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for what seemed like hours, all they could do was talk about anything and everything. sora and jimin sat at a table further away, and were involved in their own conversation. the coffee shop was peaceful, and away from everything. right now, nothing but the people in it mattered.

"so what's your favorite coffee to get here?" seolhee asked while resting her head in the palm of her right hand.

"well...i usually get the caramel macchiato. but i liked to try new drinks from time to time."

seolhee smiled and jungkook returned it. around them, the day was growing dark and she knew time was running out. she wished time would continue on for longer, and selfishly wanted jungkook to not be a k-pop idol. she wanted everyday to be this way, just normal.

" you really have to go back?" seolhee wondered with furrowed brows. jungkook bit his lip and glanced away. "yeah. you know i'd rather be here though. that counts, right?"

they shared a laugh, and let it die down comfortably. "you know seolhee, i'm glad i got to meet you..again. i thought i really screwed up with getting jimin to go seek you out. i didn't know he'd do it so...creepily."

" was pretty scary. i feel kind of dumb now, knowing it was jimin. some k-pop fan i am, right? can't even recognize a group member from my favorite band."

jungkook nodded in agreement and seolhee fake gasped and lightly tapped him. "you're not supposed to agree!" he shrugged playfully and chuckled. then, he glanced over at jimin.

"you know, i think jimin rather likes your friend over there." jungkook smirked and kept glancing at them.

seolhee looked over and sighed. they were practically about to start making out right on the spot. "i don't think it'll really go anywhere." she looked back at her mint tea and took a small sip.

"seriously? you don't?" jungkook pointed to them and they this time they were making out.

groaning loudly, seolhee rolled her eyes. "oh come on, sora is just attracted to the fact that he's an idol."

they were silent. jungkook frowned.

"and what about me?"

seolhee almost choked on her sip of tea and her eyes watered from the burn. "jung-jungkook-"

he shook his head and stood up. the day was gone and night had fallen. they both knew it was time to go. "it's alright, you don't have to answer," he smiled and picked up his coffee.

"no! I mean, no. I just choked on my tea give me a second-"


"you're amazing. you're funny, sarcastic and caring. just because you-"

"seol." jungkook stared at her while she fumbled, clearly embarrassed. she wished he wouldn't call her that.

"you don't have to answer. i said it's alright. i shouldn't have asked. that was stupid of me." he smiled at her softly and watched her as she stood up.

she hugged him, resting her chin on his shoulder. over his shoulder she disgustedly watched jimin and sora. seolhee knew she would have to hear her bragging later and rolled her eyes.

jungkook tightly grasped seolhee in his arms then released her. they stood apart from each other for a second, unsure of what to do next. seolhee ached to kiss his cheek or something, but she couldn't bring herself to.

"today was fun, i'll text you later seolhee." jungkook said and glanced over at jimin. "hyung! come on, we're going to get in trouble if we stay any later." both jimin and sora pulled apart from each other swiftly with flushed faces.

"ri-right," jimin stammered and began to walk towards the door. sora almost followed, but decided the embarrassment was already too much. jungkook sighed and began walking out the door. "jungkook!" seolhee exclaimed suddenly.

he turned and waited for her to say something.

"promise we'll meet again?"

jungkook nodded and lifted his pinkie in the air. she raised her own and smiled sadly. then they were gone. it was only seolhee and sora left to themselves.

"ugh, what heart throbs they are." sora stated and threw away her cup of hot chocolate.

"yeah.." seolhee replied and gripped her mint tea. heart throbs, she thought.


why do I update like once a year? I'm sorry you guys! I felt bad about not updating so here you go!

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