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Jack opened his eyes, finding himself with his mouth duct tape shut, restrained to a chair, the same exact way that Anti-Jack was before he mysteriously disappeared. He looked around the room he was in, there was only one light glowing above him that illuminated part of the room around him, everything else was dark. He looked down below him, noticing the Anti-Trap beneath him.

"Guess who's trapped now?" A voice asked in the distance.

As the figure in the darkness appeared into the light, the figure turned out to be Anti-Jack. All Jack could do was mumble words with the duct tape over his mouth and stare at Anti-Jack.

Just then, Anti-Jack approached Jack and ripped the duct tape off of his face, making Jack scream in pain, and making Anti-Jack laugh.

"What the hell are you doing and where the hell am I?" Jack asked.
"I'm not saying anything about where you are, but you're currently suffering through the same thing I suffered while being trapped." Anti Jack explained.
"How the hell were you able to make an Anti-Trap without trapping yourself?" Jack asked.
"I discovered that my whole body had to be in a trap in order to actually trap me, not just part of my body." Anti-Jack said. "So it wasn't really that difficult..."
"And how the hell did you manage to not burn yourself when restraining me with steel?" Jack asked.
"Because that's not steel, it's silver!" Anti-Jack responded.
"You know I'm much more able to escape this than you were able to!" Jack claimed.

Just then, as his wrists and ankles touched the silver restraints, he hissed in pain as he was suddenly burned. Anti-Jack laughed again.

"What the hell did you do?" Jack asked.
"I was able to burn the silver before restraining you, so you too, could feel the burn." Anti-Jack said.

Just then, a phone in Anti-Jack's pocket rang. It was coming from Jack's phone. Anti-Jack quickly duct tape Jack's mouth shut before answering the phone... It was Dean.

"Hey Dean!" Anti-Jack responded in Jack's voice.
"Hey, are you alright?" Dean asked.
"Yeah..." Anti-Jack responded taking a few breaths. "I actually was able to knock Anti-Jack down and get him back in his time-out chair."

Suddenly, Jack began screaming through the duct tape. Anti-Jack became annoyed to the point where he balled his hand into a fist and struck him right across the cheekbone, not knocking him out, but keeping him silent.

"What was that?" Dean asked.
"Anti-Jack..." Anti-Jack responded. "He was screaming through the duct tape taped to his mouth so I shut him up."
"Well where are you?" Dean asked.
Dean's eyes widened as Anti-Jack responded to them.

"Why the hell would he take you there?" Dean asked. "Look, it doesn't matter! Just stay there, look and look after the Anti, we're on our way!"

Dean hung up.

"Where the hell are they?" Sam asked.
"In our bunker..." Dean responded.
"Wait I'm confused..." Sam said. "I thought Anti-Jack would destroy the entire city if Jack left?"
"Well technically Jack didn't leave the town, he was taken out by Anti-Jack, so I guess the city is safe for now." Dean explained.

Sam nodded in agreement.

"Well how are we gonna get all the way to the bunker?" Sam asked.
"That's easy!" Dean said.

Suddenly, Castiel appeared right behind him.

"You rang?" Castiel asked.
"Cas, take us to the bunker!" Dean demanded.
"Is that where Jack and the Anti are?" Cas asked.
"Yeah!" Dean nodded.
"I'm gonna tag along." Cas said. "I've seen Anti's before but I never know what they're capable of."
"Alright, whatever..." Dean said.

Just then, Castiel touched both of their shoulders and they were zapped right to the bunker. Right into the room where Anti-Jack and Jack were. Jack's eyes widened as he saw them magically appear.

Sam and Dean approached Anti-Jack, who they thought was Jack.

"Jack you okay?" Sam said.
"Yeah!" Anti-Jack nodded.

Castiel observed the real Jack closely. He then quickly looked at Sam and Dean.

"That's not the real Jack!" Castiel exclaimed.

Sam and Dean faced Anti-Jack again, who smiled and who's eyes turned black. Just as they were going to make a move, Anti-Jack held out his hand and flung them across the room and to the wall. Castiel then tried to stop him. Anti-Jack almost seemed to struggle but then flung Castiel to the wall.

"How the hell did you get so strong?" Dean asked.

Anti-Jack then looked over at Dean.

"Because, I'm not just some 'creature' as you both call me..." Anti-Jack claimed. "I happen to be a servant of Crowley..."

He then looked at Jack.

"In fact... We both are..." He claimed.

Jack had a confused look on his face.

"How in the hell did Crowley create you?" Dean asked.
"Well, it all started when the Anti's were pushed back into Purgatory..." Anti-Jack explained. "It just so happened that Crowley decided to make an appearance there and take me back into the real world. There, I disguised myself as Jack so I could wreak havoc and bring you all together."
"I thought you said you were created to be Jack's dark side?" Dean asked.
"Well... I lied!" Anti-Jack stated.
"How the hell did you get out of the room?" Sam asked.
"Simple..." Anti-Jack explained. "Crowley was watching and as soon as you guys started to get rid of me that's when he came in and set me free."
"Dude, you're messed up..." Dean said.
"Oh that's not all!" Anti-Jack continued. "Those websites you encountered that said the ways of getting rid of an Anti... Also created by Crowley!"

Everybody's eyes widened.

Anti-Jack then continued to speak.

"Yes that's right, everything you read, including the trap was all made up! So that we could be where we are right now!" Anti-Jack continued. He then grew serious. "Truth is... there is no way to get rid of an Anti... The only real way is by Crowley himself..."

Suddenly, just as he said those exact words, everyone heard a snap of a finger and Anti-Jack exploded.

After he exploded, a new figure appeared in front of the Winchester's, Castiel and Jack.

"Hello boys..." The figure said.

That figure... Was Crowley...

Hope you guys all like the dramatic twist I put into this chapter!

More to come!

The Hunt (Supernatural Edition)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora