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"you're kidding me. this is not the jeon jungkook's number." seolhee observed her friend's expression. sora shrugged and plopped down onto the couch in which they shared in their dorm. less than an hour ago, sora had revealed the album that held the number to seolhee, and sora could've sworn seolhee almost fainted.

sora had done exactly what jungkook asked of her without any hitches. she was honestly proud of herself for pulling off such an act so perfectly. especially since she was watching her go through the signed albums so intently.

"it really is, i suppose. you should text the number and find out." sora sighed and pulled out her own phone, texting a reply to someone who was probably her boyfriend.

seolhee looked down at the album that was signed with a number again and groaned. "it is not! stop pranking me already."

sora rolled her eyes and grabbed seolhee's phone off the coffee table and typed in the girl's password. she took the album from her and created a new contact using the number. after she was done, she tossed the album to the left of her and handed the phone back to seolhee. she glared at sora who only shrugged again and went back to doing her own thing.

"if this is a prank, i'm requesting a new roommate."

with that, seolhee briskly walked into her room and kicked off her shoes before shutting the door. "I wonder how much I can sell these albums for.." she laid down on her bed and placed her arm over her eyes. with a sigh, she rolled over on her side and pulled her knees up to her chest. 'why on earth would sora prank me like this?' she thought over and over.

she laid there on her bed for what seemed like an eternity and almost fell asleep. well, that was until her phone buzzed indicating that she got a text message. curious, she turned on her phone and frowned at what she saw.

the literal sky: c'mon just give it a try, im not pranking you.

seolhee groaned and wanted to toss her phone to the other side of the world. honestly, she was just nervous about feeling embarrassed if it wasn't the jungkook. however if it was really him, she would probably be in disbelief still. she just can't accept or grasp the fact that a famous idol wants to talk to her.

thinking it over, she unlocked her phone and tapped on the messages app. mentally sighing, she created a new chat with the contact "jungkook 🌚".

"god, i'll have to change that name later. thanks sora." seolhee grumbled to herself as she typed a message then hitting send.

seolhee: rlly m8. ur shitting me

almost immediately there was a reply.

jungkook 🌚: what???

seolhee sucked in a breath and shook her head. "shit. what am i doing?"

fansign |jeon jungkook|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora