Chapter Twelve

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Ughhhhhhh. I'm soo late.. I told myself I don't wanna be one of those people who update late and apologize for every late chapter :/ . But yeah my bad..

Tyler's POV

I woke up at 2 in the afternoon. I went in my bathroom, brushed my teeth, and walked downstairs.

I walked in the kitchen and jumped a little. This nigga Earl was still on the counter. The fuck? I jumped again when I saw the same two girls from last night on the kitchen floor too. What the fuck, why are they still in my house. I didn't want to touch them so I took the bottle from Earl's hand and filled it with water. I started spraying the bitches that were on the floor and kicked them with my foot to make sure they were alive. They started moving around.

"Oh my gosh, what the hell?" one of the girls said sitting up. She tapped the other girl. "Becky, wake up." She said. The other girl sat up.

"Look, yall bitches need to get the fuck out." I said.

"Wait, where's my shirt." One of them said.

"I don't know but get out. You look good with just your bra on."

She smirked a little getting flirty.

"But the person that was suppose to bring us home from the party isn't here." She said. Just then, a boy walked downstairs. Oh fuck no. It was that same boy me and Alaina saw in my mom's room. He still ain't have no clothes on.

"Oh naaaa, nigga you need to leave." I said covering my eyes.

"Where my clothes at?" He asked.

"Nigga you better use papertowel and walk the fuck out of here." I said throwing some at him.

I started spraying all three of them and they ran out. I better not find no other niggas in my house.

"Yo Earl, get up." I said waking him up. He fell off the counter. I shook my head and made some breakfast.


After I showered, I called Taco to see what he was doing. He didnt answer his phone though. I didn't feel like doing anything right now though because I was still tired from the party.

Alaina's POV

Skye left after we ate breakfast when we woke up in the afternoon, and my brother just walked in the house. He went upstairs, I guess to take a shower because he did smell like a whole bunch of liquor. I sat on the couch in the living room watching tv.

When my brother came downstairs, he had on clean clothes and had a little bag in his hand. It looked like he was going back outside. I got up and walked over to him in the kitchen.

"Where ya going?" I asked him.

"Why are you so nosey? I'm just going out." He said closing the fridge from getting a Gatorade.

"I'm not being nosey I'm just asking because you just came back from somewhere and you're going out again."

"Well since there's going to be a big ass storm tonight I'm staying over at my boys house."

"Wait, there's gonna be a storm tonight?"

"Isn't that what I just said."

"So if there's gonna be a storm why would you leave me in the house by myself."

(A/n wait does L.A even have storms? This story is so stupid 😭. sorry.)

"You could figure something out." He said then walked out. I rolled my eyes. Idiot. I walked back into the living room and that's when I saw something on the news about the big storm. And my brother just gonna leave me all alone. I turned off the tv and went upstairs to take a shower.

When I got out, I put on light pink shorts with a white belt, a white crop top that said 'Don't Kill My Vibe' in gray letters and gray high top converses. I wet my hair some, scrunched it up, and left it out looking wet and wavy.

My phone started ringing and I picked it up. It was Tyler.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey, you wanna come outside?" He asked.

"Okay, where you at?"

"Just come outside, you'll see me." he said then hung up the phone.

I grabbed my keys and walked out my house. I saw Tyler and Taco outside my house with their skateboards.

"Hey." Taco said, giving me a hug.

"Hi guys." I said, then Tyler gave me a hug. He smells good. I started walking with them while Tyler skated at my walking pace and Taco had his skateboard in his hand, listening to music in his ears.

"So where are you two going?" I asked.

"No where we're just bored as fuck and we were in front of your house so we wanted you to come outside." Tyler said.

"Okay." I said and chuckled.

"I like your hair."

"Thank you." I said, then my phone rung because I got a text.

Brother: 'Yo sis I'm stayin at my boy house for 2 days since the storm is bad'

I rolled my eyes at the text and sighed a little, putting my phone away. Tyler put his arm around me.

"Ay, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing. My brother has been getting on my nerves."

"Oh aight." He said, as he stared at a girl that walked by that had on short pum pum shorts and basically a bra as a shirt. I took his arm off of me and he continued to look straight ahead.

"Yo yall know it's gonna be a big ass storm?" Taco said.

"Yeah." I said.

"When?" Tyler asked.

"Tonight." Taco said.


"I know. I'm staying at your house Tyler. I don't wanna stay with my parents and annoying ass sister." Taco said.

"Aight nigga. We gotta buy mad munchies and shit." Tyler said.

"Hell yeah. And watch mad Netflix." Taco said.

"You gonna be home with your brother Laina?" Tyler asked me.

"No because he's going to his stupid friends house and leaving me in the house all alone."

"Damn. You wanna stay at my house?" Tyler asked.

"Um, I don't know. I'll probably just ask Skye to stay with me." I said.

"Oh aight. If you change your mind you could come." He said smiling. I smiled a little. He wasn't being a little horny flirt, he was being a nice Tyler.

"Yo nigga." Tyler said hitting Taco in the back of his head, causing his earphone to fall out his ear.

"Ah, what nigga?" Taco said rubbing his head.

"We gotta go to the supermarket." He said.

"Alright. Fuck." He said getting on his skateboard and skating ahead of us.

"You coming?" He asked me.

"Sure." I said. I had nothing to do anyway.


We arrived at the grocery store. It wasn't far of a walk and they had their skateboards leaving me behind anyway. But Tyler kept stopping to wait for me to catch up. He called me a slow ass and wanted me to ride his skateboard but I wasn't gonna do that, so he had to put up with my slow walking.

Right now we were in the snacks aisle. Tyler was riding in the shopping cart while Taco was pushing him fast down the aisle. I pretended I didn't know them for a while because people were looking at them like they were crazy. I told them to stop but they weren't listening to me as usual.

Taco pushed the shopping cart my way with Tyler still in it. Tyler was grabbing stuff and putting it in the cart with him.

"Tyler, get out the shopping cart. You look stupid." I said and shook my head.

"Nah this is fun. Yo Taco, push me fast, no homo." Tyler said. Taco started running and pushing the cart and they ended up knocking over the display of cereal boxes. A big security guard started walking their way.

"Oh shit." Tyler said hopping out the cart but instead he fell, bringing the cart down with him. The guy that worked here started yelling at Tyler and told them to pick everything up unless he was gonna call the cops. Wow. I walked over to them to help.

"I told you to get out, but no. You didn't wanna listen." I said picking up the Lucky Charms.

"Shutup." Tyler said and nudged my head. I hit him back, then he threw a cereal box at me. I threw it back at him and he ended up busting one of the boxes open, spilling all the cereal on me.

"Ugh Tylerrr." I said brushing the cereal off of me. He started laughing and got up to help pick the cereal out of my hair. He took the marshmallows from the Lucky Charms out of my hair and ate them.

"You don't even know if my hair is clean." I said.

"Is it?" He asked.

"Yeah but still."

"You don't got lice right?" He asked. I punched him in his arm.

"Ow, i'm sorry I was kidding." He said rubbing his arm.

When we finished picking up the boxes, one of the workers had to sweep up the cereal we spilled. I apologized for their behavior since we almost got kicked out but they apologized and got to purchase their things. After that we left.


"So can you come over?" I asked Skye over the phone.

I was now in my room laying on my bed. Earlier I had left Tyler and Taco when they started acting crazy on the sidewalk. They were making videos while Tyler was dancing stupidly. It was now 7pm and the storm was soon about to start. I had just finished telling Skye how I'll be alone because of my brother.

"Sorry I can't, my parents said no. They want me to stay with them."

"Ugh, okay then."

"Aww are you gonna be okay?"

"I guess so. But I'll call you later."

"Okay, bye chica."

"Bye." I said with a chuckle. I sat up and sighed. I went downstairs to get some ice cream then came back upstairs. I had a text from Tyler.

Tyler: 'pssstt. U sure you dont wana come overrr? u could bring skye'

Me: 'Skye isn't here, she couldn't come'

Tyler: 'then bring ur fat ass over here'

Me: '😐 I'm not fat. And no.'

Tyler: 'i was talkin bout your booty. and yes, come'

Me: 'I don't want to."

Tyler: 'then i'll come over your house. Idgaf what u say, i'm puttin on my shoes'

I rolled my eyes at his text and put my phone down. Better than being alone. And Taco would be with him so I don't have to be alone with tyler.

About 21 minutes later, my doorbell rang. I walked downstairs and opened the door, seeing Tyler standing there with a creep smile on his face and a bag on his back. He put up the peace sign with his fingers. I took his hand and pulled him in my house.

"Oo you rough." he said smirking, referring to how I quickly pulled him inside.

"Shutup," I said rolling my eyes. "Where's Taco?" I asked, closing the door.

"I told his dumb ass to not go back to his house but he wanted to go to get something and he ended up having to stay home." He said, putting his bag down.

"Oh." I said. Just great.

"Well I brought the shit we bought at the supermarket." He said handing me the bag of snacks and stuff. I put them in the kitchen.

"Aight so where's ya room?" he asked.

"Hold on." I said putting some sodas in the fridge. I'm pretty sure he was looking at my butt because he walked right behind me after I closed the fridge. I walked past him to the stairs and he followed me into my room.

"Ughh your room is so girly with your pink walls and shit." He said walking towards my bed and sitting down.

"Shutup I didn't even want it this color." I said, walking to my dresser to find a scrunchy.

"Then why you painted it pink?"

"My mom and brother tried to surprise me and decorate my room theirselves. My brother knows I hate pink so he probably did that on purpose." I said, putting my hair in a messy bun.

"Oh hell na. I woulda been mad as hell." He said, grabbing the remote and turned on the tv. He turned to cartoon network and Adventure Time was on.

"Really?" I said, getting my laptop and sitting on the other side of my bed.

"What, you don't like this show?"

"No, it's stupid."

He gasped. "You are a faggg." he said, throwing a pillow at me. I let it slide though. He started singing the theme song and got comfortable on my bed, laying on his stomach. I rolled my eyes and continued on my laptop. I went on a fashion website that I like to look at and shop online while he watched his cartoon.


Tyler's POV

"Ay let's watch a movie." I said as Alaina shut down her laptop. She got up and set up Netflix on her tv.

"Watchu wanna watch?" She asked.

"A scary movie."

"I hateee scary movies." she said.

"I wanna watch a scary movie though so you gotta stop acting like a fag."

"If you call me that one more time." she said throwing the remote controller from the ps3 at me, hitting me in my stomach.

"Ow, that shit hurt." i said rubbing my stomach.


"That's why Imma pick a scary ass movie." I said looking through the scary movies.

"Whatever." she said. I looked at her for a second then looked at the tv. She's cute.

"You should go pop the popcorn and shit." I said. She got up and left the room. I picked the movie and waited for her to come back. I took off my shirt because I was real hot for some reason. And it's just comfortable for me to not have on a shirt. Alaina took a little long so I walked downstairs to see what she was doing.

When I got to the kitchen, I saw her leaning against the counter looking down at her phone while the microwave was on. Since her back was faced to me, I snuck up on her and made a loud growl noise. She jumped and almost dropped her phone. I started laughing.

"Ugh, don't do that!" she yelled at me then hit me in my arm continuously. I continued laughing.

"Oh shit, that was funny." I said, catching my breath from laughing.

"Idiot." she said and looked back at her phone. I chuckled.

"You need help down here?" I asked, standing in front of her.

"No, why would I need help popping popcorn."

"Because you taking forever and a nigga is hungry." I said, stealing some popcorn from the bag that she first popped.

"Stop eating the popcorn, pass me that big bowl." she said after she hit my hand. I passed her the bowl and took some more popcorn. She poured the rest of the popcorn in the bowl and opened the microwave to get the second bag. She opened it and poured it in the bowl then started popping another pack. It was a big ass bowl so there was like 4 packs of popcorn. I ate some popcorn and watched her.

"Stop eating the popcorn you idiot."

"Call me an idiot again." I said crunching on the popcorn.

"Idiot." she said, pressing the popcorn button on the microwave. She turned around to face me and I threw a handful of popcorn at her. Some of it was in her hair and one fell in her shirt.

"You got 5 seconds to clean this popcorn off of me now!" She said about to hit me but I stepped back and laughed. She looked mad though. I stepped closer to her and caught her staring at my abs. I smirked a little and started picking the popcorn out of her soft hair then she looked up at me. I looked at her as I took one last one out her hair, throwing it in the bin next to us. I looked at her lips, wanting to kiss them so I leaned in. But the damn microwave started beeping loudly, meaning the popcorn was done. She pushed me back a little then turned around to open the microwave and got the bag out.

"Move." she said because I was blocking her way to get to the bowl. I moved out her way, then the doorbell started ringing. Alaina quickly tried to push me out of the kitchen.

"Ah, watchu doing?" I said as she tried to push me but I made myself heavier on purpose.

"What if that's my brother at the door! Hurry up and go upstairs." She said, with her hands still on my back pushing me. I took her hands off me.

"Wouldn't he have the keys?" I asked her. She stood there and thought about it then went to the door which rang again. She tiptoed a little to look through the peephole.

"Who is it?" I asked her, walking behind her.

"Taco." she said while opening the door and he rushed inside.

"Nigga watchu doing here? Why the hell ya ass outside in the storm you faggot."

"Nigga shutup it's only wind right now and I saw people outside."

"I thought you had to stay home?" Alaina asked, going to the kitchen. I was about to say the same thing.

"At first I did but I had an argument with my dad and he told me to get out." He explained, as we followed Alaina in the kitchen.

"Damn, he put you out in the storm? That's fucked up." I said, still taking some popcorn. Alaina glared at me.

"Hell yeah but he only did that because he knew I would come to your house or some shit. If I had no where to go his ass would let me stay inside." Taco said, eyeing both of us. "Ay what yall niggas was doing in here? You got your shirt off and shit and Alaina with ya short ass shorts."

I started laughing.

"My shorts are not even that short! Now I'm gonna go change." she said getting out three sodas.

"Nah don't change." I said, looking at her ass. She rolled her eyes carrying the sodas while I carried the popcorn and we went upstairs.


And nevermind I'm not updating everyday :/ This is hard. Making a story. Sorry, I had a little writer's block. And I don't really like what I just wrote.


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