Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7
Tyler's POV

I woke up and stretched. I had a good ass sleep. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the time. 11:52am. I got up and went inside my bathroom, took a piss, and brushed my teeth. I went downstairs and saw stacks of delicious smelling pancakes on the table. I took like five and put them on a plate and drowned them in syrup. I took out my phone and took a selfie with my pancakes and put them on instagram then started devouring that shit. It was good as fuck, my mom never made them this good before.


I put my dishes in the sink and walked out the kitchen so I could take a shower. When I walked out, my mom walked into the house.

"Tyler you're back already?" She asked with bags in her hand, looking at me confused. I looked at her confused.

"Back from where?"

She stared at me for a second. "Tyler please don't tell me you forgot." she said putting the bags down.

"Forgot what? What the f-"

"Tyler , you forgot to pick up my dress and the tuxedo! Are you kidding me?" shit , I forgot about that.

"I ask you to do one simple thing! One simple thing and you can't do that." She said rubbing her temple like she was stressed.

"Damn my bad ma, I'll go pick it up now."

"No Tyler! It's already two and a half hours late, plus the place is really far that's why I wanted you to go early. It's too late. The guy said If you come late to pick it up then that's it, it won't be there because they can't have a dress there for more than 3 months. What the hell am I suppose to do now Tyler? The wedding is in 3 days! I had that perfect dress ready for months! I can't ask you to do anything." She said shaking her head and walking right past me looking pissed and stressed as hell. Damn. (A/n Idk if they really do that at wedding dress places but i made that up. )

"I'm sorry ma." I said looking at her. She ain't say nothing though she just sat at the table with her face in her hands. I fucked up alot of times but for some reason I feel like this time is the worse and i actually feel bad. It's my mom's big day, her wedding, and I fucked up. And I know she always wanted to get married. Her and my dad were never married, but I know she always told me she would be the happiest woman alive if she got married with a beautiful wedding and all that love shit.

"Mom, um-"

"Leave me alone Tyler." she said with her face still in her hands.

"I just wanted to say sorry again."

"Just go."

I walked up the stairs. Now she got me feeling like shit. I don't know If she noticed but I actually said sorry which I barely say and If I say it I never mean it. I guess she's that mad. I sighed and went to go take a shower.


I came back downstairs, wearing a black shirt that said Golfwang in red with a cat on it, dark blue shorts that came up to my knees, red vans and some long ass white socks that said OF on them. I sat on the couch and started texting on my phone to see what my plans were for today. I heard the front door open and close and I heard a deep voice humming. Must be that Steve nigga. I heard my mom coming down the stairs and I looked back at her. She glanced at me then looked somewhere else.

"Hello people. You look upset honey what's wrong?" Steve asked my mom and walked over to her.

"Everything is ruined." She said, choking out her words like she's been crying. I sighed. I mean everything wouldn't be ruined, I could get her ass another dress. She don't gotta act like it's the end of the world. But women are so obsessed with finding the perfect dress and shit.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"We can't have a wedding without my wedding dress. I asked Tyler to pick it up but as always he never listens and do what I say, plus now I have to get him another tuxedo and the wedding is in two days. I'm not going to be over dramatic about the situation so I'm just gonna try and buy a simple dress from somewhere. It's just that I can't wear my beautiful dream wedding dress." She said and sighed and was probably about to cry again.

"Ugh, I said I was sorry I didn't do it on purpose, I overslept by accident." I said.

"You probably did it on purpose since you didn't want me to get married and be happy in the first place." She said raising her voice." I looked at her.

"What? I never said that and just because I don't want you to get married to that nigga doesn't mean Imma fuck up your wedding. I fucking forgot." I said getting mad.

"Whoa whoa calm down it's alright, I got it." Steve said walking out the room and coming back in with two big ass plastics that look like it came from the cleaners. We both looked at him.

"Wh-.. What is that?" My mom asked.

"Your dress honey. I know you told Tyler to pick it up, and when you left early this morning, I woke up and saw Tyler was still sleep. I tried to wake him up and i think he cursed at me in his sleep and he wouldn't get up. So I got ready, made some pancakes then went to go get it myself. I picked up his tux too." He said holding up the dress and tux. "And don't worry I didn't look at the dress or anything."

"Oh my gosh! Thank you thank you so much. I love you sweetie." She said and tackled Steve with a hug and kissed him.

"Well there you go, you got your dress and you're happy again. I'm not trying to ruin your happiness so I'll be out." I said grabbing my skateboard and headed to the door.

"Tyler." I heard my mom say but I walked out the door already.


After walking and skating around outside and shit, still mad I decided to go to Taco's house. I rode to his house and was gonna open his door but it was locked. So now he chooses to lock his door. I rang his doorbell and waited for an answer but there wasn't any. I wonder where this nigga went. I texted him and he texted back talking 'bout he was at work. Oh shit I forgot this nigga recently got a summer job because his mother kept forcing him to get one since he's lazy and shit. He doesn't need to work for the money obviously since we're rappers and shit but his mother wanted him to do something productive.

I sat on the steps in front of Taco's house. He said he was about to come home from work anyway so I decided to just chill here in front of his house. I took out some blunts I had rolled up earlier, lit one up and started smoking it. There was no one around and me and Tac always smoke on his front steps so yeah.

Alaina's POV

I was on my way home from having brunch with Skye. Ever since we've talked at the skatepark, which was only yesterday, we had decided to have brunch today to get to know each other more since she seemed cool. Well yeah she's really cool and I think we're gonna be good friends. She can't replace my bestfriend Reemah though. I love that girl. Speaking of her I should video chat with her when I get home.

"Hey girl!" Reemah said through my laptop screen. I was up in my bedroom on my bed. We were on oovoo.

"Hey Ree! How you been?"

"I been good Laina, what about you? Having fun yet?" I smiled.

"Actually yeah. Remember when I told you about that boy that was tryna talk to me? Well his name is Tyler and since he's been bothering me ever since I came here, he invited me to hang with his friends yesterday and it was actually cool. Well at first it wasn't but in the end I had fun."

"Cool! I'm glad you're having fun now girl. I miss you though. I miss our shopping sprees and shit like right now we would be buying up the whole mall and going everywhere." She smiled. I chuckled.

"I know right! But as soon as you get out here we're gonna do our thing. I haven't even been shopping yet, I'll go tomorrow."

"Girl I woulda been shopping as soon as I got there." I chuckled.

"So are you gonna ask Allan to drive you or something?" She asked.

"Yeah, I guess so. I doubt he would like that idea. See that's why I need you and your car."

"See that's why you need to get a driver's license." She chuckled.

"Yeah whatever. Hey maybe I'll go with Skye." I said , thinking about it.

"Who's Skye?"

"A new friend I made. Her boyfriend is one of Tyler's friends so she hangs with them and we talked yesterday. I actually went to brunch with her earlier getting to know her more. She's cool and omg she has the most beautiful hair! It's like a bluish tealish color and it's gorgeous. It's like Heather Sanders' hair."

"Oh cool. I see you girl making new friends. Make sure you don't replace me though." She said eyeing me through the camera. I laughed.

"That'll never happen." I said.

"Mhhm. But I'll probably text you later because I gotta go somewhere with my mom right now so bye Laina girl, love ya." She said blowing kisses.

"Aw, okay. Bye Ree!" I said then closed my laptop.

I laid back then looked at the time. It was going on 6. I turned on my tv and flipped through channels. I turned to Ridiculousness and watched that. I recently started liking this show. They were playing the episode with Justin Bieber but it was ending in like five minutes. I pressed the right button to see what was coming on next. They were playing another episode of Ridiculousness and it said Tyler and Taco. Whaat O.o. I never seen this before.

(A/n Alaina doesn't know that Tyler is a rapper because she's not into rap music so she doesn't listen to it what so ever and doesn't know he's Tyler the Creator and that he's in odd future and so don't think that she's slow. )

I was watching my tv, amused that I saw Tyler and Taco on Ridiculousness. It was actually funny. I didn't know he rapped. Interesting.


When the show ended I recieved a call from Tyler, ironically.

"Hello?" I answered, turning down the tv a little.

"Waddup girl with the big 'ol booty."
I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want idiot."

"A nigga can't call to say waddup?" he said.

"Whatever. But hey I didn't know you were a rapper? Tyler, the Creator."

He started laughing.

"What the fuck, you serious?"

"Yeah.. I don't listen to rap so I didn't know." I said

"Damn. Is that why you ain't know my name when you met me? I was wondering why you weren't screaming 'omg it's Tyler the Creator omg Tylerrrr omg'" he said in a girl voice. I chuckled.

"Ah whatever. I guess so."

"You can't tell me you never heard of me before." he said, as I heard shuffling in the background.

"I probably did but never cared or remembered." I heard more noise in the background of his phone.

"Wow. Anyway how you found out if you ain't know?" he said.

"I was watching Ridiculousness." I said.

"Ohh." he said chuckling, then I heard a loud noise like something dropped on the other line.

"What are you doing?" I asked Tyler.

"Shit. My bad I'm at Taco's house. He fell asleep so I'm tryna find his lotion so I could slap the shit outta him and I'm dropping shit and shit. Imma call you back." he said and hung up. I shook my head and laid down, soon falling asleep.


This chapter was probably boring. But I should skip a few days now..

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