Chapter Fourteen

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Tyler's POV

"Tyler, something bad just happened." Ashley cried as she let me in her house. Here we go again with this bitch delaying my pussy time. I sighed.

"What happened?" I asked, pretending to care.

"M-my boyfriend h-he broke up with me." she said sobbing.

"Well hey that's good now you don't have to sneak behind his back and fuck me because you're single now. Heyyy." I said, taking off my shirt. But she started crying harder.

I don't really know how to deal with crying bitches, so I just sat next to her and awkwardly patted her back.

"It's alright Ash. Hey I know what'll make you feel better." I said.

"What? Making him take me back?" she said sniffling.

"Um no. But you can ride my dick? It'll be funnn." I said, trying to make it sound exciting. I really wanted to fuck her and leave. She started crying again.

"Why did you have me come here to watch you cry? Didn't you agree to fuck?"

"Yeah but he just broke up with me 5 minutes ago. I really want him back Tyler."

"Why did he break up with you anyway? Does this have something to do with me or some shit?"

"I don't know, he never told me why." she said wiping her eyes. She looked like a hot mess. That black makeup shit was running down her face and shit.

"Wow." I said. "Maybe it's because you're a hoe?" I said. She cried again.

"Get out." she said, sobbing loudly. I probably just made it worse. She got up and pulled me off the couch.

"Leave now!" she said pushing me.

"Ay, it's not my fault you're a hoe." I said. She pushed me out and slammed the door in my face. This bitch is actually strong. I knocked on the door again.

"What!?" she yelled from the other side of the door, making me jump a little.

"I need my shirt!" I yelled back. She took a while to answer then finally opened the door, throwing two pieces of cloth in my face. She slammed the door again. This bitch ripped my shirt in half. Man bitches are crazy when they're mad. I guess I'm walking around shirtless. It's hot outside anyway, shit.

I walked back to my house but instead of going inside, I got in my car that was parked in the driveway. I had an extra shirt in my car so I put it on and started backing out the driveway. I decided to go to the lake and smoke weed. I went there the night before last night when Steve pissed me the fuck off. I felt like going there now because it's relaxing. Since bitches don't wanna give me any pussy, I'll just get high.

I arrived at the lake and got out my car with the weed in my pocket. I walked out onto the grass and found the usual spot I sit at. I sat down, rolled the weed, and lit it up. I looked at the lake while I smoked. This feels good. Fuck Ashley, fuck Steve, fuck everybody right now.


-the next day in the afternoon-


I was sitting on the couch in the living room on my phone. My mom left in the morning for work and Steve was walking into the living room, looking dressed up.

"So why you can't watch your nieces again?" I asked Steve as he walked in the living room. I really didn't feel like watching them lil niggas. Especially for him. But I would basically have no choice because my mother told me I better do it. At least money is involved.

"I told you, because I have an important meeting at my job and your mother has to work, so you're the only one free. Their mother should be coming in like 5 minutes. Remember, no cursing around them because you have a vulgar mouth and they, well one of them, tend to repeat alot of things people say."

(I changed the little nieces ages to 5 and they're twins.)

"Um, I can't make that promise." I said. Just then the doorbell rang. Steve went to go answer it. Now I gotta spend my day with two little girls. They better not be annoying cause I'm not with that shit.

Steve walked back in the living room with the two little girls and they looked EXACTLY alike. They were light skinned and had pigtails with pink bows in their brown hair. They both were wearing a pink dress and had dora backpacks on their backs.

"Jessica, Jamie this is Tyler. He's going to be taking care of you today okay?" Steve said, as they both nodded their heads.

"Okay, here's the mone-" I grabbed the money out of his hand.

"Tyler, that's the money to get their lunch. I said I'll pay you later." Steve said. I sucked my teeth.

"This is the list of stuff they can't eat and here's their mother's number just in case of anything. She's coming to pick them up at 6, and that's around the time I'll be coming back too." he said.

"Yeah, yeah I got this. Bye." I said.

"Make sure you take good care of them." Steve said after hugging his nieces. He walked out the door. Nigga talk too much.

The twins just stood by each other staring at me.

"So waddup yall." I said to them. One of them jumped on the couch next to me and the other one quietly sat on the other couch.

"HI I'M JESSICA." the little girl next to me said. I don't why she's shouting though.

"Aight hi Jessica, Imma need you to lower your voice. I'm right next to you." I told her.

"SORRY." she said shouting again. I gave her a look.

"I mean sorry." she said, using a regular voice. Her other sister was just staring at us on the other couch, quiet.

"So wassup with your sister, she doesn't speak?" I asked.

"She's quiet because she doesn't know you. But don't worry she does that to all the strangers. But at home when we have play time she talk to me. And she talk to mommy too. But I talk to everybody. I have alot of friends in my school. They really like me. I like them to-"

"Ay ay okayyy. You don't have to talk so much. Damn." I said, already irritated.

"Ooo my mommy said damn is a bad word."

"Shit, my bad. Don't say that." I said.

"Oooo you said the S word. That's a bad word too."

I sighed heavily.

"You should be more like your sister." I told Jessica.

"WHY?" she said shouting again. I flinched a little.

"Because she's not YELLING IN MY EAR." I said yelling at Jessica. I'm boutta fling this little girl across the room. I already don't like her.

"You wanna see my new barbie doll? she's so pretty. I named her Selena. Like Selena Coldmez. I like Selena Coldmez. She was on my favorite show on the disney channel."

"Listen, I don't give a fuck about Selena GOMEZ, can you please stop talking?" I said to her. Shit, I'm trying not to curse and trying to be nice but she's pushing it.

"OOOOO THAT'S A REALLY BAD WORD." she yelled at me. Ugh kill me now. My phone started ringing and I saw it was Hodgy.

"Stay right here. I'm going in the kitchen real quick." I said getting up. Annoying ass little girl.

"Hello?" I answered my phone.

"Yo wassup nigga, what time you coming to the skatepark?"

"Shit, I forgot about that. I'm babysitting right now. This shit is annoying as fuck and they weren't even here for a good 20 minutes."

"Damn, how much kids you babysitting?"

"Two, they're twins but one of them talk too much. I'm not with that shit."

Hodgy chuckled. "Damn. Alright then, so you not coming right?"

"Actually, Imma come. I'll just bring the little niggas with me."

"Aight nigga. see you soon." he said and hung up.

I walked back into the livingroom. I saw the quiet twin, Jamie, on the couch but I didn't see Jessica.

"Hey, where did your sister go?" I asked her. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Fuck." I said to myself looking around the livingroom. At least I know the difference between them because even though they look exactly alike they have two different personalities.

"Jessica!" I yelled her name. I looked around the living room. Where did this lil bitch go. I was about to look upstairs when,

"BOO!" Jessica jumped out in front of me.

"Nigga what the hell is wrong with you? Don't do shit like that." I told her. She started laughing loudly and annoyingly.

"I scared you I scared you!" she said.

"Go sit your little ass on the couch please." I said. She went over to the couch with her little Selena doll shit.

"Alright, so how would yall like to go to the skatepark?" I said.

"OOO YAY THE PARK!!." Jessica said getting up and jumping happily.

"NO! Not the park. The skatepark." I said.

"It's still a park, duh!" she said.

"Whatever, get your shit and let's go." I said, getting my skateboard.


After the long annoying drive with Jessica's non stop talking, we were now inside the skatepark. I told the twins to sit on the bench and not to move, while I skate. Today it was just me, Hodgy, Jasper, Taco, Earl and Frank. The girls didn't come today. I was texting Alaina earlier but she was helping her mom with something.

"So I was fucking this bitch last night right," Jasper said. We were sitting by the skating rail stairs thing.

"Nigga stop lying." I said.

"Nigga let me finish. So I was fucking her right, then this bitch mom come home walking in on us. Man that shit was weird as fuck."

Taco started laughing.

"That's not as weird as hearing your mother fucking." I said, shivering at the memory.

"Ew nigga." Hodgy said.

"Ain't they too old for that shit. They need to be reading books and going fucking fishing or some shit." Earl said.

"Hell yeah! I would be mad as fuck If she end up pregnant." I said.

"Nah she too old for that." Hodgy said.

"Nigga she's not that old." I said.

"Yo Taco, when is your pool party again? I need to see bitches in bathing suits." Jasper said.

"Word me too." Hodgy said.

"You know Skye is gonna beat your ass if you look at other bitches." Frank said.

"Exactly. And It's on saturday nigga." Taco said.

"I wanna see that Alaina bitch in a bathing suit. You fucked her yet Tyler?" Jasper asked.

"Nah nigga."

"Nigga watchu waiting for? I woulda been dived in that pussy." Jasper said.

"I'll probably wait until Taco's party. You know it's gonna take a while because she's not a hoe so Imma have to get her ass drunk or some shit." I said.

"She seems like a nice girl, you gonna do her like that?" Frank said.

"That bitch probably a freak in the bed." Jasper said. I shrugged and thought about what Frank said a little.

"MR. TYLERRRRR!" I heard a little girl yell.

"Ugh, what the fuck does she want." I said looking back to see Jessica's little loud ass standing on the bench.

"Nigga, go do your job." Hodgy said.

"Nigga, suck me." I said walking away, towards Jessica and Jamie.

"Fag!" I heard him yell.

"MR. TYLERR!" Jessica yelled again even though I was right in front of her.

"What do you want Jessica? And I told you stop calling me Mr. Tyler, just say Tyler. Shit." I said.

"I'm boreddd, there's no swings in this park."

"Because it is a skatepark not a playground okay?" I said.

"I'm hungryyyy." she whined. I sighed.

"Are you hungry too?" I asked Jamie. She nodded her head yes. Man I like this little girl. Nice and quiet.

"Alright so what yall want? Pizza or some shit?"


"Then you can't have pizza. What else you want?" I asked.

"I want pizzaaaaa." she whined.

"Too bad, you can't have pizza." I said.

She screamed loudly. What the fuck.

"I WANT PIZZAAAAA!" she screamed and cried making a scene.

"Alright alright! Fuck, I'll get you some pizza, shutup." I said.

"Yay." she said smiling. I shook my head.

"Give me five minutes aight?" I said.

"Lalalalalala." she said playing with her doll. I sucked my teeth and walked away from them.

"Yo I gotta get these little niggas pizza so I'll be back." I told Hodgy, while everyone else was skating. He chuckled.

"Okay. Where they at?" he asked.

"Watchu mean where they- What the fuck?" I said looking around noticing that they weren't on the bench that I left them at.

"Damn, you losing people's kids and shit." Hodgy said.

"Shut the hell up and help me look for them."

We walked all around the skatepark calling their name and they were no where in sight.

"Where the hell them little fucks went?" I said.

"Is that them over there? With that old lady?" Hodgy said pointing. I looked to where he was pointing and saw the twins with some creepy looking old lady. We both walked over there.

"Jessica, Jamie what the hell are yall doing all the way on this side of the park? Yall know this lady?"

"Well I don't know she said she's our gramma that we never met and had cookies and candies for us in her van." Jessica said, holding the lady's hand. Are you serious. What type of sus ass shit is this.

"The fuck?" Hodgy said. Exactly.

"Get the fuck away from these kids, are you stupid." I said to the lady, with her stink ass. I grabbed Jessica away from her. Jamie wasn't even touching this old bitch. She seriously looks creepy as fuck tryna steal kids. The lady ran to her car and drove away.

I looked at Jessica and Jamie.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? didn't your mother tell you don't talk to strangers? Stupid." I said, mostly talking to Jessica because Jamie never really gave me problems and Jessica probably told her to follow her.

"You're a stranger and I talk you." she said.

"That's different because I'm in charge of your ass today. And since your dumbass uncle Steve is my "stepdad" we're related now somehow. But you don't talk to weird sus looking bitches."

"But she said she had candyyy I want candyyy." Jessica said beginning to cry.

"Don't start that crying shit, you could of just asked me, why would you go with a fucking creepy ass lady?" I said.

"I don't fuckin know!" she yelled. Oh shit.

"Who you talking to little girl? Watch your mouth." I said.

"Well you say stuff like that so I can say it too."

"No you can't"

"Yes I can."

"No you can't."

"YES I CAN!" she said. I'm about this close to slapping the shit out of her.

"Chill Tyler, she's just a little girl." Hodgy said, noticing how mad I was getting. I sighed. We walked back to my car. Hodgy decided to come along to get pizza with us. He had to make sure I wasn't gonna kill Jessica too. I cannot babysit children like her.


We were back at the house and it was finally going on 6:00 so I don't have to watch these lil niggas no more. Jamie was quietly playing with her doll on the living room floor and Jessica's bad ass was chomping on her doll's head. This little girl is crazy as fuck. I sat next to Jamie on the floor.

"Hi." I told her. She waved her little hand at me.

"You don't want to speak to me?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded her head yes.


"You shut your ass up and mind your business, I didn't ask you." I said.

"MEANIE." she yelled.

"Fag." I said

"What's a fag?" she asked.

"You are a fag."

"Are you one too?"

"No. Shutup and play with your stupid doll."


"whatever." I mumbled. The front door opened and Steve came inside. Finally, time to get paid.

"HI UNCLE STEVE." Jessica said running to him.

"Hello sweetie." he said. Sweetie my dick. Lil girl is bad. The doorbell rang and Steve opened it. Inside stepped a lady which I guess was their mother because she looked just like them.

"MOMMY!" Jessica yelled. Ugh, am I the only one annoyed by her screaming.

"Hey baby girls." she said. Jamie got up and ran to her mother, hugging her.

"Did you have fun with Tyler today?" She asked.

"I guess so. Only because he gave us pizza and soda but he's a meanie. But guess what I learned today mommy! I'm a fag! and I can't wait to be a grown up to say words like 'fuck and shit'. Anddd we have third grandma! she said she was gonna give us candy and cookies in her van so we ran off with her but then Mr. Tyler told me I was stupid because I went with a creepy ass lady! hahahahaha!" Jessica giggled.

I tried to keep myself from laughing but the look on her mother's face scared the shit out of me. Steve's face just looked stupid.

"That's it Steve, my kids are never coming over here again! Don't call us! Let's go girls." she said.

"What Janelle, I apologize I didn't know that was going to happen." Steve said.

"Why would you let someone like that around my kids? Your nieces!" she yelled.

Blah blah blah. They went back and forth for a while until she finally decided to leave but before she left, Jamie ran back inside.

"bye tyler." she said, in a low voice hugging my leg. I was shocked as hell to hear that she actually speaks.

"Wow. Bye Jamie." I said smiling a little.

"Jamie come here now!" her mother yelled. She ran back to her mother and the door closed. Steve paced back and forth looking pissed off. I sat on the couch waiting for him to yell at me. I'm not gonna listen to his annoying ass anyway.


This chapter was getting a little long and I still have more to add. So yeah. Lol was this chapter stupid?

And thank you for the people who like my story :)

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