get the fuck out

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Me and all the girls spent the night at El's house after shopping. She has a huge house; 4 bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths, its 2 story's with an attic. The attic is quite spacious its were we store stuff like presents and money and random junk. she has a huge back yard and a swimming pool. Her basement is a game room, just like mine, I gave her the idea for when i come over. It has an xbox 360 and kinnect, bunches of games A 65" flat screen 3D tv that i bought for her birthday last year. the game room has other stuff to too like air hockey a pool table yata yata. Her house is almost the same size as mine and we have like the exact same floor plan too. Well back to the converations I kinda zoned out.

"so victor, how come you never got out?" perrie asked me. All us girls were curled up on the couch waiting for the boys. It was supposed to be a girls weekend but they wouldnt stop spamming our phone with stupid ass messages saying that they're bored and miss us so we said they could come. I explained the contract and stuff and started explaining exactly why im doing it. " well it's for harry --" "whats for harry?" speak of the devil. "Nothing. Not a thing" I smiled sweetly he gave me a look and then started to text on his phone as the other boys came in and sat on the floor. The 11th dr who theme song started playing, thats my message tone so I grabbed my ipone and clicked the message icon. annnnnnnd its from harry. Shit.

New Message:

YOUFAVORITEANDONLYBROTHER: think of some reason we should go to the other room to talk where the boys wont snoop I want to know what you were talking about, and NO bullshit.

He changed he's contact name cause I always put something stupid and he wouldnt let me change it so don't jude me! *queue fake tears after dramatic play in my head.Anywho, I knew I wasn't getting out of talking to him,That doesn't necessarily mean I have to tell him the whole truth but I guess ill tell him.


I put an alarm on my phone that will go off in like five seconds, everyone else will assume someone's calling me. *IM GONNA POP SOME TAGS ONLY GOT TWENTY DO-* I grabbed my phone, hit snooze and put the phone to my ear like I was talking to an actual person. "hello, oh hey,are you sure, right now? ok bye" everyone was lookin at me as I stood up. I tottaly made that phone call up i hope harry catches on. "harry, mom called and she wants at the house real quick" "why cant you go by your self?" I gave him a look and through my gritted teeth i tried again "harry, I think we should go now and 'we can talk about it' in the car. Relization dawned on his face and he got up "oh yeah, alright lets go " I glanced at the girls and they seemed to know I was about to tell him what I told them,if that makes sense. I jumped in the passenger seat of his range rover and it wasn't even two minutes in before he asked me about earlier.


I really want to know why she was talking about me to the girls. If i was smart I would of waited and just eavesdropped but I wasnt thinking straight.

"so what is for harry?" I asked trying not to sound as suspicious as I was.

She sighed before answering. "I'll tell you only if you promise not to get mad and you do exactly as I say, ok?"

"yes ma'am."  She looked down at her lap as she spoke. "well whenever you decided you didn't want to be a spy anymore, and that you wanted to pursue a singing career. The boss didn't like that you see he wanted you to stay. So I made a deal with him. I signed a 5 year contract that says I will train extra hard, take up double the amount of work, and pretty much always be available. I only agreed because they promised me that you could continue your career and have extra protection. Then when the band became famous I added another year to ensure their safety as well, Thats why you have lou, paul, eddy, george and some other bodyguards as well. They work for the agency. "

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