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jungkook: ok so we're at the coffee shop u were talking about
jungkook: we reserved out the whole restaurant to be sure no fans come

sora: "we're"??
sora: also wtf, u reserved the whole shop? that's a little extra,,,

jungkook: JIMIN & i are just bein careful here, ok

sora: lm a o, okay
sora: i'm abt to be there with her so u
can tell her all ur mushy guy feelings

jungkook: ok wtf just get here hunty

sora: whoa there "hunty" do u want me to say
sora: "oh nvm seolhee the shop has

jungkook: ok!1!1! i'll chill.
jungkook: just get here already.

sora: stfu or else
sora: bye.


"sora, which shop are we going to? why is it so far from the dorm?" seolhee yawned and looked out the passenger window, bored.

"chill. the coffee there is so good, you'll instantly get out of your funk. i promise."

"you better be right or i'm never trusting you ever again." she sighed.

sora pulled into the small parking lot of the coffee shop and groaned. the parking lot was virtually empty, except for a few cars. she parked and silently prayed that seolhee wouldn't notice that no one was here besides like two people and the workers.

she pulled the keys from the ignition and turned to seolhee with a forced smile. "c'mon seol, cheer up for me?" she glared in response and took off her seatbelt. "please! i can't stand you being this way. i want my best friend to be happy." sora furrowed her eyebrows and watched seolhee quickly get out of the car.

sora emerged from the car with her small purse and briskly walked to get in front of her friend. seolhee rolled her eyes and shot darts through sora's back with her eyes.

"let's just hurry up and get inside so we can go home sooner."

the girls both walked at about the same pace now, and opened the double doors. sora quickly glanced around, seeing no one. as she stopped, she failed to notice seolhee already ordering her coffee. "sora. stop looking around and come here to order already."

"alright just give me a second-"

a firm hand gripped her elbow and stopped her mid sentence. she jumped and quickly glared at the person who grabbed her. of course that person was none other than jeon jungkook, but that didn't mean she still didn't want to smack him for scaring her.

jungkook nodded his head over to a table where he was supposedly sitting at earlier, though sora swore she saw no one. now however, there was jimin sitting all nice and sweetly, waving to her subtly.

with a quick glance behind her, sora checked to see if seolhee noticed any of this and luckily she wasn't. she was standing looking at her phone, waiting for her order.

"look. let me order before you start any of your shenanigans." sora whispered harshly and jerked her elbow away. truthfully, she was a little angry that jungkook hurt her friend. then again, how could anyone be mad at the jungkook, though?

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