"Well damn when you put it like that I see your point. Got me questioning why I drink." Frank said. I laughed a little and continued watching Reema dance like she was crazy. She left the livingroom, probably to go to the bathroom or something.

"Taco, come rub my feet." I said, putting my feet out.

"Girl you crazy." Taco said.

"Pleeease." I begged.

"I would Laina but i don't feel like getting up." Taco said.

"Fine." I said.

"Want me to do it?" Frank asked.

"No I'll rub your feet baby." Jasper said. I laughed.

"No it's okay guys I was kind of joking. I just wanted to see if Taco would really do it but if you insist. " I said stretching my feet out.

"Nah." Jasper said.

"I got you." Frank said.

"Thank you. But hold on lemme go get a water first." I said getting up.

"Get me one too please." he smiled. I nodded and got up to go to the kitchen. But when I got to the kitchen I instantly became angry. I saw Tyler and Reema making out against the counter. She was feeling on his face while he grabbed on her butt. I even saw him trying to unzip her shorts. I knew she was just drunk so I wasn't mad at her,but Tyler on the other hand knew damn well that she's drunk.

"Tyler what the hell are you doing?" I yelled. He stopped and they both turned to look at me. Reema started laughing. She was still drunk and stumbled a little.

"Get the hell away from her!" I said and grabbed her from him.

"Hey, where are we going." Reema laughed then clapped three times.

"Ay, she kissed me first." he said.

"Obviously she's drunk you idiot!" I said and ignored the rest of the words that were coming out of his stupid mouth. I still grabbed the waters and went to the livingroom. I passed Frank his water.

"Hey, what happened?" he asked, probably noticing that I looked pissed as hell.

"Um, nothing. I'll be back." I said carrying Reema's heavy drunk ass up the stairs. I gave her water and layed her on Taco's bed. Hodgy and Skye were sleep on the other bed. Reema kept laughing and singing but thank God she was getting sleepy. She was currently singing Loyal by CB.

"Alaina guess whaaat." Reema whispered then laughed again. I rolled my eyes, getting annoyed. She just kept singing and laughing.

"What?" I asked.

"I want Chris Brown." she said then laughed. Then she drifted off to sleep instantly. Wow.

I got up to walk out of Taco's room but bumped into Tyler.

"Move." I said.

"Wait, are you good?" Tyler asked holding my arms.

"Tyler don't touch me, get out of my way." I said, walking pass him. I went down the stairs and back to the kitchen because I never got to get myself a water. Tyler followed me.

"Alaina, why are you so mad?" he asked.

"Are you really asking me that stupid question right now?" I said standing in front of the fridge with my water in my hand and and looking at him.

"She kissed me first." Tyler said, walking closer to me.

"Yeah because she was drunk you fool." I said.

"Exactly so why are you mad?"

"Why wouldn't I be? You kissed my bestfriend-

"She was drunk!" he said, cutting me off. He was now standing in front of me.

"And you weren't Tyler! So why would you take advantage of her while she's drunk? You could have stopped her from kissing you then you have the nerve to try and take her shorts off? You were going to have sex with her while she was drunk you pig." I said.

"You're jealous." he said.

"Jealous? Why would I be jealous?"

"Because you're mad that I kissed your bestfriend." he said.

"Tyler, she was drunk! That's the reason I'm mad you idiot! I swear you're so stupid and annoyi-"

He cut me off by kissing me. I broke out of the kiss and slapped the shit out of him.

"Shit." he said holding his stinging face.

"You're stupid." I said and marched out of the kitchen to sit down in the livingroom.

"You okay Laina?" Frank asked. By now the music stopped playing and everyone was sleep except for Frank and Taco.

"I'm fine." I said. Tyler walked into the livingroom and I avoided all eye contact with him.


I sucked on my empty spoon since Tyler threw my ice cream on the floor.

"Here you go." I heard Tyler say. I turned around and he had strawberry ice cream in his hand for me.

"Awww." Skye said. I rolled my eyes and took the ice cream.

"Damn, where's my thank you?" Tyler said sitting back down in the seat next to me.

"Thanks Tyler. It's my favorite too" I said and smiled a bit.

"You're welcome sexy." he said. I rolled my eyes again.

"Why is the spoon so deep in the middle." I said, pulling the spoon out of the thick creamy ice cream cup. Tyler smiled at me. Okay weirdo. I began eating the ice cream.

"Mmmm." I moaned. It tasted so good.

"Ay don't be doing that." Tyler said.

"What?" I said, enjoying my ice cream.

"Moaning and shit, don't do that around me. unless we in the bed." he mumbled the last part lowly but I still heard him.

"Whatever." I said, still eating my ice cream.

"What the hell. Why is there paper in my ice cream?" I said pulling the paper out.

"Wait don't throw it away, read it." Tyler said and smiled.

"Awww." Skye said again.

"Skye, shut up." I said and opened the little paper.

"Read it out loud." Skye said. I looked at her and back at the paper.

"I can't even read it because it's smudged with ice cream. That was smart to put the paper in melting ice cream Tyler." I said.

"Shit sorry. Anyway the paper said I'm sorry." he said.

"Are you sure? Because it looks like it says more than just sorry." I said.

"Aw just accept his apology." Skye said.

"Forreal." Tyler said.

"Okay I forgive you for throwing my ice cream on the floor like a retard." I said.

"Wow okay." Tyler said.

"I meant that in the kindest way." I said fake smiling.

"I'll never buy you ice cream again." he said shaking his head.

"I don't careee." I sang.

"You gonna care when I throw your ice cream on the floor again right?"

"Actually no, because it'll be your money wasted." I said shrugging.

"I shoulda spit in your ice cream." he said.

"And I should slap you for even saying something like that, nasty."

"Guys! Can ya'll stop, damn." Skye said.

"It's her, she's still being a bitch. I bought her her favorite ice cream and everything like can a nigga get a break." Tyler said.

"Yeah Alaina, be nice." Skye said.

"I'll be nice when he stops being stupid." I said.

"How the fuck am I being stupid?"

"Why would you throw my ice cream on the floor in the first place, you needa go clean that up by the way."

"Wow, I bought it back though! Damn Alaina, you can't be pleased for shit."

"Ya'll sound like a couple." Hodgy said.

"I hear ya'll arguing all the way from here, what are ya'll fussing about now?" Taco said as him, Jasper and Earl joined our table.Frank left. He probably had to go somewhere.

"It don't even matter anymore." Tyler said and got up to sit next to Hodgy which was the seat right in front of me. Taco took Tyler's place and sat next to me. I just continued eating my ice cream.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Jasper asked.

"Let's pop fireworks." Tyler said.

"Hell yes." Jasper said.

"Fireworks? For what?" I asked.

"Because it's funnn." Earl said.

"Yes, we gonna go to that big ass park and pop some fireworks niggasss." Jasper said.

"Again?" Skye asked, referring to when they did it a couple of weeks ago plus on the 4th of July.

"Yes nigga, again." Tyler said.

"But it's not the 4th of July. It's the beginning of August why are ya'll popping fireworks?" I asked.

"Why the fuck does it matter?" Tyler asked annoyed.

"Because it can be dangerous." I said. Tyler just sighed.

"It's okay Laina, we know how to do this, we got this." Taco said.

"Alright I guess." I said.

"You coming with us this time right?" Hodgy asked. I didn't go with them last time or the time before that.

"I guess." I said.

"I guess." Tyler said mocking me then gave me a straight face.

"Oh shut up." I said to him and threw my spoon at him. He put up the middle finger at me.

"Ya'll a violent ass couple." Earl said.

"We are not a couple." I said.

"Ya'll will be." Taco said.

"Yeah, no." I said looking at Tyler who just looked at his phone.

"Aight niggas, we gonna meet at Hodgy's house around 10pm, then he's gonna drive us there." Jasper said.

"I never agreed to that but aight." Hodgy said.

"Nigga you just agreed, shut up." Jasper said.

For the rest of the time we talked and finished our ice creams then left. Me and Skye were at my house chilling until it was time to go to the park.


omg wtf for some reason when i published this chapter it spaced out everythingggg so i just spent like 20 mins fixing that shit wtf wattpad.. anyway

This chapter is long and probably has mistakes but here you go lol. And I'm currently working on the next chapter.

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