Chapter Eight

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Few days later... (like 3)

Tyler's POV

I sighed heavily as I slouched down, sitting in a limo on the way to my mom's wedding. I was really annoyed because I hate weddings, I hate the man my mother is getting married to, and I hate being in this itchy ass tuxedo. Fuck. Niggas don't want to be riding in this gay ass limo either.

My mom was already at the place and so was other people that were invited like friends and family. She left real early and shit to go so now me and this nigga Steve were getting a ride in a limo since the wedding is about to start. It's the same limo they're gonna drive away to their honeymoon and shit. I looked at Steve and he looked nervous as shit. Fag.


Steve went to wherever the groom goes before the wedding and I walked into the place to sit. Damn. This is a big ass place. People were taking their seats and I was walking up to the third row in my seat alone.

Since I never met my dad, I don't know his side of the family so they werent here. We barely associate with anyone on my mom's side of the family because they just stopped talking to us for some reason a long time ago. So basically she didn't have any family to be here besides me. I'm the only child and shit. My mom invited alot of friends though. And we got faggot ass Steve's side of the family here too. I invited Taco too since we grew up together and my mom likes Taco like a second son kind of. But Taco couldn't make it.

I pulled out my phone to go on instagram for a while then put it away. When the hell is this shit gonna start. I looked around and seen more people arriving. I looked in front of me as a girl sat in the seat in front of me and picked something up on the floor. She looked familiar as hell, even though I was looking at the back of her head, with her long and curly dark brown hair. I know that hair from anywhere though.

When she turned around, I saw her face. It was Ashley.

"Tyler! Hey." she smiled turning all the way around. She was in the row in front of me.

"Waddup, watchu doing here?" I asked.

"Me and my family were invited because my mom is good friends with the groom. And I know your mom is the bride right? That's cool." She said.

"Oh aight. But where ya family though?" I asked, because she was sitting alone.

"They're in the seats over there, I came over here because when I passed this seat, I dropped my headphones." She said putting them in her purse. I nodded my head.

"Awh but look at you. You look so cute in your tux."

"Ay don't talk to me with that cute shit. I'm fucking annoyed I don't even wanna be here." I said slouching.

"Why not? Your mom is getting married."

"Yeah to a nigga I don't like. Plus I hate weddings I wanna go home."

She chuckled at me. "Stand up." She said.

"Why?" I asked. "I have to fix your tie for you." She said. I sighed and got up. She walked around the chair to stand in front of me. Damn she was looking good. She had on a tight peach dress that complimented her body. She fixed my tie for me then waved goodbye and walked over to her family. Dat ass though. I like Alaina's ass better though.


"You may now kiss the bride." The old guy said. Everyone one cheered and clapped except for me. I just wanted this shit to be over. I was nearly falling asleep and shit when they were saying their vows and when the old guy was talking, he was talking so slow and shit with his old ass.

Everyone got up because it was time to eat and dance and shit. Finally, a nigga was hungry. I walked over to one of the tables. All I saw was some little fancy food shits. The fuck is this?Niggas want some bacon up in this bitch. I looked around and saw my mom dancing with Steve. She looked so happy like really really happy. A little too happy. But I guess it was nice seeing her like that instead of being stressed and pissed at me.

I went to go look for the bathroom. I aint even have to pee I just wanted a break for a while. I walked into the unisex bathroom and saw Ashley in the mirror, I guess reapplying her makeup or some shit. She looked at me in the mirror.

"Hey Tyler." She said closing her makeup thing and putting it away.

"Hi." I said.

"What's wrong?" She said turning around, looking at me.

"Nothing." I said, standing in front of a bathroom stall while she was standing by the sink.

"It doesn't seem like it. What's wrong Ty?" She said. I sighed. Why is this bitch so nosey.

"Nothing I'm just a little tired." I lied. "You sure?" She said walking closer to me.

"Yeah. But you looking sexy in your dress though." I said changing the subject.

"You think so?" she said doing a little spin.

"Hell yeah." I said licking my lips. She walked closer to me and put her arms around my neck. She stared at my lips and kissed them. She pushed me in the stall and locked it, then started kissing me again. We were making out while I squeezed on her big booty.

"You wanna do a lil something something right quick." I said kissing on her neck. She giggled. Her annoying ass giggle. I knew this girl for a while and she's always been annoying and a hoe. Her hoe ass.

"Not at your mom's wedding." She said tryna push me off. This bitch.

"How you gon' start something and not finish it." I said.

"I'm sorry I just wanted your lips." I sucked my teeth. I heard somebody come in the bathroom. Ashley gasped and covered her mouth trying to stay still.

"Get out the stal-"

"shhh!" She said covering my mouth. I moved her hand.

"Bitch, move so I could get out."

"Shhh, there's someone out there." She whispered. I tried to unlock the door but she kept hitting my hand.

"Tyler stop." She whispered. I unlocked it and we both fell out the stall. We didn't fall on the floor, but Ashley was leaning on the door so when I unlocked it she almost fell and i almost fell on top of her. When we looked up some old ass lady was looking at us weirdly. Ashley cleared her throat, fixed her dress then left out the bathroom. The old lady was still looking at me.

"Fuck you looking at?" I said. This bitch was eyeing me, looking all sus and shit. She lucky I won't push her old ass down. Her Golden Girls looking ass. She shook her head mumbling something under her old breath. I walked out the bathroom. I walked back over to the food table and saw some chicken. I took a plate and put like 12 pieces of chicken on my plate. Hell yes. This is about the only shit I like about this wedding. This chicken.

My mom forced me to meet Steve's family so after that happened, people were leaving and I damn sure wanted to leave too. They were about to go on their honeymoon and shit. Good because I could have the house to myself. Fuck that , I'm finna throw a party sometime this week.

I was laying in my room on my bed. Nice peace and quiet since my mom is on her honeymoon for like 2 weeks. I called up Taco to tell him about the party I'm gonna throw on Friday night. Tomorrow's Thursday so I'll get shit ready tomorrow.

"Wassup Tyler?" Taco said.

"Yo, I'm throwing a party on Friday night so tell everybody about it. Well everybody that we fuck with it. And get some bitches there too."

"Awesome, aight nigga. I'll call you back."

"Aight." I said and hung up my phone. Taco got that covered with inviting everybody. I'll post a little something about it on instagram, but then again I don't want no little stalker bitches showing up. Yeah, I'll leave that to Taco. I scrolled through instagram and saw a picture of Alaina. I had recently found her instagram and started following her. Her pretty ass. I liked the picture and decided to text her. I wonder If she would come to my party. Since I was too lazy to text, I called her instead.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hey Alainaaaa." I said.

"I'm surprised you ain't say hey sexy. But hey."

"I thought you hated when I called you that. You are so confusing."

"Shutup. So watchu want?" She asked.

"I was wonderinggg, if you wanna come to an awesome ass party I'm throwing on Friday at my house." I said.

"Um, no."

"Why nottt?"

"Because I don't want to go to your crazy ass party."

"But why? It's gonna be fun as fuck."


"Man you suck. Nah but seriously can you come please."

"No Tyler, I'm not going to a party. I dont even party like that."

"Then what the fuck you be doing? Damn."

"I'm a lame person I don't know why you talk to me. I don't party or do crazy stuff and be out like everyone else. I like to stay inside sometimes."

"Can I ask you a question?"


"Where you lived before you moved here?"

"New York."

"New York is awesome and exciting, why aren't you?"

"You're an asshole. GoodBye." She said and hung up. I sucked my teeth. I wasn't tryna say she's boring, because I don't think she is. I actually find her interesting since she's not like everyone else, which is weird for me. All I'm saying is she needa be more fun, like who doesn't like to party? I guess not everybody. But I still want her to come though.

Taco called back and told me he called everybody to tell everybody. Well that was quick. After we finished talking, I got up and took off my shirt and pants. Nobody's in the house but me so lemmie walk around in my boxers. This shit is comfortable as fuck.

Alaina's POV

"So you got everything ready for mom's birthday tomorrow right?" I asked Allan.

"Yeah, everything is straight. So in the morning you two go to the spa and when yall get back I'll have her special cake and dinner ready. Then I got the ticket for her vacation for a week." he said smiling satisfyingly.

"Great." I said and fist bumped him. He started walking out my room.

"Wait, can I ask you a question Allan?"

"Yeah, what?" He said turning around.

"Am I boring? Like am I not exciting or something."

"Yeah you are boring only because you're my little sister so I dont want to hang out with you."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

"Nah but why you worried about that though? You're usually aren't the type of person to worry about what people think about you."

"I'm not worried I was just asking."

"Well okay." He said walking out of my room.

I was thinking about how Tyler basically said I wasn't exciting or fun. I don't know why I care though, my brother is right. I usually don't care what people think about me. But I don't know. I would go to his party but I don't drink or smoke and I don't like dancing with people so what am I suppose to do, just stand there? I know Tyler's gonna be all over the place and probably dance with everybody and their mothers so I'm deciding to stay home. I hopped in my bed to go to sleep to get ready for my mom's birthday tomorrow. Hopefully she likes it.


Hey hey 👋

So Imma start a schedule thing. I'll try and update a chapter each day Mon-Fri and I'm not gonna upload on weekends. And maybe not all the time on Fridays.

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