Chapter Sixteen

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DAMN UGH I'M SORRY GUYS. I'm sorryyy for the long ass wait. School interfered with me updating. I actually been wrote the first part of this chapter but I never finished and today I decided to continue but I think I suck now. :(

Tyler's POV

"Hurry up you fat fuck." I yelled at Jasper. We were at the mall and this nigga was taking forever in the dressing room to try on swimming trunks for Taco's pool party today. Who tf tries on swimming trunks.

"Nigga hol' up, this shit can't fit. Pass me the ones next to you."

"Nigga I'm not coming in there to hand you your shit."

"Nigga just throw them shits over! fuck."" He said. I threw them over and sat back where I was sitting.

"Fucking fag." I mumbled and slouched in my chair. I'm not patient for shit like this. I sighed and walked away from the dressing area to sit outside of the store. I don't wanna be in this fucking place anymore.

I sat on one of the benches and took out my phone. I checked my phone to see if Alaina texted me back since I texted her earlier, but she didn't. Since the whole kissing shit at the lake 4 days ago or some shit, she's been acting weird. Like not texting niggas back and shit and the other day we were with Hodgy and Skye and I tried to talk to her but she kept responding with one word shits. Like "oh" and "yeah" and "okay". Fucking bitch. I mean she not a bitch, but you know. Well she acts like one sometimes.

Some little asian girl walked past me, staring at me slowly as she passed by.

"The fuck. Can I help you?" I said to her.

"Mommyyyy!" she shrieked and ran to her mom. Her mom pulled her close, looked back at me and scurried away. Wtf, I ain't even do shit.

"Why yall running? I'm asian too! Knee how!" I yelled at them, making them run faster. I heard a girl's laughter next to me and looked to my side. I saw some cute bitch sitting next to me. She had blonde hair and light brown eyes. Oo she had some big titties on her too.

"Hi." she smiled.

"Waddup." I said to her, looking at her titties. Ironically, I just peeped that her shirt said 'My eyes are up here.' with an arrow pointing at her face or some shit. Bitch I know where your eyes are located, nobody told you to have big ass breast. Shit, Imma look at them shits anyway.

"You're Tyler the Creator." she said, still smiling.

"Yupp." I said.

"I love you and your songs." she said.

"Oh that's so sweet, you want me to sign your titties?" I asked. She blushed and smiled again.

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