n i n e :: shooting stars

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The space boy and the poetry ran forward into life, like the shooting stars they were.

We graduated in May, and we were both going to art school.

As we stood in our new apartment, his hand in mine, he turned to face me.

"We've almost made it, space boy."

I didn't know what he meant, but to be honest I almost never did.

I just nodded and he wrapped his arms around my neck- soft lips on my own.

I rested my hands on his hips, he was always warm and beautiful.

He moved like a poem, he breathed like a poem.

He was art, my own personal master piece; my poetry boy.

He whispered to me that night as we laid together, his voice full of an emotion I couldn't quite pinpoint.

"We do not remember days, we remember moments."

For once I felt like I knew exactly what he meant, and I whispered back in return.

"Baekhyun, you are so beautiful. Everlasting."

He smiled, placing butterfly kisses on my neck, gently replying.

"You'll never know the half of it, perfect space boy."

I loved him so much, I really couldn't breathe.

When he walked into a room, when he glanced my way.

Everything was completely and utterly perfect, like the piece of art he was.

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