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"sora, can't you just go to the store by yourself?" seolhee whined as she slipped on her favorite black converse.

"um! no i can't. there could be creepy guys there!"

seolhee rolled her eyes at sora with a sigh, "there are creepy dudes everywhere fam" she noticed sora grip the car keys tighter and stood rigid, "believe me! i'm talking to some guy right now who believes he's the jungkook. remember?"

"yeah but he is the real jungkook, seol. plus, if you really thought he was just some creepy dude, then why are you still talking to him?"

seolhee gulped and felt her palms get sweaty. she ignored sora's question and walked to the door. "let's just go to the store already."

"oh so now you want to go to the store. just to get out of talking about jungkook."

seolhee ignored her again and walked out the door into the hallway of the dormitory. sora followed behind her with a smug look and shut the door after she checked to make sure it was locked.

"think of all of this as a gift, seol."

seolhee turned to her room mate.

"getting to know jungkook could get us into free concerts and fan meets."

seolhee almost smacked the smirk off sora's face.

jimin and jungkook

jungkook: ok so hyung
jungkook: can you do me a favor

jimin: not if its anything creepy

jungkook: i was just going to ask
if you could maybe go check on the girl i've been talking to,,,

jimin: what that's creepy lol
jimin: you want me to stalk that girl??
jimin: jungkook wtf lol you ask me about her every time i go somewhere

jungkook: i can't help it tbfh
jungkook: like last week she was sick and it worried me,
jungkook: but i could've even go to check on her to see if she was ok

jimin: why not LOL

jungkook: hyung, she still doesn't even believe i'm me.

jimin: lol rip @ u

jungkook: i'm being serious!

jimin: woah chill
jimin: look all i can do is hang out by the same store i may have seen her at
jimin: i'll go to the store today okay

jungkook: thanks hyung

jimin: but if any other fans notice me and chase me around
jimin: i'm totally killing you


seolhee opened the car door with a little force and stepped out into the parking lot. sora took the keys out of the ignition and also stepped out of the car.

"so, what do you have in mind for dinner?" seolhee asked as sora caught up with her. she grabbed at shopping cart from beside a car and pushed it along.

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