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the literal sky: soooo wasn't i right?

seolhee: about what

the literal sky: oh come on. wasn't i right about jungkook
giving you his number?

seolhee: stfu sora
seolhee: i still don't trust this guy okay.
seolhee: i just find it hard to believe that
jungkook would try to get in touch with a fan.

the literal sky: why tho?
the literal sky: dude jungkook is a man,
why wouldn't he jump at the chance to talk to a girl

seolhee: yeah but!1!!1
seolhee: have u ever seen him around other females?
seolhee: he's like a scared puppy.

the literal sky: oh well.
the literal sky: you'll thank me one day for pushing you
to text him.

seolhee: wtf are u talking about

the literal sky: ;)))
the literal sky: gtg tho i'm about to drive back to the apartment

seolhee: ugh fine, but i'm at the store getting ice cream
so don't expect lunch to be made

the literal sky: wtf how did i get a rat like you as a roommate
the literal sky: bye hoe

seolhee: tf
seolhee: bye

jungkook & seolhee

jungkook: hey!! wyddd

seolhee: im at the supermarket buying stuff

jungkook: omg which market

seolhee: the one by my apartment

jungkook: where is ur apartment??

seolhee: next to the supermarket duh

jungkook: aaaand,,, where is that?

seolhee:  in korea? where else would it be

jungkook: wwhere in korea

seolhee: next to my apartment!1!1

jungkook: oml why won't u tell me where you are

seolhee: bc im trying to shop
seolhee: and ur sketchy af

jungkook: excUSE yoU

seolhee: its tru

jungkook: fine bye

seolhee: why is everyone saying bye today tf

jimin & jungkook

jimin: so ;))) how's it going with that chick?

jungkook: she's not just "some chick", her name is seolhee

jimin: yeah yeah
jimin: anYWay
jimin: did u get in her pants yet?

jungkook: What the fvck Jimin.
jungkook: I'm not talking to her just to get in her pants.

jimin: whoaaa, bringing out the correct grammar
jimin: i must have really offended you

jungkook: stfu  hyung
jungkook: look ok, it's not like that
jungkook: she doesn't even think im me.

jimin: LMAOOO
jimin: how do you plan on making her know it's you?

jungkook: she and i have already talked it out.
jungkook: so don't worry about it.

jimin: hey wait, open the door im back from the store.


    jungkook opened the door faster than he ever had for jimin. he stood there and looked flustered as the wind hit his face from how quickly the door was thrown open.
"which store did you go to?!" jungkook questioned while blocking the doorway so that jimin could not get in before answering him. "um.. the one that's just down the road.." he replied, while shifting on his feet.

"did you see anyone familiar there?" he continued to question and moved to a more comfortable position, which was preferably leaning against the doorframe.

"other than myself in a mirror, no." jimin smirked, feeling confident in his sarcasm. jungkook rolled his eyes at the older male and slightly moved aside to let him in. jimin walked in and dropped off the grocery bags that he held. with a sigh he began to take out the items he bought and used one hand to lower the black surgical mask he wore.

"...are you sure?" jungkook broke the silence between them and started helping with putting away the groceries. his voice was drenched in desperation and jungkook hardly hid it. jimin noticed and finally decided to give in and tell him what he wanted to hear.

"well there was this one other girl buying ice cream, but i didn't recognize her." he said nonchalantly.

"hyung! that could've been her!" jungkook said while slamming down a jar of pickles on the counter. jimin shrugged and balled up the plastic grocery bags before throwing them away.
"dude you seriously think i would've recognize a girl i talked to for five seconds while signing an album?"

he sighed at the older boy's answer and ran his fingers through his hair. with a whistle, jimin walked out of the room and plopped down in the couch.

jungkook glanced at the bananas that jimin had just put in the fruit bowl and shortly sighed. he turned from the fruit and his eyes landed on the lonely black surgical mask that jimin wore. with a rash idea, he grabbed the mask and pulled it on over his face. he was going to prove it to her, even if he broke the stupid deal they made.


jungkook froze at the sound of his name. it was probably taehyung waking up from a nap. he bit down on his lip as he felt the eyes of jimin and taehyung on him. with a groan, he ripped the mask off of his face and threw it to the floor.


seolhee: yo dude i bought ice cream
and its feels so good 4 my sore throat
seolhee: too bad u cant have any, rat

jungkook: wait
jungkook: ice cream?

yoyoyoyyo thanks for reading my fanfic, and oh my gosh i love all of you!!

thank you for 1K reads!!!


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