Chapter Nineteen

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HEY FAM. You guys might wanna read the previous chapter if you guys forgot what's going on in the story 😭. I apologize for never updating. But I'm here now. I'm here 💘. btw i don't really like what I wrote but eh.

Alaina's POV

It was going on 9pm and me and Skye were at my house waiting for the boys to pick us up so they can pop fireworks or whatever. To be honest I was tired and didn't really feel like going anymore but I'll just go to get out of the house.

"Aww Brina just texted me and said Serena and her boyfriend broke up that's why she was crying earlier." Skye said, looking up from her phone.

"Really ? That boy she's been going out with for like 10 years ?" I asked.

"4 and a half years, But yeah."

"Oh wow, she must be heartbroken she really loved him. Why'd they break up?" I asked.

"He was cheating. That's so sad." Skye said shaking her head. I shook my head too.

"If I ever found out Hodgy cheated on me ooo I will kill him, I'll chop off his di-"

"Whoa, okay." I said and we both laughed.

Boys are so stupid. Why would you cheat on someone, if you don't want to be with them just tell them that, don't go cheat on them. That's so wrong, and this is why so many girls feel hurtt and go through heartbreaks and cry over some jerk that they don't need to be crying over. I never been heartbroken before and I never wanna be that's why I don't like talking to boys who are players and claim that they would "change the game for you" and be "loyal" but still mess with their hoes on the low. Pigs. And it's not just males, females shouldn't cheat either.

I heard two knocks on my room door then my room door opened. It was my brother Allan.

"I didn't say come in." I said.

"Shut up, what time are you leaving?" he asked. I looked at the time.

"We should be leaving any minute, we're waiting for our friends to pick us up." I said.

"Well hurry up, I got a girl coming over."

"Oh whatever. You're lucky mom is working a night shift tonight." I said, because she wouldn't want him bringing females over. She doesn't ever wanna catch my brother having sex or something.

"Whatever." he said and left the room.

"Your brother is sooo fucking cute." Skye said.

"Eww no he isn't. And hey, don't make me tell Hodgy." I said.

"I'm just saying. Your mother makes some gorgeous children." she said.

"Why thank you." I said, flipping my hair. We both laughed.

Just then I got a text from Tyler.


"Alright, let's go." I told Skye. We both got up, got our things, and walked outside where we seen Hodgy's car. His car was big so all of us could fit. I got in the backseat with Earl.

"Hey Early." I said.

"Hi Lainy." he said and gave me a side hug.

Skye went over to the passenger seat where Tyler was sitting. In the middle of the car was Jasper and Taco. They looked back at me and said hey and I said hey back.

"Tyler get uppp!" I heard Skye saying from the front.

"Nigga, why can't you just go in the back?" Tyler said.

"Ay we don't got time for this, Tyler get up so my bae can sit. Let's go." Hodgy said.

"Ya'll some fags." Tyler said getting up. Ugh that means he has to sit in the back next to me. I sighed. Tyler opened the car door and slid in beside me. He didn't say anything to me though.

The car ride was kind of long but I love long car rides because it's comfortable plus it was night time. Tyler was asleep next to me with his head on the window. He looked so peaceful. We finally arrived to the park and we all got up. The boys got their firework junk from the trunk and we all walked into the big park. We found a nice empty area with clean grass. It wasn't pitch black or anything because there were a lot of bright street lights around and some people were actually still in the park having a little bbq.

"I'm hungry as fuck." Tyler said looking over at the bbq.

"Bro why is there a car parked here." Jasper said setting up the table with the fireworks. There was a random car that was parked on the grass.

"I don't know man but i'm boutta go get some food." Tyler said.

"Food from where?" I asked. Tyler looked at me.

"The bbq nigga. I'm boutta go tell them I'm their cousin." he said. I shook my head.

"Nigga I dare you." Taco said.

"Aight." Tyler said, walking over to the bbq. We all watched him talk to the person that was barbecuing. It looks like he was making the guy laugh and he actually ended up getting a plate of food. He walked back over to us smiling and eating his plate of food.

"Wow." Taco chuckled and continued setting up the table.

"They actually believed you were their cousin?" I asked.

"Nah, but they know I'm Tyler the creator unlike your dumbass." he said, eating chicken.

I rolled my eyes and walked away from him. I sat under a tree next to Skye as we watched Hodgy pop the first firework. It was really loud and I thought it was about to hit me so I jumped. Skye chuckled.

"Calm down Laina." she said.

"Ya'll wanna try?" Jasper asked as he popped one. I still jumped though. Skye hopped up and tried it but I remained seated. It just wasn't for me.


About a half an hour passed and the guys were still popping fireworks. Except for Hodgy who was cuddled up with Skye under a tree. They looked so cute. I was under a different tree getting tired of hearing the nosey fireworks. On top of that it smelled really burnt like fire because the people who were having the barbecue accidentally made something catch on fire and they just finished putting the fire out.

It was getting late I know we would have to leave pretty soon. It was going on 10' o clock. I got up to walk over to the boys.

"You guys should start wrapping things up because it's getting late an-"

"Would you shut the fuck up and stop killing the fun?" Tyler said, cutting me off. I glared at him.

"Chill Tyler. It's okay Laina, we're almost done." Taco told me.

"Tyler, I will slap you." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Come over here and slap me." Tyler said, testing me. I grabbed a can of soda that hadn't been opened yet and threw it at Tyler, hitting him right in the forehead.

"Ow, what the fuck Alaina?" Tyler said rubbing his head. The guys busted out laughing.

"That's what you get for being annoying as hell." I said

"Fucking fag." he said, looking angry.

"Anyway. You guys should probably move away from this car too before you damage it." I said, referring to the car that was parked right next to their equipment.

"Alaina, go fucking sit somewhere." Tyler said, still rubbing his forehead.

"I will." I said, rolling my eyes again and then walking away from them. On the other side of the parked car, there was a bench so I sat on it since I was tired of sitting on the grass. The bench was facing away from the guys, so I didn't have to look at them or annoying Tyler. The car was also blocking them anyway.

I got my Beats headphones out to drown out the sounds of the loud fire crackers. I put on Chris Brown's X album and blasted it in my ears and closed my eyes.

Tyler's POV

"We're really gonna listen to her?" I told these faggots as they actually started moving our shit further away from the car like Alaina said.

"Yeah nigga there's a bigger space over there anyways." Jasper said, pointing to a more spacious area. I heavily sighed and touched my forehead. That shit hurt. Alaina is fucking lucky that she's a girl because I would've threw the whole table at her ass. I don't even know where the fuck she went but I don't give a fuck right now.

I grabbed some stuff as we moved to the bigger area. Jasper was about to pop another fire cracker.

"Nigga let me have a turn, you've been doing these shits all day." I said grabbing it out of Jasper's hand.

"Nigga fuck you." Jasper said, sitting down to take a break.

"Bro, I wanna stand on something high to pop these. Ya'll think I could climb this tree?" I said, looking up at the tree.

"No nigga, remember what happened last time when you climbed a tree?" Taco said, referring to when I fell from a tree a few months ago and had to get stitches on my arm.

"You're right. This tree is a little too high up anyway." I said looking around for something to stand on. Then I looked at the car we moved away from.

"I could stand on the car." I said.

"Nigga we are not moving our shit back over there." Jasper said.

"Shut your fat ass up, I didn't say we had to move our shit you fat fuck. Earl, come with me over there." I said, grabbing a few fire crackers ,as I started walking back over there.

We reached the car and I started climbing on top of it.

"Nigga, what if the car alarm come on?" Earl said.

"Just don't hit the car. Pass me the matches." I told him, as he threw them to me.

"Nigga what the hell, there's only one left." I said.

"The rest is with Jasper." he said. I sucked my teeth and started lighting the match but it wouldn't light up.

"This shit isn't working." I said, as I kept trying to light it.

"Give me, you're not doing it right." Earl said climbing on top of the car about to take the matches away from me.

"Nigga I am doing it right, move." I told him. I tried again one last time expecting it not to light but it did and ended up falling out of my hands. It landed on the car and the car instantly started catching on fire.

"Shit!" me and Earl said at the same time and hopped off the car.

"Fuck what the fuck" I said backing away, watching the flames spread on the car

"Nigga run!" Earl said as we both started running.

Jasper and Taco noticed us running and noticed the car on fire too.

"Dude, what the fuck did you do?" Taco yelled.

"Hodgy, Skye, let's go!" Earl yelled to them as they got up from the tree and ran.

"What the fuck did y'all niggas do? Come on, grab this shit we gotta go." Hodgy yelled, grabbing Skye's hand.

"Wait guys, where's Alaina?" Skye said looking around.

"Fuck." I said to myself looking around for her and beginning to get worried as fuck.

But after Skye said that we all seen Alaina running in our direction but she was too late. The car exploded. Pieces of the car flew everywhere and what looked like the car door flew and hit Alaina, causing her to fall right to the ground.

I was the first person that started running fast as fuck to her but I started coughing a lot.

"Tyler, slow down!" I heard Taco say. My asthma started to fuck with me and I didn't have my pump on me. It started getting hard for me to breathe and I fell right to the floor before I could reach Alaina.


They both died, the end.

JUST KIDDING 😭. Sorry if this was short. did you guys like this ? I don't really like it I felt that it could've been better 😩. idk

But i would love votes and comments or else you all will be left with this cliff hanger.

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