Chapter Fifteen

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Tyler's POV

I sat on the couch while Steve yelled at me. I ain't say nothing because I know if I did it wouldn't be nice. At all. My mother came home a few minutes ago and right now Steve is explaining to her what a bad job I did babysitting. I told this nigga from the jump I'm not a fan of babysitting. Dumb nigga.

"And then she repeats the curses that he obviously said around her!" Steve said as my mom shook her head. I sighed. I better still be getting paid because like at least they're still alive.

"Tyler, you can't be doing that." my mom said. I sighed. Whatever.

"So can I get my money now?" I asked.

"Money? You think I'm giving you money after what just happened?"

"Um yes nigga because I did my job. I babysat the little girls all day. You said you were paying me so I would like my mula." This nigga better give me my shit. I dont even need that money but I don't like the feeling of me doing something for Steve for free. This nigga better pay up.

"You didn't do the job right! I can't see my nieces anymore!"

"They're not your children anyway! Eventually she'll get over it and you'll see them so shutup already. Shit."

"You are disrespectful. Don't talk to me like that."

"Ugh you say that shit all the time. You should already know I didn't like you since the beginning. So shut the fuck up and give me the money then I won't say shit to your annoying ass."
He looked at me with an evil ass glare.

"Get out this house." he said. I busted out laughing.

"Nigga this is MY house. You get out!" I said.

"Can you stop arguing! Tyler go to your room, Steve calm down." my mom said getting in between us. I was about to punch him in his face anyway.

"I don't want him to go in his room, I want him to get out!" Steve yelled.

"How are you gonna kick me out of my house? Shutup and calm your titties." I said.

"Tyler, it's his house too." my mom said. I looked at her like she was stupid as fuck.

"What? You're taking his side or some shit?" I said.

"I didn't say that. Stop being disrespectful and stay in your place. Don't talk to adults like that. Especially to your stepdad."

"HE'S NOT MY FUCKING REAL DAD. Even if he was I don't give a fuck! You know what, Imma leave." I said, trying to calm down. Who kicks somebody out because of this stupid shit. He acting like I killed his nieces, they're good, they're alive. Fuck. I walked out the door. Wasted my fucking day babysitting twins and one of them being annoying as fuck. And then at the end of the day I didn't get paid. I'm pissed.

It was dark outside and I walked down the block. I parked my car somewhere down there so I walked to it. I was getting ready to pass Alaina's house and when I did, I saw her sitting on her front steps. Just looking at her made me calm down instantly for some reason.

"Alaina." I said, standing outside of her house gate, with my hands on the bars. She looked up from her phone.

"Oh hey." she said smiling a little, with her dimples showing.

"What're you doing?" I asked.

"Nothing, I didn't feel like staying in my house." she said.

"You wanna go somewhere with me real quick?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders. I wanted to go to the lake and this would be my first time showing somebody besides one of my niggas the lake.

"Um, sure." she said getting up. She opened the gate and closed it back. She was about to walk then I stopped her.

"What?" she asked looking back at me.

"Can I get a hug?"

She tiptoed a little while hugging me. I was tempted to touch her butt, but she already pulled away when I was about to grab it. I sighed. Not about that but about that stupid nigga at my house. To think I was gonna consider being more nicer to that fag.

Alaina's POV

We walked to Tyler's car and I got in the passenger's seat putting on my seatbelt. Tyler started the car, then drove. He kind of looked upset about something. I also noticed he didn't put his seat belt on.

"Why do you and Hodgy never put on seat belts?" I asked, shaking my head a little. He didn't say anything though. We stopped at a red light and he looked at me.

"Put on your seatbelt before you die." I said. He sighed a little and put on his seatbelt. Better. He started driving again. The drive was silent. He would usually always talk or at least put on the radio but he didn't. I would know this because I drove with him the other day. We didn't even go anywhere that day we just took a drive but it was fun. Anyway I would've asked Tyler what was wrong but he probably doesn't want to talk about it.

He parked the car and we both got out. I followed him as he lead me to some secluded area with grass and a lake.

"You're not tryna rape me right?" I asked.

"I could... but I'm not." he said, sitting down on the grass. I laughed a little and looked out at the lake.

"This is nice." I said.

"Yeah." he said, taking something out his pocket.

"So why'd you take me here?" I asked.

"Because this is where I go to think about shit and I wanted to show you it. Sit your fat ass down." he said. I chuckled and sat down next to him.

"Is that marijuana?" I asked.

"Yeah, you want some?"

"No! I don't smoke." I said.

"I figured that." he said, smoking his marijuana.

"Are you alright?" I asked.



"You're going to Taco's pool party right?" he asked, I guess trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, he told me about it the other day. At first I wasn't gonna go but Skye really wanted me to."

"Good." he said.

"What's wrong? It's weird when you're not being your regular self."

"There's nothing wrong." he said, taking another inhale or whatever of his marijuana.

"Yes there is because you said you come here to think about stuff so there must be something on your mind." I said.

"What if I just came here to show you it and that's it." he said.

"But why would you just wanna show me it."

"Damn Alaina, shutup. You're asking alot of shit for no reason." He snapped. Oo he's lucky that I know he's upset about something or I woulda probably slapped him but let me be quiet while he gets high. Even though he could of just came here himself if he just wanted to get high and not talk about anything.

I got up and walked closer to the lake. It looked real nice, with the moon shining and everything. It felt a little cool over here though. Especially because I had on shorts and a tank top. I turned around to see Tyler standing behind me. Creep. I touched my arms to warm them since they were a little cool.

"You cold?" he asked me. "Yeah." I said not looking at him.

"Come here." he said. I walked to him and he took my hand as we walked closer to the lake. I smiled a little and looked down at my feet. I don't know what he was doing but when I looked back up, I felt freezing cold water splash on me. My hair was dripping and everything. Tyler busted out laughing. I stood there for a while with my mouth open, taking in what just happened. I looked at Tyler and he had a cup in his hand, smiling at me and still laughing.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU." I told him. He laughed and started running and I ran after him. We were running in circles until I jumped on him causing him to fall. I pinned his arms down as I sat on him.

"I like this position." he said smirking at me. I slapped him and took the cup out of his hand to throw it in his face.

"Ow, shit." he said.

"Why would you do that you idiot! Now I'm even more cold. Take me home now!" I said still on top of him, with my clothes wet. I was trying to make myself heavy and cause him pain but he ended up liking that fact that I was on top of him. Freak. He started laughing again.

"I bet you thought I was giving you a jacket or some shit." he said laughing. I slapped him again and got off of him. I folded my arms, waiting for him to get up. He smiled at me and stood in front of me.

"I hate you." I said.

"You're cute when you're mad." He said.

"I'm cold, take me home."

"You look cute wet too."

"You're an idiot."

"You're sexy."


"Okay." he said, then out of no where he kissed me. Surprisingly, I started kissing back. His lips were so soft and they felt good on mines. I pulled away and looked somewhere else. I could tell he was looking at me.

"I'll take you home now." he said, breaking the silence. I nodded my head and quietly followed him to his car. The drive was quiet once again, and I was just staring out the car window. I noticed we were in front of my house so I unbuckled my seat belt and got out and closed the car door. I looked through the window at him.

"Bye." I said.

"Bye Laina." he said, and I quickly turned around and walked in my house.

Tyler's POV

After I watched Alaina go in her house, I texted Taco to see if I could stay at his house tonight because I didn't wanna go back to my house. I sat there in my car still in front of her house to wait for a reply. I started thinking.

When I kissed Alaina at the lake, that was good ass moment. I didn't take her to the lake to kiss her but it just happened. I was planning on telling her some things that were bothering but I had changed my mind since I hate talking to people about shit like that, no matter who they are. But Alaina was acting weird and shit after I kissed her. She started acting all quiet and shit. Since she didn't say anything about it, I didn't say anything about it. I was thinking about it though.

I looked back at my phone, seeing Taco's text saying that I could come over. I started driving to his house. Good thing his family wasn't home because his sister be weird as fuck. Like she use to like me and shit and she's like 15. She not bad looking and she not that young but I don't look at her that way. Plus she's creepy with it. When I slept over one time, this bitch was staring at me in my sleep. She even named our children already, like bitch no.

I arrived at Taco house and got out my car. I knocked on his door and he let me inside. He looked like he just woke up so I guess he going back to sleep. I changed into my pajamas that was over here, because like I said before some of my clothes be over here since I sleepover alot. I went into Taco's room, laying on the other bed. I never knew why this nigga had two beds in his bedroom that he sleeps in alone.

* -the next morning-

"And she was like 'I have a dick' and I was like 'what the fuck?'" Taco was saying. We were eating breakfast in the living room. I wasn't listening to anything this nigga was saying, that's the only thing I heard. Taco had finished his egg sandwich except for the crust. I felt the crust being thrown at my face.

"Nigga, what's wrong witchu?" Taco asked. I stuffed the rest of my sandwich in my mouth.

"Nuh ih." I said with a full mouth, trying to say 'nothing'."

"You fucking liar." he said.

I swallowed my food in my mouth then drank the rest of my juice.

"Ah shit, I got a cut on my elbow." Taco said, picking at his elbow.

"I kissed Alaina." I blurted out.

"Okay, you random ass nigga."

"Nah, I'm serious" I said.

"So what does that mean."

"The fuck you mean what does that mean? It means I fucking kissed her."

"When was this?"

"At the lake."

"You took her to the lake?" Taco asked. He looked so interested.

"Yeah." I shrugged.

"Oooo you likeeee her."

"Shutup fag no I don't."

"Then why else would you fucking kiss her and take her to the lake? You cunt."

".. Because she sexy as fuck. You clit."

Taco laughed. "Whatever you saaay Tylerrr." he sang. He got up from the table.

"I gotta pee." he said.

"Shut the fuck up." I said as he got up from the table.


This is probably a lil short but I just wanted to quickly upload for you guys because I might not upload on the weekend and I start school on Monday :( 😐😑😕😷😞😒

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